Broken promise- Birthday

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Request firebolt124
So it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm hoping to spend it with my boyfriend of 2 years Mena, last year we went out for a fancy meal then went home to watch movies, but I'm not sure what he's planning for this year, I'm kinda nervous.

I work from home on the computer and don't go out much so I'm always home when Mena comes for sets, around 7 he gets home and kisses me on the cheek,
"how are you today" he smiles
"Ok, but even better you're here" I giggle.
I get up and start to cook us some dinner, sitting down together we eat and make small talk about how our different days have been and Mena offers to wash up. As he is doing that I go to our room and have a quick shower. Finishing in the shower I walk back down stairs and decide to watch a movie or too.
I kinda start to fell nervous and sad that Mena hasn't acknowledged it's my birthday tomorrow but he's probably just forgotten, around 11 o'clock he decide to go to bed.
"Oh I forgot to mention earlier I'm finishing early to celebrate someone's birthday tomorrow, I promise" he smiles as he gets into bed
"I wonder who that is?" I giggle and join him. We both fall asleep almost instantly.

I'm the morning I wake up to bright lights and turn over to an empty space, I look around and can't see Mena, I get out of bed and find a note, morning love, I've had to go to work early today but will be back around 6 so I can spend the whole night with the birthday girl, I promise. I love you. I smile at the note and get up, I guess nothing to special but I'm ok with that. Doing my usual I get some food and eat it while listening to loud music around the house singing along, what it's my birthday. After getting some work done I look at the clock and see it'd around 1:30 I get cook some lunch and sit down and eat. Washing up and putting away my stuff I continue to clean our house a bit and watch a movie. The next time I look at the clock it's 5:30, I run upstairs and go get changed into some nicer clothes ie Mena's long tops and sweats. Going back down I continue to watch the movie and wait for Mena.

Mena POV
After leaving the house early I make my way to the filming studio for Aladdin and begin filming some scenes, but lunch I was exhausted and totally forgot about y/n's birthday. Filming a few more scenes it was time for me to go, but as I was leaving some cast members asked if I wanted to go out for a drink, me again forgetting about y/n say yes and walk in their direction.
"Ah, Mena aren't you forgetting something your doing tonight" Naomi calls.
"No, I don't think so" I reply and walk away, with a confused looking Naomi behind me.

By 7 I'm in the local pub with the others talking about the movie and having a couple of drinks, every so often I would get messages for y/n like 'where are you?' 'I thought you were coming home early?' I just put a quick reply and go back to the talking by 11 everyone started to go home and I called a taxi to pick me up and go home. When I go there all the light were out which confused me, normally y/n waits for me to come home. Then it all hit me, it's her birthday and I totally forgot and ignored "shit, Mena you idiot" I say under my breath, I unlock the door and slowly and quietly make my way upstairs to see y/n facing the window and curled yo under the sheets, I walk around and met with her tear stained face and hair all over the place. How could I be such an idiot and screw up so badly.

6 came, bin and gone rather quickly, I was starting to get annoyed as Mena did say he would be back by seven and now it's 8, I decide to watch the movie on my own, hours past and by 11 I gave up, he's obviously forgotten about me and spending the night with someone he actually cares about, I feel something wet fall onto my hand and realise I'm crying, I walk up to our room and look in the mirror, my face fell, tear stained checks and red eyes and my hair was all over the place, but right now I didn't care I slipped into bed and cried myself to sleep.

About an hour later I'm woken up to a very anxious looking Mena, before he said anything i just let out all my anger. "What the actual hell Mena, you said you would be home to spend the evening with me, the birthday girl, but I've been left alone all evening watching movies ALONE while you're probably been having the time of your life with people you obviously care about more" I start crying again and Mena stands there speechless.
" I know I've been the worst boyfriend in the world and I'm so so sorry, I should of realised earlier and come home earlier, and this time I promise with all my heart I will make it up yo you ok, no going back on my word" I gave him a slight nod and fell back into the pillow and asleep, I really hope he means it this time.

In the morning I'm woken up to many kisses plastered around my face, I open my eyes to see Mena next to me smiling widely, I sit up and kiss him again. "Come on get up you have a long day ahead of you" he smiles as he gets up and goes down stairs. I quickly get up and change, brushing and straighten my hair and run down stairs, I am met with balloons everywhere and f/c (favourite colour) confetti. I smile and see Mena standing there with my favourite breakfast. I snatch it off him and eat it quickly. "Slow down your going to make yourself ill" he laughs, I hum in response and moments later finish.

"Now go put your shoes on we are going somewhere" I obey the order and go put on my blue tennis shoes and grab my phone and bag. Walking out the door with Mena he drives us to the local park. Sitting down in a quiet spot Mena grabs a picnic basket out the back of the car and we sit there for a while eating and talking, I'm honestly starting to forgive him not as he has so far done al this lonely stuff for me. As it began to get dark we got back into the car and drove to another area, a funfair, my favourite place in the world.

Quickly getting out of the car I run towards to entrance with Mena running behind me. We get in and I instantly go to the bumper cars. Lining up and waiting a while we finally get two separate cars and drive around, hitting into each other and constantly laughing at each other to. After that we get some food and Mena wins me a small toy, holding onto it tightly Mena leads me to the Ferris wheel, getting into the wheel we sit down and begin to go up, looking out of the windows I see the whole park and take in the beautiful sight. "It's beautiful" I smile. "I agree, but not as beautiful as the person next to me" Mena replies.
I turn around and face him a small blush appearing on my face.
"Look y/n I'm so sorry I messed up yesterday, I really hope today has made it up to you and I promise I will never do it again as that's a stupid thing to to, so I want to say happy birthday" pulling a small box from his jacket he passes it to me and I open it. It's as small pendent and a chain and when you open it there a picture from our first date. I immediately put it on and give Mena a huge hug and kiss, repeating a thankyou and love you, Mena just nodding his head. "Apology accepted" I say and we carry on going around the wheel hand in hand.

After we get off we go home and go to sleep, still wearing the smile I've had on the whole day.
Hey, I hope this was ok, if you have a request please message me and Ill try and do it, just give me a bit of backstory. Thanks again for all the love nearly 2.5k reads thats crazy. I love you all so much and I'll see you soon ❤️

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