Love Hurts Part 2 (a and b)

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Love hurts part 2
Some people have asked if I write a part two, however I thought I could do like alternate versions endings all in Mena's POV.

PART 2a him living his life without you, PART 2b opting for the surgery and not feeling emotions and so what,

pick which ever one you want.
Part 2a
Mena POV
After loosing y/n I've been so sad and angry, during scenes I put on a brave face and done all the scenes but in breaks I ran away to my trailer and got sad and sat alone. After a couple of weeks I came to realise that I actually have feeling for her, just too late.

Days go by no one has really realised I'm struggling around the set, when on one sunny day on set I began to develop a cough, both Naomi and Will ask if I'm ok, just nodding I carry on working around set every so often coughing.

Weeks past and my cough has gotten worse, every 5 minutes I'm coughing profusely and stopping every take. Getting worried I go home early and go to the doctor. Sitting in the waiting room I began to get nervous, what if I'm dying? What's going to happen to me.

Walking into the room the doctor checks me over and luckily there was nothing to worry about. Walking out I go home and sit and watch movies while eating icecream. Starting to fall asleep on the sofa watching a movie I begin to think about y/n, her smile, her laugh, her personality and everything, smiling I fall into a deep sleep still thinking about her.

I'm the morning I'm woken up by my phone buzzing I pick it up and talk to Naomi
"Where are you Meens" she asked
"Still at home, was at home until you woke me" I replied.
"Well I'm sorry, but your an hour late" she explains.
"Sorry, I'm on my way" I mutter
"Look, Mena I know you are missing y/n we all are but you can't hide away and pretend you are ok, we are always here for you no matter what and talk to us if you need ok" she says
As I look at a picture of us two together from set my eyes begin to water.
"Naomi you don't know how much I miss her and love her, it's just too late and I wish now that I could have had feelings earlier on. Thankyou for always being there for me Nay and I will from now on talk to you and not bottle it up" I exclaim with a tear or two falling down my face.

Hanging up the call I go shower and get ready to go to the set. After about half and hour I make it to the set and immediately met with Naomi jays gives me a huge hug. Returning it, we walk onto the set and carry on the day. Actually feeling the best I ever had in the last couple of months.
Part 2b
Mena POV
After loosing y/n I've been so sad and angry, during scenes I put on a brave face and done all the scenes but in breaks I ran away to my trailer and got sad and sat alone. After a couple of weeks I came to realise that I actually have feeling for her, just too late.

I started to contract the disease that y/n suffered from Hanahaki Disease. It's funny actually a one sided love, the one you desire is gone and as a form of punishment you get the disease. Filming Aladdin had just finished and there were many premiers ahead of me, however some of these I've had to pull back from, you see the disease is starting to take over. It stared with a cough, then over time it turned to a more violent cough as well as coughing up blood. By this point I was at home 24/7 and didn't have many connections from anyone.

After this I began to cough up the small petals, I'm guessing just like y/n I went to the doctors to see if they could do anything, turns out I could either get surgery and never feel any emotions again, ride it out or see if your crush will like you back. Well first of the love of my life is gone and there's no way of getting her back, I don't want to ride it out as I will suffer like y/n and finally surgery.... well to be honest I think that's the best option I just won't have emotions anymore I'd rather not suffer.

After a couple of week I tell Naomi and Will what's going on, in the end they said that they would support me through anything and stay by my side. A couple of weeks pass and it's my operation day. Both Naomi and Will were here making sure I'm ok,
"Guys I'm scared, I'm going though this for y/n" I mutter as the antibiotics slowly sending me to sleep.
"We will see you on the other side" Naomi says as everything fades to darkness.

Next thing I know I'm sitting in a hospital bed tubes sticking out of me, I could make out to
So people beside my bed and worked out it was Naomi and Will.
"How are you doing Meens," Will asked first
"Meh" I say not too bothered.
"Good to hear" Naomi comments
The next couple of hours the two try and see how I react to different names and places, the ones I love and hate, but so far my answer was the same, blank face and a nod. This was until y/n was mentioned.
"How about..... y/n" Naomi say,
This time instead of a blank face my eyes widen and my lips form a smile, I look at them both with so much love and affection for y/n I don't known how. Both of them looked at each other and then smiled at me, after a bit I realised that y/n wasn't here and my faced dropped again to my constant  blank.

A couple of months pass and I was out of the hospital living my life like I was before, however with the emotions, but every so often when y/n came to mind it always immediately brought a smile to my face and to this day I still don't know why but I'm glad it does.
I hope you enjoyed and if you want to request anything please feel free to private message me with a bit of backstory and I'll try my best to get it up in the next couple of days after. I love you so much and thankyou so much for 2.5k reads that's unbelievable. See you soon ❤️

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