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Mena and I have been dating for around 5 years now and still going strong. We live together near to my childhood town and are close to both our families and actually get on rather well. Mena and I are planning to go to India for a holiday as we haven't gone away together yet, at least out of the country. Both of us have gone to Disney world together a couple of times but want to explore the world a little more.

A couple of day fly by as I pack my case ready to go on our adventures around India. Mena walks into the room with his suitcase and puts it on the bed packing he last few essentials. "We'll be out the country in less than 48 hours you know" I pipe it sounding overly excited.
" I know, I can't wait to go on holiday with you" he replies coming from her a giving me a small kiss. Smiling I pull away and continue making sure the house is all neat and tidy for the week we are going away. We also have a dog called Abu (anyone remember the Abu dog from one of my earlier stories 😂) and hopefully my parents will look after him while we are gone, finally getting everything and packing up the car we collect Abu and put him in the backseat as we drive off.

Reaching my parents house I quickly get out calling Abu too and walking to the door, a couple of tear leave my eyes as a knock on the door. A couple of seconds after my mum opened the doors and her face drops knowing how much we will both miss Abu. Passing him over I breakdown and my mum instantly gives me a hug and tells me that he will be ok and we will treat him like a king 😂. Wiping away my tears I walk back to the car and we drive to the airport while listening to the radio. Upon arrival we park, get our bags and go through customs successfully we sit and grab some snacks for the long plane ride.

Waiting around for about an hour as our plane was delayed we finally get on and take off. The moment we take off I lay my head on Mena's shoulder as he runs his hands through my hair I gradually fall asleep.

I'm woken up by Mena kissing me, what a surprise. Looking out the window I saw clear blue skies no clouds in sight and magnificent building decorated in many different colours, getting of the plane I look around and see so many different colours and things to do, grabbing Mena's hand I run toward are luggage and get out of there as quick as possible, calling down a cab and literally throwing the luggage in the back and giving the driver out hotel address Mena looks at me and says "well someone's enthusiastic" smiling I nod my head repeatedly and hold his hand, looking out the window there are so many people everyone, people helping each other and everywhere I look markets and buy and selling taking place, there like one big community. "You know Meens do seeing all these people and markets make you think of Aladdin?" I giggle.
"It does actually, I miss playing him every so often" he smiles sadly. Squeezing his hand we make it to the hotel. Thanking the driver we walk in and find our room.

Once inside I instantly fall on the bed and sleep as I've had a long day of travelling and I'm not used to baking awake this long. Mena eventually joins me.

Waking up in the morning I get up not before waking Mena and get changed to go grab some food. Walking down hand in hand we sit and eat some very delicious food. Luckily it was an all you can eat buffet so I went up a couple of times piling up my plate while Mena sat back and watched, who wouldn't abuse an all you can eat. Finally finishing we decide to go explore this fine city.

Walking out we spend the day being tourists looking at old historic buildings and exploring them as well as looking in caves and nearly getting lost, in the city we saw many statues and even got some of that rolled up ice cream which was amazing, not forgetting the man messing around with Mena's making so he couldn't grab his. Still walking around we find ourselves going to the markets.

The views were amazing, many people walking around and looking for foods and expensive looking rings and necklaces, children running around playing with other children and mothers talking to each other while their children play, the whole scene was truly breathtaking. Walking a little further we heard faint music playing in the distance and power flying everywhere. Being the curious couple we are we go and check it out.

We were met with many people dancing together to the beat, others standing around and using instruments to create the sounds. More people were standing around clapping in time and throwing paint powders. Laughing I walk down with Mena and join in, dancing with the other people and getting covered in paint both were laughing so much and having an amazing time.

While Mena was talking to someone I decided to cover him in some more paint, walking away slowly I grab some powder and make my way back, making sure not to get his attention I let the guy talking to him to be quiet as I pore the powder over his head and laughing. Mena slowly turns around as I continue to laugh at him glares at me and walks alway grabbing some more powder comes back and does the exact same to me as we stand there laughing at each other. After our many hours of dancing and paint throwing we make our way back to the hotel still covered and laughing. Reaching the front seat we get a few weird looks as we make our way to our room trying our best to not cover everything we go past in paint we make it and get in letting the door shut on its own. Going straight to the bathroom I run the shower and pop in and clean myself of al like powder and sweat, Mena then going in after me. Collecting my new coloured top I put it in my suitcase and get into bed, waiting for your boyfriend. Around 5 minutes later he comes out and joins me.
"Today's been so fun, wouldn't you agree" I ask
"Yeah I loved it, and I would do it again in a heartbeat" he replies.
"I'm so glad we chose to come here especially with you" I add snuggling up to him and kissing his cheek.
"Wouldn't change it for the world" he says
"Go to sleep we have a long day tomorrow" kissing me and going to sleep, me following quickly.

The rest of the holiday was amazing and we ended up going back to that market many more times and getting carried out.
Hey, I hope you enjoyed if you want to request anything message me privately with some details. I also want to say a huge Thankyou to you all for reading this, it's hit 4K reads in around a month and I can't believe it, I honestly thought no one was going to read this and it makes me so happy that you enjoy my stories and I have people around the whole world reading literally so Thankyou again so much and love you all see you soon ❤️

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