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You are Jasmine in this oneshot, hope it's ok
We have just finished filming the last parts of the new live action movie of Aladdin, I was playing Jasmine and Mena Massoud was Aladdin. Us two get on very well and the whole world basically want us to be together, however we are really close friends and don't see each other in that way at the moment.

I'm now currently walking to the local studio where myself, Mena and Will are having an interview later on that night. During the day  we spend my time looking around the shops and buying some new clothes and accessories for when I go back home, I also forgot to mention we are currently in New York and I live in the UK. Will and Mena also accompany me and we had a fun time laughing chatting and having food in this beautiful city. We also ran into some fans and took pictures and autographs. Our interview stats at 6:30 and now it's currently 4.
We spend a little more time going around all the tourist destinations like the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. By 5 we'll all decided to go back to our hotel and get ready.
You see all three of us were one door away from another so we could wait and help out each other if we desired. For the interview I decided to to wear a plain red dress and plait my h/c in two Dutch braid and finishing with a pair of heels that match the dress, I wait for the boys to reappear from their rooms, we all compliment each other and walk down to the main area and wait for the taxi, we make small talk. After a while the taxi arrives and we all get in, I sit next to Mena in the back and Will sits in the front, we are all silent as we start driving and I begin to get nervous and anxious for the interview ahead, this doesn't go unnoticed by a certain Aladdin sitting next to me
"U ok there." Mena whispers,
"Yeah, I guess just a bit nervous for the interview that's all nothing too much," I explain.
"Well you will do great I'll be there to help if you need" Mena says, whilst slipping his hand into mine on giving it a squeeze to reassure me. I instantly start blushing and turn my head away. For the rest of the ride we stay like this until the driver says we have arrived. Mena lets go of my hand and gets out of the car waiting for Will and I. We quickly get inside and wait for our turn to go on stage.

We all get comfortable and start answering questions, until the one question comes up that I dreaded.
"So y/n what is your current relationship with Mr Aladdin over here?" The whole audience start to cheers and I again blush, I turn to Mena and give him the look of 'please answer this for me' and he smiles and proceeds to answer.

Mena POV
I knew this question would come up and I could see how awkward poor y/n looked, she wanted me to answer it so I did truthfully.....
"Well mine and y/n's relationship is special, ever since the first day of meeting them on set I have always been fond of them, we hit it off straight away after I found out they were playing Jasmine and we instantly became friends, however over the last couple of months I think I have started to develop feelings for this certain princess and yeah," I trail off.
This is true I have been having feelings for y/n and I hope she feels the same. I look to the crowd and they start screaming and cheering, I then look at y/n who seems completely shocked by what I've just said and is just staring at me, suddenly a wave of confidence washes over me, I lean towards the still shocked y/n and kiss her. It takes a couple of seconds for them to realise what is going on but them proceeds to kiss me back and the crowd goes absolutely wild, cameras going off everywhere, that's going to be a story to tell. I'm the first to pull away and instantly y/n jumps on me and hugs me, we carry on the interview and finish a couple of hours later.

When we get back to the hotel, Will goes straight to his room leaving Mena and I too stand their awkwardly, "I'm sorry about what happened at the interview I just couldn't help it." Mena says. Me being me can't stop grinning and pull him into another kiss which lasts a little longer than the first one, however I pull away first. In that moment I realised how much this man actually means to me.
"Mena I love you too." I blurt out, I quickly look at him and see he has his adorable smile plastered on his face. He pulls me in for another kiss which I accept.
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asks
"Yes!" I say and pull him in for a bear hug.
After a long hug we decide to go to bed in our separate rooms and say goodnight to each other but once again a kiss, but as I get into the silky covers of my bed and lay down, hours past and I come to realise I can't sleep and sneak into Mena's room and end up sleeping with him.
Let's just say Will was surprised when he saw Mena and I walk out of the same room, in pj's.
I think it's safe to say Aladdin got what he wanted, his princess.
I hope this is ok for your request as I enjoyed writing it. If you have any requests please feel free to private message me and give a me an idea of what you would like. I would also like to say a thank you for over 150 reads in the last 4 days, I know that might not sound like loads but I thought no one would read this let along enjoy and actually ask for requests to thank you again, see you soon ❤️

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