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Jewels led the girls to where the boys were in the lounge. Koya and Braelynn walked into the lounge with no apparent expression on their faces just a bit of fear about what they were getting themselves into, but they tried not to focus on it and get the talking over with as quickly as possible.

Jewels asked the girls if she wanted her to accompany them, the two both still in distress from their nerve racking experience agreed without question.

The three sat across from the boys on a small sofa, in between them and the boys stood a glass coffee table with what seemed to be a very valuable vase on it with a very elegant design.

The conversation hadn't commenced very easily, an awkward silence filled the space for quite some time until Jewels feeling she put them into this situation decides to try her best to strike up the grievous conversation that had to take place.

"Look, Koya, Braelynn, I know that you don't want to be here, your scared, and would rather go home, but I don't want to keep things from you any longer so it's best we discuss everything now. And besides it's best for your safety if you are aware it what's happening so we can be more precautious."

The two timidly look over to Jewels and Braelynn begins to speak. Her voice still shaken and low. "What do you mean by 'be more precautious'?"

Jewels opens her mouth to speak but all of the sudden Jino chimes into the conversation.

"You probably don't want to be hearing this from me but it's best I go ahead and say this without sugarcoating it. Me, Bin, and Beomhwa, the other boy who was with us when we came for you at Monsta X's headquarters, are all in a Mafia. We are the Kings."

Koya and Braelynn both look over at each other, eyes now wide open and an abundance of questions are running through their heads.

They can't contain the tons of questions so they both began blurring out questions rapidly.

"Is Monsta X a mafia too? Are they going to kill us? Are you going to kill us?
Braelynn begins, but it's only the beginning of her and Koya's heap of questions.

She soon gets cut off and Koya began her blurt of questions.

"How do you know about us? Why the hell is Jewels involved with a mafia? What does your mafia have anything to do with us? What made them come kidnap us? Who are 'the Queens'? " Koya pauses in her rant of questions, hers coming out a bit harsher and more stern then Braelynn had approached. She demanded answers.

"And there it goes, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later." Bin says sitting up from his slouched position in the chair he sat in.

"There what goes?!" Braelynn says a bit annoyed with how the conversation is playing out. Her voice far from the timid and shy voice from a minute ago.

"Woah, first of all, calm the hell down. And second of all if you must know, I was referring to how you two were going to ask a bunch of questions." Bin replies to Braelynn.

Braelynn rolls her eyes with his response but soon began her rebuttal.

"What the frick do you expect?! For us to just sit back and be all relaxed with us getting kidnapped and almost killed like it's an everyday thing?!" Braelynn said, raising the tone of her voice.

Bin internally smiled and wanted to laugh at how cute he thought she was getting "mad". He thought it was the cutest thing, she hadn't even cursed at him, just frick. But he hated the reason she was mad. She was mad because of him.

But he couldn't show that soft side to her now because he couldn't let her see that side of him just yet. He stays quiet not wanting to upset Braelynn anymore and just sits with a straight face and stares right at her.

"I'm so fed up with this crap." Braelynn says as she gets up from the couch and walks out of the doorway of the lounge. Not knowing where she's going she try's to make her way to the front door to leave. All she wanted to do was go home.

"Braelynn wait! Where are you going?!" Koya and Jewels both yell.

Braelynn keeps silent and continues her hunt to find the door. She finally comes across it and unlocks the multiple locks on the door and opens the door only to find several guards waiting at the door for her arrival.

"Sorry miss but we cannot let you leave. Bosses orders." One of the quite buff guards says as they proceed blocking the exit. Only two of the guards faces could be seen from Braelynn's perspective but she could tell there was others beside and behind them.

"I don't care about your 'bosses orders'! I'm leaving!" Braelynn tried walking in between the two bodyguards when she was suddenly lifted off of the ground.

One of the guards lifted her up onto their shoulder and carried her back to the lounge.

She began to kick and hit the guard but it was useless because he was very strong and Braelynn was well, not the strongest.

"Put me down! Ugh, hello?! I know you hear me! This is useless.." Braelynn finally gives up and stops all her attempts in trying to get down knowing she's out numbered by the extremely strong guard.

The guard finally stops in the lounge, right where Braelynn started. He gently puts her down and Braelynn instantly kicks the guards shin and mumbles something under her breath while crossing her arms and going to sit back next to Koya.


The guard hadn't even flinched at Braelynn's action of hitting him, he hadn't felt a thing.

Bin goes to laugh again but he tries to hold it in but almost burst out laughing. Jewels elbowed Bin in the arm to get him to stop before Braelynn noticed.

Jino started speaking, "Okay back to what i was saying. To answer your questions, yes Monsta X is a mafia as well, not sure if they are trying to kill you or not, no we aren't going to kill you. And moving onto Koya's questions, we know about you two from Jewels.."

Koya and Braelynn give Jewels a quick glare and turn their attention back to Jino and Bin. Jewels nervously laughs and scratches the back of her neck. But the thought of not knowing whether or not someone was out to kill the two of them still hover in their minds like a heavy fog.

"Well, maybe Jewels should tell you the rest of it. Not really my business." Jino says concluding his share of answers to the girls questions and the two hastily lifted their attention from Jino and Bin to Jewels.

Jewels with her head looking down nervously began to speak. "Well i'm sort of..

- end of chapter eight -

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