★ 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 14

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"I'm sorry. Did you really just say become Queens? In a mafia? Monarchy has been over for a long time." Braelynn says confused. She just couldn't wrap her head around the situation.

"Indeed, monarchy is over. But in the mafia world we like to do things differently. So everyone knows their place and to make sure things run smoothly. Everything needs a leader. A ruler. And every ruler needs a consort. That's where you guys come in." Taeyang says.

"But why make this decision for us. I don't want to be someone's ruler. I'm not fit for it!" Koya says becoming angry. "I want to be in control of my own life."

"And you are." Taeyang starts. " I know your not going to agree to this at first. It's simply crazy. But it's tradition. Every soon to be king finds their Queen unexpectedly. They found you guys and were excited. Too excited and not precautious, which's why the abduction happened. But that won't happen again because you guys are here, guarded and safe. The key thing now is trust. Which is why we've set for eight months. Nine to be technical."

"These months you guys will stay here. Not because we're trying to trap you but because of safety issues. Once we deem it safe enough for you all, you'll be able to go outside again. Until then you will stay here and all things needed will be fetched for you."

"I want you all to build up a relationship during this time too. Get to know each other but don't force it. That never works. We can't force you to love someone which is why after the eight months is up you three girls will decide if you want to stay with the boys in a romantic relationship or not. If not you will no longer be forced to stay here but will have to be guards for a few months just in case."

"I know it's a lot for you girls to take in but I just want you to think about this with an open mind. The boys want nothing but to love you and keep you safe even though it may not seem like it right now I assure you they do. I'll be back in a month or two with my wife, she's been dying to meet you. Think wisely and stay safe. Have a good night." And with that Taeyang is walked out by Beomhwa.

I can't do this. That was the only thing that was running through Braelynn's mind. She can't rule anyone. She can barely make decisions herself. And did she really see Bin in her future? As her future husband? It was too much and very overwhelming.

What the literal fuck. That's the only thing that was running through Koya's mind. Like who do they think she is. She has things going for her in life. She wants to become a famous painter and travel the world. Not sit on a throne telling others what to do. And she doesn't even see Jino like that. She knows this isn't going to work but she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. She might just have to wait it out, which is something she never does.

I'm so ready. That's the only thing that was running through Jewels' mind. And she was. Ready to become Queen. Ready to lead a mafia in her parents footsteps with Beomhwa guarding and protecting her. She wanted to be right at his side. Of course she was nervous for her friends. She knows they have many doubts but she just has to be there for them. Supporting their decision either way.

"This makes no damn since!" Koya yells aggravated. " Jewels, they're your parents not ours. Why do we need to become Queens? Why can't you just marry Beomhwa and be done with it!" She says as Braelynn agrees silently, nodding her head.

"Because that's not how my father does it! At least not this year he doesn't. He wants to expand the mafia in three branches. Meaning three kings, one to rule each branch. He wants to be the strongest mafia. We're almost there, but this will put us on top."

"This is just too much right now. Too much to bare. I'm going to my room. See you guys later." With that Braelynn gets up heading to her room.

"I think I'll head up to my room too. I want to call my parents. And no, not to talk to them about this, I miss them." Koya says as she gets up. She looks at Jino before sighing and heading to her room. Decisions. Decisions.

"I feel like shit." Bin says as he sits down. "And I feel like the toilet." Jino says as he sits down beside him. "But we can't get discouraged. The girls need time. Things like this takes time. We just have to be patient with them. And be there for them." With that he gets up heading to the kitchen to make dinner for the girls. He doesn't want them to go to sleep hungry.

Yet again, there is no dull moment in the Mafia Kings house.

- end of chapter fourteen -

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