★ 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2

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Later that night all three girls had to head to their jobs. Koya hears the door ding and starts to greet the customers.

"Hi welcome t-" She did expect to see Jino. "Hey babygirl miss me?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"What do you need?" Jino comes closer. "You." Koya leans away as Jino goes back. "But for now I'll just deal with cigarettes."

Koya goes to get the pack. "What kind?" "I don't think you sell my kind here, I just wanted to come see my Queen." He says.

At this point Koya was confused so she left him in the front of the store alone while she heads in the back to text Braelynn.

Jino makes a call but Koya can't hear it. "Yeah I don't think she wants to come with me. This tough guy act might not be the best way to go. She seems to like soft guys but I can't show her that side."

Koya finishes texting Braelynn and tries to sneakily come out but Jino saw her.

"Oh really! Wow that's great! I'll call you later." Jino stalls. He looks Koya up and down while walking out of the store.

Well that was interesting she thinks. She walks back to her position and starts to study her notes.
At the book store where Braelynn works, (She just finishes texting Koya) people were leaving as the book store was about to close.

She was the last worker there, meaning she had to lock up. She grabs her stuff (but not without making sure everything is in place) and heads out the door with a spare key.

"Oh lord, this is gonna be tough." She sighs. Braelynn always has a hard time locking up,which is why she doesn't like being the last to leave.

She begins putting the key inside hoping it will lock with the first try. It doesn't. And after five tries it still doesn't work. "Just great." She sighs.

"Do you need help baby?"A deep voice calls out behind her. Braelynn jumps, quickly turning around placing an arm on her chest.

"Wait, why are you here? How did you find me?" She questions. "I will always find you baby, remember that." He says.

He walks up to Braelynn gently pushing her out of the way and grabs the key, locking it effortlessly then throws it back to Braelynn, who barely catches it. "Thanks." She says.

"No prob. Let's go." He replies heading back over to his car. "Umm where are we going?" "I'm taking you home. Unless you wanna head back to my crib." He gives her a weird smirk.

"No no no. I can walk, it's fine. Thanks again for locking the door." She picks up her stuff and heads in the direction of her home.

"Wait baby. Let me give you a ride home." He pleads. "I'm not your baby and I don't want a ride home so please leave me alone."With that she begins walking again only to be stopped by his hand.

"I'm sorry I annoy you so much much. I just wanted to make a friend but I'm not very good at it." Bin looks down to cover the smirk forming on his face.

Braelynn immediately feels bad. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt this way. Let's start over and try to be friends." She says.

He gives her a smile. "So can I give you a ride home?" "Sure thing." Braelynn replies.

With that they both get into his car. But then Braelynn remembers something. "Shoot I forgot, I was supposed to walk home with Koya." "Oh your friend. We can stop by and get her." She gives him the name of the store.

As Braelynn goes to ask a question, Bin suddenly gets a phone call. He groans reluctantly, but answers anyway.

"This is Bin speaking.. Ah yes i do.. You what now?"

She could only hear his part of the conversation but he was speaking in a harsh tone to who ever was on the other end of the call.

"Why am i surrounded by idiots?"

He mumbles as he hangs up the phone.

Braelynn stares out of the car window when she sees Koya outside waiting.

"Wait! Stop the car please!"
Bin hits the breaks as Braelynn hops out of the car.

"Koya! I am so sorry i'm late. Bin came to pick me up and then-"
"Wait you got into the car with him? Braelynn you could have gotten hurt, Jino came to-"

"If Jino came to pick you up, and Bin came to pick me up, then that must mean.."

"Jewels is about to be picked up by Beomhwa!" Both Koya and Braelynn scream at the same time.

"We have to get to her before she gets into the car with him!"

"what if he already got to her ?"

"what if we're too late and our best friend is already gone?"

Koya hugs Braelynn tightly reassuring her everything will be okay.

"Bin must be in on this, lets question him."

- end of chapter two -

Mafia Kings | jbk_writesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin