★ 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 1

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Three college girls walk into a local cafe to get their coffee before their morning classes.

"So, Koya what are you going to order?" Jewels said to Koya while they waited patiently in line to get their coffee.

Suddenly a voice comes behind the three girls saying.. "I want to order her.."

The three girls turn around surprised and see there are three handsome boys staring their way..

One of the three boys suddenly speaks, with a surprisingly deep voice. "Oh um you heard me, well my name is Jino; what's yours ?"

Before Koya could even speak Braelynn cuts in, "Her name is Koya, I'm Braelynn and this is Jewels."

Koya is stunned with Braelynn's sudden outburst and whispers, "You really just gonna tell them our names like that."

The three boys laugh, hearing what Koya says. "Why don't you girls join us for a cup of coffee, my treat ? I'm Beomhwa by the way and this dude over here is Bin" He says winking over at Jewels.

"We'd love too-" Jewels starts but is quickly cut off by Koya, "Actually um, we have classes. So maybe uh, rain check ?"

"Aww man, well raincheck definitely. Where can we find you all ?" , Jino says. "We go to the university down the street.", Jewels says. Koya gives her an annoyed look.

"Aww man, the cuties are still babies, how cute." Bin says. "Hey, we are not babies! We are mature adults." Braelynn says defensively.

"Well how about we walk you guys to school ?" Jino asks.

"I don't know-" Koya starts, but is quickly cut off by Jewels. "Yes, you guys can definitely walk us to school." Beomhwa laughs and says,
"Alrighty then."

The three girls and the three boys grab their coffee's and head to school.

Not too long after they arrived at SNU, Seoul National University.

"Aww we thought we would have a longer time with you babies" , Bin says. But Braelynn gets defensive, again. "I told you we are not babies!"

Bin walks closer to Braelynn and whispers into her ear, "Well maybe you could be my baby sooner or later". He puts his hands on her waist and then walks away after letting go.
Braelynn stands with a shocked expression while Bin just has a smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Koya is also shocked while Jewels is quite excited. But then Jino walks up to Koya and says, "What? You can't handle a little flirting baby?" Koya gets very flustered while Jino gives her a kiss on the cheek.
She couldn't believe a stranger would just openly kiss her cheek like that. He must have no shame.

"By the way, the name is Jino if you don't remember." He hands her a slip of paper, that she reluctantly takes. "You should call me some time babygirl."

With that he goes and stands next to Bin while they wait for Beomhwa to stop talking to Jewels. Beomhwa is very close to Jewels and they seem to be discussing something serious.
He strokes her hand gently then walks away.

Koya and Braelynn both look at each other suspiciously but choose not to say anything. Yet at least.

Jewels looks over to her friends ignoring their suspicious looks and instead tries to give them a reassuring smile. Hoping they don't suspect anything.

The three boys wave goodbye to the girls and walked away with smirks on their faces.

The girls walk to class in silence when all of their phones had dinged. Two of the girls had received text from unknown numbers saying, "hey baby" and "hey babygirl". They had a good guess on who they were but were confused on how the boys got their numbers. Creepy.

But one girl had got a text saying, "do you think they fell for it?".
That girl was Jewels. She doesn't reply right away knowing the girls will wonder who she is texting.

They arrived to class around this time so none of them could respond. They walked in class to find the rest of their class working on a project.

"Ah so nice of you all to join us today, as you can see we're working on a project to end the semester." All three girls looked at each other hinting their all-round idea of being partners, "I will pick your partners so don't get your hopes up."

They all walk to their seats and start discussing the project with their partners. Suddenly while Koya and Jewels are working with their partners, Braelynn gets a text from the same unknown number, "ignoring me baby? it's okay, i'll pick you up after school today".

Braelynn starts to panic and immediately goes to Koya and Jewels. "Um i think not, we're all walking together to our apartment today."

Once their final class for the day was over they all walk outside to see a black G-Wagon with dark tinted windows.

"I think it's supposed to be your rid-", "I don't trust it let's go."

They walk past the car and head to their apartment where Koya and Braelynn receive text, "you cannot run from us we are everywhere. Until tomorrow when we meet, stay safe our lovely queens."

Both girls read the text messages but decided to ignore it for now..

- end of chapter one -

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