★ 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 17

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"Damn, hungry much?" Bin said to the girls as he looked over at their now spotless empty two boxes of cheese pizza. "Well, maybe if we weren't held in here like prisoners we wouldn't starve to death. Hm?" Koya rebutted tilting her head to Bin. He threw both of his hands up backing off of the conversation.

"Y'know Koya, if you talked to us we could get you food. We don't bite." Jino said smirking in Koya's direction. She looked at him disgusted with how he looked at her then turned back to her serious defensive face. "Don't put that on us, you aren't here two thirds of the damn day!" Koya yelled. The two looked as to be a fighting married couple.

"Koya, calm down. Okay?" Braelynn said looking over in her friends direction slightly pushing her shoulder back. Koya nodded  and took a deep breath, calming down trying to extinguish the fire building up inside of her. "Braelynn could you help me with the trash?" Koya asked as she began picking up the boxes and little bits or trash from their meal.

"Of course." Braelynn replied, getting up from the cushion she was sitting crisscross on the floor on. She then came back to them with a trash bag in her hand along with some windex and paper towels to wipe up the bits and pieces they'd dropped while eating. And what could they say? They were extremely hungry after all. And the breadsticks that came with the pizza were just too good to pass up.

After cleaning up the mess and trash, the two went to the kitchen to throw away the trash bag and dirty paper towels they'd used.

While they were gone, the three boys and Jewels began a conversation.

She looked around the corner making sure the girls were far enough away so they wouldn't hear them "gossiping".

"Spill." She said bluntly quickly turning to the boys with a stern look on her face. She was eager to know the full scoop on what happened the other night.

"What?" Bin said tilting his head to Jewels.

She rolled her eyes and began to speak again. A bit quicker this time knowing the girls would be back soon enough.

"You know what the fuck i mean Bin. You too Jino, don't mess with me." She said sterner this time. "Uh, we actually don't Jewels. Remind us." Jino said, all of the three boys were quite puzzled on what Jewels was so eager to be aware of.

"I swear i am surrounded with fucking idiots." She face palmed herself and began to ask again this time giving them a refresher. "Koya and Braelynn dummy's! What happened the other night?! They told me something happened and were both really tense talking about it. You were there, now tell me everything! And hurry before they come back." She said quickly, checking around the corner once again making sure the two weren't back yet.

"The other night huh?" Beomhwa smirked with a devilish grin on his face. He began to speak again, "I'm intrigued, please do care to share." Beomhwa said sitting back in his seat as Jewels came to sit beside him.

Bin and Jino both looked at Beomhwa disgusted. "Disgusting. We don't have some scandal going unlike you and Jewels. You sick weirdo."Jino said throwing a pillow at Beomhwa. "What happened then?" Beomhwa began.

Bin was the first to share his side. He held his head a bit low, not too proud of what went down that night. "Let's just say Braelynn was pretty pissed." Bin said scratching the back of his neck. "Bin I swear to god if you don't-" Bin put his hands up in defeat as he spoke again knowing if he wouldn't he'd definitely be dead meat. Poor Bin.

"Well um, I tried apologizing i guess you could say and she got really...defensive. Yeah that's the word, defensive. And then I gave in and walked out." Bin said. Jewels put her face in her hands and mumbled to herself, "What am I going to do?" she said. But she quickly rose up and spoke once again. "Alright Jino, then what the hell did you do?"

Jino looked up to Jewels proud with a slight smile on his face. "Nothing actually, she got really emotional while she was painting and we were talking. So I uhh, I hugged her while she was crying." Jino said, sort've embarrassed sharing this with them.

"The infamous, cold, and expressionless Jino? I never would've thought. Good job, i've taught you well." Beomhwa said smirking slightly to Jino. "Mhmm." Jewels said as she stopped interrogating them. As soon as they'd stopped talking someone come hollering into the room. Right on time.

"YALL READY TO GET CRUNK MOTHATRUCKAAASS?? WE POPPIN' BIG BOTTLES!!" It was Braelynn. Definitely Braelynn. She was holding a bottle of wine along with six wine glasses. Jewels immediately grabbed the glasses out of her hand and set them on the coffee table, afraid of her clumsy friend dropping all of the glasses and having the shattered bits all across the carpet. "Jewels I swear she is on drugs. Like she crazy, crazy." Koya said unaware of where Braelynn's sudden surge of energy came from.

"Eh, why not?"Jino said. Braelynn then looked at the bottle of wine trying to find the name. "Kathryn Hall Cabernet Sauvignon." Braelynn read out slowly as she held the bottle up in her hands close to her face. "It seems expensive are you sure we should drink this?" Braelynn said looking over to the boys. "Positive." Beomhwa said. "Well how much was it?" She questioned. "$185.00 and $14.80 in taxes." Beomhwa said quite calmly. Braelynn's eyes went wide and almost popped out of the sockets. "Maybe we shouldn't-" Braelynn began but was cut off by Jewels. "Come on Braelynn live a little!" she whined to her.

"Live? Live?! I'm holding something worth all my life's savings in the palms of my clumsy small hands, in the form of wine! Who even has the money? Oh wait, you do." Braelynn says still stunned of the price of the in her opinion over priced wine. But she liked things simple and wasn't used to this life of luxury.

"Braelynn, we have another bottle you know?" Bin said slightly giggling to her. "Of course you do." They all laughed. She sighed and finally came to her senses enough to open the expensive wine. She let out a deep breath, "Here goes, this is my life now. Living with rich people."

After opening the wine she poured a bit into everyone's glass. They all clinked their glasses together. "Cheers to-" Koya stopped speaking unable to think of what to say next. "New beginnings!" Jewels bursted out. Causing Braelynn and Koya to both turn their heads to her giving her a glare. "Don't push it. I will and can slice your neck just like I almost did to the boys for scaring me half to death that day." Koya said jokingly. The three all laughed together at their inside joke. The boys just looked at them in utter shock and confusion.

"I'm scared." Bin whispered to Beomhwa but Braelynn has heard his attempted "whisper". "Okay first, you're a terrible whisperer. And second, it's an inside joke, silly." Bin just shakes his head and then they all take a sip of the wine.

"Wowowowowow." Braelynn said after tasting the expensive wine. "No wonder it cost so much it's soooo good!" Braelynn said. Koya just laughed while Jewels slowly pushed the bottle of wine to the other end of the table, away from Braelynn. The last thing she needed was her getting drunk. They all laughed together and enjoyed the time drinking the wine and having small talk.

It was an interesting and fun night. They'd lived it to the fullest and just simply talked, laughed, and told stories and personal experiences to each other. Some embarrassing, some crazy, and some even life threatening. Which they weren't usually so open but hey, they're drinking one hundred and eighty-five dollar wine after all. Might as well live it up.

- end of chapter seventeen -

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