I love you

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Hello, I hope you enjoy this and please if you have any requests feel free to message me.
I have been friends with Mena for a while now, since the end of high school actually, we would be by each others sides and look out for one another. I am currently waiting outside a audition building waiting for him as he wants to go for the main lead in the new movie Aladdin. He's always wanted this and he started by performing in small plays and grown from there.
Over the years I have slowly developed feeling for this certain boy and have never said anything as I don't want to ruin what we have, but on the other hand I want to venture outside the box and see where it goes. I don't know if he feels the same......
I've been sitting there for the past half an hour daydreaming when suddenly someone scares me.

Mena POV
Im going to audition to get the part for Aladdin today, I'm so nervous but I'm so glad I have my best friend y/n with me to support me, you see we have been friends since the end of school and we support each other through everything, I started off going to small acting roles and slowly build up and y/n has always been there sitting in the crowd cheering me on being one of the loudest in the audience, I've started to grow feelings for y/n but I'm worried they'll never see me in the same way, but hey ho.

I had just finished my audition and everyone was standing around awkwardly waiting for the results. I could tell who were to 'cocky' ones who only love themselves as the 'nervous' people. After what felt like forever the director came in and told us who landed the part it turned out it as me, OMG I landed a role I never expected in my whole life, you see I've always wanted this from a young age, I was always part of the school shows and doing bits and pieces in local groups wanting to build in my skills and now I have got to where I want to be, with the people I want to be with. I can't wait to tell y/n they will be so happy. I race outside and look around for them and stop in my tracks. There y/n was sitting with their back to me staring at the sky. Y/n is so beautiful and perfect I can't believe she is my best friend, the one I have fallen in love with over the years. I Decide and go scare her.

"Guess who" Mena screams in my ear
"Ahhh Mena , what the heck you scared me" you said
"Sorry I'm just really excited" he beamed
My god was he so stunning anything he does makes me fall more and more in love with him.
"And why is that?" I ask curiously,
"Because before you is Aladdin himself" he said with a cocky smile afterwards
"NO WAY" I scream and give him a bear hug
"Yep" he said popping the 'p' "I just can't believe it, I wouldn't of been able to do it without you y/n thankyou" he said as he kisses my forehead and picking me up and spinning around. By this time I'm blushing so much I'm surprised I wasn't mistaken for a tomato.
"I think this calls for celebration don't you Mena?" You say and run towards your car, shortly after Mena joins you. You drive home talking about everything and anything and blast all the Disney films you own.

When we get back to mine we go inside and decide to watch Aladdin, ironic I know. I prepared some popcorn and a couple of drinks as we sit down on my sofa in my apartment and watch the film. Around half way through a whole new world starts playing and Mena and I start singing along at the appropriate times. We both climb and run around pretending to be on the magic carpet just like the film and laughing and singing along, just as the end of the song comes on I trip on my shoes and go flying, luckily Mena was there to catch me before I hit the floor. We stare at each other for a while before Mena begins to move closer to me and we meet in the middle for a kiss just as the songs finishes. The kiss lasts for a few seconds until Mena pulls away.
"I...I am um really sorry about that, it just felt right you know" he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I just smile at him and begin to blush for the second time today.
"I guess I just wanted to show you that um... I love you, I have for a while now, over time I have see you grow into the strong individual you are and the most beautiful person I know" he says shyly looking at the floor.
I'm speechless (like what I did there if you get it 😂) Mena likes me back, for all the times I believed he didn't like me like that I was wrong. Again I smile and let out a giggle and move Mena's head so he is level with me.
At this point I felt very confident and...... "Well I guess it's mutual then huh?" I say softly And go in for another kiss, this time it lasts a bit longer. Mena pulls away yet again and gives the biggest hug and repeatedly saying 'thank you' as I laugh at him and savour the moment. The rest is history.
Well I hope you enjoyed, and please if you have any requests message me or comment below and I will try my best. I know this isn't the best but I haven't written for a while so I'm slowly getting back into it. I also don't know when I'm next updating but will keep you posted. I hope you have had or having a great day and I'll be back soon ❤️❤️

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