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Mena and I have been together for just over a year, we have moved into a small one bedroom apartment near the set for his new film he's staring in. As Mena works away from home I work from home creating artwork for peoples home and generally crafty things, I love my job so much and it's very awarding seeing those peoples faces when they see the finished product. I also get to stay at home in the warm.

It was a general day lots of work to do, 3 painting and a small pot to paint to. The first painting was a self portrait of a women in her thirties, this was a present from her partner as he loved this picture of her the best. Starting around 9 am I begin the painting, by this time Mena had left to go to set for the day and I wouldn't see him until later tonight. The painting took around 3 hours and around 12 I got hungry and sat down for food. Having an half hour break I begin the second painting, this one was a picture of a cute puppy a teenage girl had and wanted painted for their mothers birthday hat was in a couple of weeks, again this took around 3 hours to. Around 3 o'clock I finish that painting I sit down and watch an episode of stranger things and clean up a bit.

I finally start the final little pot and do a rainbow design and let it dry. Getting paint everywhere I begin to clean up, throwing my dirty clothes into the wash and going to shower. Taking a nice long hot shower singing and dancing. When I finish I walk back to my room and look for some clothes. Unfortunately having no clothes I wanted to wear I go to Mena's draws and pull out an old shirt and sweats and carry on cleaning and getting dinner ready. Around 6 o'clock food was ready and I was dancing around the kitchen blasting music until Mena got home.

Mena POV
After a stressful day on set I couldn't wait to get home and spend the evening with y/n watching movies, the morning takes went really well and I had lunch around one, we came back around 2 and carried on until 5:30, we finally finished and packed up and began to go home, taking around 30 minutes to get back I open the door and is greeted by load music and y/n dancing around without a care in the world, I smile at the scene in front of me, walking over to the speaker I turn it down to get her attention, turning around she instantly smiles walking up to me she stands on her tiptoes and kisses me which I return, I look down at her and realise she is wearing my clothes,
"Are you wearing my clothes?" I ask
"Whoops," she giggles and run off to the kitchen to finish dinner. Following her I help with all the final bits and dish up and sit down, talking about our days we finish out food and clear away. Y/n shows me the paintings she down and I go to have a shower. Meanwhile, y/n is making some popcorn and setting up a Disney movie marathon for us. Finishing in the shower I get changed and walk back into the living room which has been temporally transformed into a den, there were sheets over the sofas making a small room and blankets inside and many cushions, her laptop sitting in the floor as the beginning of a Disney films playing and y/n sitting indie holding a big bowl of popcorn waiting for me. Getting inside and comfortable with y/n laying next to me we watch the first Disney film, Aladdin.
Hours past and we had run out of popcorn and on our third movie, Moana, I look over at y/n who has fallen asleep next to me, slowly picking up the bowl off her lap I pull her closer to me, she snuggling into me I give her a kiss on the forehead and turn the laptop of and slowly fall asleep next to her playing with her hair not caring that there would be a big clear up in the morning.
I hope you enjoyed this story, if you have any requests please private message me and I will try to write it as soon as possible just please give some backstory. See you soon.

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