Ice skating

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Mena and I have been dating for around 2 years and tonight we are going out ice-skating. I absolutely love skating and quite good at it if I don't say myself, however Mena on the other hand has never had a go on skates let alone ice skates and wasn't very good at balancing anyway. Currently I'm sitting at home with Mena on the sofa eating food and watching movies like usual. Around 3 o'clock I got up and went to shower to get ready for tonight.

Mena POV
Tonight y/n and I am going ice skating and I'm super nervous about it, I've never skated before and I don't want to make a complete fool of both me and y/n at the rink. At the moment we were sitting watching movie. I was constantly trying to forget about later and watch the movie but failed. Y/n went to shower so I decided to cook us a nice vegan meal f/v/m (favourite vegan meal) and wait for her to come out. After a while we sit down and eat the food I cooked before getting ready to go it to the ice rink. I still can't believe I though this was a good idea, I have no idea how to use skates and already don't have good balance, don't mix.

Getting into the car I drive to the rink talking with y/n about everything. She seems so excited and I'm sitting here scared out of my mind. Getting out the car and walking hand with y/n into the rink my nerves are getting worse, begin to sweat and it doesn't go unnoticed.
"Hey, if you want to go back home I'm ok with that" y/n says softly, turning to face her "I want to do this for you even if I'm scared I'm going to get through, despite falling over and making a fool of my self." I say smiling, as we finally get inside, people everywhere a lots of laughing and screaming and start on the rink.

Y/n straight away skates off leaving me on the side, as I watch she skates around effortlessly and is looking like she is having the time of her life, she goes past a little girl who is struggling, taking her hand she slowly helps her around the rink making sure she doesn't fall over. Taking her over to her parents and getting a hug she comes a back and calls me over, "sorry about that" she says laughing.
"Its ok come on" I laugh, slowly making my way on the ice slipping around a bit but make it. Grabbing onto my hands y/n guides me around the rink skating slowly so I don't fall over and keeping eye contact. Every so often I did fall over and laugh about it y/n helping me up. Half way through I began to get the hang of it and went around on my own.

Enjoying myself despite still falling over I was able to get around on my own occasionally looking around and seeing y/n smiling widely which made me smile too. As we did the last lap y/n and I held hands and went around together smiling and laughing the whole time. Stopping finally, I take off my skates and instantly felt pain all up my legs and shoulders, I think y/n experienced the same thing as she pulled a face too. We walk back to the car and get in and drive home.

Getting home I sit on the sofa a sigh, putting my legs up and trying to relax. Y/n came sat next to me and began to play with my hair. "You want a massage to help with the pain" she asks. Nodding, she sits on my lap facing me and begins to massage my shoulders, after a bit I begin to relax more and the pain slowing disappearing and making me feel a lot better. Giving her a quick kiss, I began to massage her as well as she was complaining from pain. she is still sitting on my lap Y/n turns back around again facing me and kisses me again which turns into a full on make out session. Lasting around half an hour y/n gets up and goes to have yet another shower. Laughing I too get up and go to bed, shorty joined by y/n as memories from hours ago replaying as I fell asleep smiling.
I hope you enjoyed and if you want to request anything please feel free to private message me with a bit of backstory and I'll try my best to get it up in the next couple of days after. I love you so much and thankyou so much for 3k reads that's unbelievable. See you soon and love you all loads ❤️

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