The Wedding

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Request from anonymousreader01
Mena and I have been invited to my best friends wedding Renee and her fiancé/ husband Diego. We are travelling abroad to Ibiza for the week to enjoy the wedding as well as explore the island. We are both currently packing and getting ready to leave early the next morning. Mena and I are sharing a suitcase as it's going to be to much to bring two bags. Mena and I have been dating for around 5 years, and living together for the last 2 and I'm loving this so much having my own independence and I love Mena so much. Anyway all our bags are packed and ready we are just currently chilling on the sofa snuggling and watching tv, Mena's arm around my waist as you have my head on his shoulder, him occasionally giving me a kiss on the head.

A couple of hours later I began to get hungry and got up to make some food for Mena and I (vegan related) again sitting down on the sofa enjoying our meal we continue watching until we both begin to get tired. Clearing up and turning off the tv we go upstairs setting an alarm for 1:30 and get ready to get a bit of sleep before we travel to the airport. Laying down we say our good nights and share a kiss as we lay down to sleep.

At 1:30 my alarm goes off scaring the shite out of me but not disturbing Mena's sleep. Finally turning the alarm off I sit up and rub my eyes and putting on my glasses. Looking down at Mena sleeping peacefully, I lower my head to his ear and shout 'wake up' in his ear, he suddenly sits up and screamed looking towards me to make sure I was ok, once he saw me sitting there laughing at him his face changes from shocked to trying to look angry. "Y/n you scared me I thought you were dying" he says trying not to laugh. Smiling at him again he then tackled me and starts tickling me, now me being the one to scream. "Stop it Mena I surrender" I say between giggles. Mena then stops but places a kiss on my lips and pulls away leaving me with a smile. "We should get up" I say calming down
"Yep" he replies.
We both get up and get changed and grab our carry ons and suitcase and pack the car. Then grabbing a snack we lock up get in the car and drive to the airport.

Parking and grabbing our stuff we make it and sit around waiting for the plane and boarding. After around 30 minutes we are finally aloud on the plane and sit there waiting to take off. The plane ride was around 10 hours and I slept most of it as you do. When we land Mena woke me up and we get off the plane grabbing our stuff and getting into a taxi to our hotel.

Arriving safely and nearly falling asleep in the taxi we get out and thank the driver and check into our room. Getting up to our room I instantly flop into the bed followed by Mena who cuddles up to me. "It's so beautiful" I say whispering
"Yeah I know I'm so happy to be here with the one I'm happy with" Mena replies kissing my check. The rest of the day we stayed in our room and slept as we were exhausted from travelling.

The next day we woke up and went down to get some breakfast not forgetting my Polaroid camera. We both enjoyed our meals and went out for a little adventure a day before the wedding the next day. Hand in hand we walk around the town enjoying the view, taking a few pictures of the scenery. Walking around I ask a lady to take a picture of Mena and I standing close to each other and kissing with the sea behind us. Thanking the person we continue walking around and buying some food and souvenirs. Walking back to the hotel we go and check out the pool and have a little swim and sun bathe. Grabbing a towel from the rack we get out and walk back to the room. Having a quick shower and letting my hair dry naturally, I look out of the window and look down at the community who look liked they were having fun and being themselves.
Mena comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder also looking out the window. Standing in a peaceful silence I take in the atmosphere I smile at my current situation I'm in, in Ibiza for a wedding with the love of my life. Finally moving away from the window we get into bed to get ready for the wedding tomorrow.

Waking up early I get up and begin to get ready the wedding starts at 12pm, I began to straighten my hair and make it look presentable, Mena finally wakes up and starts to get ready like me. After a couple of hours we are both ready, Mena is in a nice dark suit with his hair straight and gel backed. I was wearing a nice red dress with a slit in it, matching shoes and straight hair. We both complement each other link arms and walk down to the outside the hotel and get picked up in a limo.

Arriving at the wedding I go and check on Renee and make she is ok, she was a bit worried but I made sure she was going to have the best day of their life. The whole place was covered in flowers all different colours, banners and streamers everywhere also and flowers on the chairs. Sitting down we wait for the ceremony to start, Mena and I holding hands, the music begins and we all stand up and watch as my best friend walks down the isle looking stunning. The whole wedding went amazingly and there were many great pictures.

We are currently at the after party, dancing around and having drinks and food. Renee and Diego having their first dancing which was so adorable, currently Renee is about to throw the bouquet and I've decide to join in and see what happens, ie Mena told me to 😂. Standing in the group Renee counted down and threw the flowers, everyone trying to grab for it and turns out I caught it. Smiling I turn towards Mena who is smirking at me. I then look towards Renee she is giggling and walk over to her and hug her.

The party finally finished around 12am. Grabbing my flowers and Mena's hand we walk out the reception and go back to the hotel. Getting to our room we change and go to bed laying there staring at each other. "I hope one day we will get married, the flowers are a sign" I laugh and look at Mena who was laughing too. Kissing Mena I lay down and fall asleep.
Hey everyone Thankyou for reading I hope you enjoyed it if you want to request anything just message me I'm free to suggestions but nothing smut related please. Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed, see you soon ❤️

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