Midnight Memories

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Mena and I have been friends for a really long time and over this time I've started to develop feelings for him and to be honest I don't know if he would ever feel the same. You see he's virtually famous from the new Aladdin film and constantly have girls around him and launching themselves on him, it's funny though, he's always nervous when this happens and tries to get away as quick as possible, but I'm always there when his happens and it generally ends up with him grabbing my hand and running to the car and getting away as well as laughing about it.

At the moment he is travelling around different countries for interview and publicity for Aladdin and I've been invited to join. So I'm currently at home starting to pack to get ready to leave, all I know is that Naomi is bringing her husband, Will bringing his wife and Mena bringing me. Packing all my stuff in a small suitcase and a hold-all for my smaller things I walk out my small apartment and lock the door behind me, taking a big breath and messaging Mena that I'm now on the way, I walked towards my car and drove to the airport to meet the others. About half an hour later I arrived parked my car and went to find the others.

Turns out I find them all near the food, lol, sitting down next to Mena and greeted everyone. Sitting for a while our plane is finally called and we walk over to our terminal, getting on the plane I again sat with Mena, him getting the window seat, Naomi and her husband in front and Will behind us. It didn't long for someone to recognise us and came over to talk to us, me being me got a bit annoyed as Mena and the others were talking leaving me sitting there rather awkwardly. Mena in the end did notice this and quickly round up the conversation and nicely asked the people to leave and sit back down. Relieved I relax and lean on Mena's shoulder and slowly fall asleep. After a while I get woken up by Mena and we get off the plane to be met with our first destination (idk where 😂). Smiling widely we all get through the security and collect our bags making our way to the hotel. 

On arrival we find out that their manager has booked three separate rooms meaning I will have to share with Mena. Collecting the keys we all go up together and find our rooms, luckily they are all next to each other. Opening the door we are met with a lovely looking room, nice on suite bathroom, small kitchen incase we wanted to cook, some small sofas with a tv on the wall and a double bed..... both Mena and I look at each other and Mena speaks first. "Well I guess I'm taking the sofa you can take the bed." He smiles making me smile.
"No way, we can share I don't mind if you don't" I reply and he just smiles yet again.
Unpacking and getting comfortable we sit in our room and talk about all the adventures we could do exploring the city.

Around 5pm we all go down for food and eat in the restaurant, again people recognise the other and come over for pictures, some ever ask me for pictures as I have stared in a few well known films, smiling and laughing and enjoying myself I say goodbye to the fans and carry on eating my food. After the meal Mena and I decide to go and adventure around. Grabbing my hand we walk out and look around, watching some street performers and visiting iconic building and statues, around 10 we stop to grab some vegan doughnuts and slowly making our way back, Mena and I still holding hands get back and up to our room, respecting each other's privacy I get changed in the bathroom and Mena in our room. Walking back into the room Mena already in bed I join him and he turns on the tv watching friends, of course.

Looking at the time I turn the tv off and lay down to go to sleep, facing Mena we smile at each other and I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. A bit later I get cold and wake up, getting up and closing the window and returning to my warm bed, once again laying down I find my self staring at the boy in front of me, pushing some hair away from his face I lay there and continue staring. "You know Mena, your so adorable and funny I'm so lucky to have you in my life as a best friend and I'm slowly come to realise you mean more to me than just a friend, I love you Mena but unfortunately I don't know if you feel the same, it's kinda stupid that I'm talking to you while you are asleep but anyway you deserve someone better than me, someone's who's famous and beautiful things I'm not" I whisper and wiping away some tears and close my eyes to fall back to sleep.

Mena POV
I'm suddenly woken up by something getting pushed off my face, without opening my eyes I realise it's y/n. Me and her have been friends forever and I'm starting to develop feelings for her but just don't know how to tell her. Anyway I hear y/n get out of bed close a window or something and return and begin to talk to herself "You know Mena, your so adorable and funny I'm so lucky to have you in my life as a best friend and I'm slowly come to realise you mean more to me than just a friend, I love you Mena but unfortunately I don't know if you feel the same it's kinda stupid that I'm talking to you while you are asleep but anyway you deserve someone better than me, someone's who's famous and beautiful things I'm not" I hear her sniff and turn and go back to sleep.
"Glad the feelings are mutual" I say and scare y/n
"How much of that did you um hear?" She asks worried
"Only all of it" I comment as I move closer to her and put my arm around her waist, she looks up and me and I pull her into a kiss. This lasts a couple of seconds as she pulls away.
"What does this mean for us then?"she asks whispering.
"Whatever you want it to be" I comment, she than kisses me again and I take that as a good sign. Getting comfortable we fall asleep again. In the morning I wake up first and stare at y/n who's sleeping peacefully. I lean down and kiss her, waking her up in the process and smiling. Laying for a little while we both get up and shower separately.

Walking down hand in hand and laughing we are met many confused faces. We both laugh and I pull her in for another kiss, by then everyone has realised what's happened and start cheering. We both sit down and eat our food while y/n talks to Naomi and I talk to Will. "You finally did it" Will exclaims.
"Well kinda, I heard y/n talking to me when she thought I was asleep" I laughed. "And one thing led to another and now look where we are" I look over at y/n and mouth an 'I love you' she returns it and smiles, making me also.

We carried on talking and then separated to get ready for the premiere, after that's really a blur as most of the day went really fast, talking with many fans and news people and taking many photos and Naomi getting scared, next minute I know I'm back in the hotel room sleeping.
Let's just say that this would be a tour I would never forget in my whole life.
Hey, I hope you enjoyed. I really enjoyed writing this and found it really cute. If you have a request please feel free to message me privately and leave a back story, it should be up in the next couple of days, thankyou again for reading this and I love you loads and see you soon ❤️❤️❤️

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