One Jump Ahead

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Hey, I know it's been forever but he had a writers block and been busy with other things, over the time I have had a couple of requests that I'm going to try and do but for now I'm going to write a quick story I'm making up now to try to get back into it. I've missed you all so much and can't believe this book is nearly at 10k reads it's scary, I hope you enjoy this quick story and I will try and write some more (as well as the requests) love you all and Thankyou for being patient.
I'm staring in the new upcoming Aladdin film and is currently making my way to the set for my first day, by staring I mean I'm one of the girls in the 'one jump ahead' song (if that makes sense), I'm really excited to see what's going on and to meet the cast of the film, I know Will Smith is staring as the genie but no one else so let's see what happens.

Finally arriving on set I park my car and make my way towards the set, massive makeshift building either side of me as well and stalls full of food and little crafts and people walking around and selling their crafts like a normal market in a town or village like Agrabah only these ones are actors, as I continue walking I finally make out the director Guy. Smiling I walk a bit faster and introduce myself.
"Hey I'm y/n, I'm playing one of the girls in one jump ahead am I in the right place?" I ask, guy turning around replies, "ah y/n perfect timing and yes welcome to Aladdin, this is Mena, Aladdin and these are the other girls who will be performing with you". I didn't hear the last bit as my eyes were fixed on the tall (don't know how tall he is) tanned man in front of me, messy ish brown hair, big smile on his face, obviously fit and wearing a white shirt with a red vest and beige trouser things. I kept staring until I saw a hand fly in front of my face taking me out of my trance.
"Did you get all that?" Guy asks obviously knowing I was staring at Mena.
"Yes I think so" I say trying to keep my composure.
"Ok lets get going then" and with that I was sent one way and Mena the other.

Mena POV
I've been cast for the new role of Aladdin in the live action film, arriving on set I make my way across the set and met with Guy who talked me through everything that I'm doing today, getting a few scenes done, first take 😉, we make our way to film some more scenes, ie the one where I fall through the door and am met by some ladies.

Looking around I see a couple of girl that look like they are ready for this scene and all bunched up in a circle, they also always look over at me smile, wave and turn back around and giggle, rolling my eyes I go back to guy and see a new girl, she is really pretty and looks around the same age as me, walking over Guy introduces me,
"ah y/n perfect timing and yes welcome to Aladdin, this is Mena, Aladdin and these are the other girls who will be performing with you". So her name is y/n ok. I continue listening and smiling as out of the corner of my eye I could see her staring and checking me out. Smiling to myself Guy finishes and asks y/n.
"Did you get all that?" obviously knowing she was staring at me.
"Yes I think so" she says stumbling.
I look at her wink and walk away ready for the scene.

After my little moment with Mena, the girls and I follow Guy up to the room for filming. We start with a couple of takes which seem to go well, as Mena comes into the room I was to the left of him smiling and singing at the same time as he gets flustered and carries on running for the guards, each time we did the take he looked at me and winked then got up like he was supposed to and carried on. After about an hour and not the perfect take we got a five minute break. Sitting near the window I was accompanied by Mena, smiling he sits down and we start talking. He asks me about how I got into acting and singing and what my hobbies are and other things, me doing the same, time seemed to fly by and soon we were called to continue, Mena once again winking at me, and me going a slight pink colour on the cheeks.

Getting back in places Mena once again falls inside gives me a quick wink and runs away gain like he did before, getting me flustered each time, finally after a couple more takes Guy calls cut and we all get up relieved not before Guy also shouting
"Next time Mena try not to get caught winking at y/n ok" while laughing and the rest of the cast while Mena and I look at each other and go red.
I know it's not the best and longer then expected but who cares we all love Mena, also quickly favourite song and scene from Aladdin if you've seen it like I have 5 times whoops 😂. Mine are one jump ahead, of course, friend like me, as I'm trying to learn the dance (nearly there) and speechless because Naomi is just absolutely stunning and have a great voice just like everyone else, and fav scene would have to be the yam jams and tiny spoons situation makes me laugh every time. I hope I haven't ruined the film for anyone but would 101% recommend as one Mena, two great singing and three it will make you want to watch it again. Sorry for the rambling and hope to write again soon bye.  ❤️

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