Jealously (Mena POV)

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So recently before I started to write my own book I asked hiddleston_1996  to write a story similar to the one i'm about to try and write. Again I want to say check out her book as its brilliant and show it some love. I'm going to do it in Mena's POV and maybe if you like it do the opposite with y/n POV.
Mena POV
Tonight I'm going out with my girlfriend y/n and Naomi and her husband to a fancy restaurant to celebrate our 5 year anniversary and Naomi and her husbands 4 year marriage. We are currently at home sitting in bed watching all the Disney films we own while eating popcorn and y/n leaning on my shoulder while I occasionally play with her hair. Half way through watching Beauty and the Beast I realize y/n has fallen asleep on my shoulder with half a bowl of popcorn in their lap. I smile at the scene and carefully take the popcorn from them and sit there quietly listening to their soft breathing.

After a while y/n begins to stir and she wakes up looking up at me and giving me a cute smile, I lean down a place a kiss on her check, y/n giggles and takes some more time to wake up. Around 3 o'clock we both get up and take showers one after another letting y/n go first. A couple of hours later and we are both ready and waiting for Naomi and her husband. I was wearing a dark blue tux with a white shirt, y/n was wearing a dress matching the colour of my suit and matching shoes. The others arrive around 6:30 in a taxi and get in, we make small talk about everything that's going on recently, we get to the restaurant and get our reserve. Naomi's husband and I pull out the chairs for our partners and go and order drinks at the bar. I look over and see a man walk up to the table towards and begin talking to Naomi and y/n. I get a bit nervous and run through all the possible outcomes that could happen while i'm not there, turning towards Naomi's husband and pointed out to the table where the man had approached, he turned to me and quickly picked up the drinks and walked over to the table clearly annoyed like I am, maybe even jealous like me with the fact that another man is talking to their other. I follow quickly behind and get to the table to see a man sitting in my seat talking to a very awkward looking y/n sitting there trying to move away and looking for help, he's just sitting there staring at y/n and trying to make conversation. Walking over to the man and tap him on the shoulder,

"What hell do you think your doing talking to my girlfriend who obviously seems distressed." I say.
"Talking, what does it look like?" he says smirking
"Well I don't like it and I want you to move," I explain trying to not raise my voice.
"Whatever, you don't know what your missing love" He says kissing y/n's hand and walking away.

By this time I was bright red and ready to punch someone. I look over to y/n who is now smiling happily knowing that i'm here being jealous. We finally sit down and eat and I look around making sure no one approaches us while having one arm around y/n. After finishing food we get back into the taxi to go home, we say our goodbyes and say to meet up soon. Getting inside y/n runs up to me and gives me a kiss and hugs me, staying in this peaceful position y/n looks up and me and basically says

"It's really adorable that you get jealous you know." y/n says smiling getting up on their tiptoes and kissing my nose, I start blushing and look down at her and smile, I give her a quick kiss and pick her up putting y/n over my shoulder and walking into our room while laughing,putting them down carefully we both change and head to bed worn out from the eventful double dinner date and go to sleep.
Hey, so I hope you have enjoyed the story, I don't know how this is going to do so please let me know in the comments. I will not be posting over the weekend as 1. I'm really busy with different things and 2. I've kinda going through a writers block as don't really know what else to write, you can still message me requests and I will get to them as soon as possible. I would also want to say thankyou for over 500 reads, I can't believe it and it makes me really happy that there are people reading my book and supporting me but voting and commenting so thankyou and I hope you understand and i'm sorry, see you next week. <3

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