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All three boys are currently in the car with Koya and Braelynn, heading back to their mansion where Jewels awaits them. Impatiently of course.

Shownu and Wonho were tied up in another car, heading straight to Taeyang's mansion. Where they will be dealt with.

The ride to the Kings mansion is mostly silent, the only sound being heard is the girls slight sniffles. No ones said a word about what just happened.

The girls being too shook up to speak and the boys, well they were just thinking about all the possible ways they could torture Wonho and Shownu.

But one thing the boys did know was that the girls wouldn't be quiet for so long and that it was just a matter of time before they start ambushing them with questions. They just hoped they can handle all the questions and that the girls can handle all the answers.

They arrived at the Kings mansion just before sunset. It was a very long ride. The boys get out first, nodding at the guards surrounding their premises. They all straightened up,weapons attached close by their hips.

The two girls get out second. They're still hesitant about where they are and stand very close to each other for support.

The boys lead the girls up the Mansion, where a guard pushed open the door for them.
"Braelynn! Koya!" Jewels screams as the girls walk in. They barely make it down the foyer. Jewels runs up to them and gives them a bone-crushing hug.

And the three begin to cry again. The boys decide to head into the lounge area to give the girls some space. Jewels know the areas of this house, so she will most likely bring the girls there once they pulled themselves together.

"I'm sorry guys. I'm so sorry for what happened. I knew how dangerous leaving the apartment would be and I still brought you two out." Jewels cries out. Koya backs ups from the hug. Tears still evident on her face but confusion seeps through.

"Wait, Jewels did you know we would get kidnapped?" She asks. "What! No of course not! I didn't know someone was going to strike this early let alone kidnap you!" She says trying to defend herself.

"Wait. So you knew we were in some sort of danger, but you didn't think to tell us?" Braelynn says. "I didn't want to scare you guys and it isn't my place to tell." Jewels says regretfully.

Koya becomes upset. "Jewels your suppose to be our freaking friend! And I get it, you may not want to tell us about your family issues but seriously, you couldn't tell us we were in a life or death situation!"

"Koya. Braelynn. A million apologies couldn't explain how bad I feel but I- I can't explain it on my own. All of this, why you were kidnapped, there's a deeper explanation. And the boys can tell you everything you need to know."

Braelynn and Koya look at each other with mirroring expressions. "We don't wanna see them, talk to them, we don't even want be in the same area as them. Take us home Jewels we are over this." Braelynn says.

"Guys wait, give them a chance to explain themselves. I promise they aren't bad." Jewels states trying to defend the Kings. "Aren't bad? You didn't see the look in their eyes Jewels. You didn't hear the words they were saying, things they were planning to do to our kidnappers." Braelynn says angrily.

"But they were your kidnappers. You should be grateful the Kings even came to save you." Jewels says becoming angry. Sometimes she wishes her friends weren't so stubborn.

"Your missing the point Jewels!" Koya yells. "The fact that they were so upset over us being gone is crazy. How did they even find out?! Why do they have such drastic feelings for us?! We don't know them. Whatever world your trying to make us fall into, forget it because I won't submit into it!"

Jewels looks down. She doesn't know what else she can say to convince he friends to talk to the Kings. She knew she should've just told them to pick other Queens.

The boys heard the whole conversation and to be honest, the boys don't feel great. They knew it would be hard to convince the girls into joining this lifestyle, but the fact the girls don't want to be in the same room with them and they haven't even had the discussion, it's a little heart breaking.

Braelynn begins to cry again. "I'm scared guys. I'm so scared of that happening again. I can't, I just don't wanna be tied to anything or anyone that can do something like that or worse to me. I don't want anything to happen to any of us."

"I love you guys. I really do and I should have told you about being in danger while I had the chance. Everything was just moving so fast and, there's no excuse I'm sorry." Jewels apologizes.

Koya begins to cry gently too. "I was so scared Jewels. Not just for me and Braelynn, but for you too. I mean yes we were kidnapped but we were together and you were all alone. All I could think about was if you were ok."

"Well, I was ok. And the reason being mostly because of Jino, Beomwha, and Bin. They aren't nearly as bad as you think. And I really think you guys should just talk with them. I promise there'll be no more secrets."

Koya is really against the idea of talking with boys but she starting to feel like it's the only chance at getting them out of her life.

Braelynn was honestly still scared of being in the same room as the boys. Yes she will forever be grateful for them rescuing her but she won't ever be able to forget that menacing look they gave Shownu and Wonho. But she feels as though this will be there last encounter.

Jewels is very concerned on how the conversation will go with her friends and the boys. And hopefully by the end of the talk they will still want to be her friends.

"If Koya agrees, we'll talk with boys." Braelynn says as she and Jewels look over at Koya. She sighs hoping she isn't making the wrong decision. "Fine, we'll talk to them."

The two girls didn't realize at the time that what they were about to walk into, they couldn't just walk out.

- end of chapter seven -
Hi guys!! Thanks so much for all the love on our story so far!! Sorry for the dragged out updates. We're trying to make this story the best for our readers so it might take us a minute to get on a regular schedule. We hope you continue to support as we are doing our best to put out quality content. FIGHTING!!!

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