Love hurts

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So I'm am currently sitting at home on my sofa crying my eyes out with a book to the left of me..
Wonder how I got here let me begin.
I'm a part of the new film Aladdin and while working as a makeup artist I have stated to develop feelings for a certain Aladdin who I do makeup for. From day one, doing his makeup and his constant laughs and smiles made me fall more in love with him each day, but there is just one issue, Mena was in love with another actor on the set and constantly was around then, it was upsetting but at the moment I just accepted it. But Aladdin or Mena did it with everyone around me and was loved by everyone around him on set. Some days when I go to the set I feel ill and my stomach and throat hurt, I even sometimes have to run and go to the loo to throw up whist doing make up and I have no idea why.

This again happens on a ordinary Monday morning...

I got to the set early in the morning to make sure that everything is in place for all and wait for the other actors to arrive. By 9:00 am everyone else arrived and my schedule begins, first is Mena of course. I begin doing his makeup as usual and he is still making all his silly comments making me laugh and smile. Suddenly I feel like I'm going to throw up and quickly ran away leaving Mena very confused.

I ran out to the loo and stayed there for a good 10 minutes and then started to fell better. I began to clean myself up when I saw a flower petal laying on the floor next to the loo, picking it up I looked at it and had never seen it before. "what the hell" I thought. Taking the flower petal with me, I walked back to the trailer and went back to Mena who was being done by someone else. I felt kinda bad and walked over slowly.

"Sorry I kinda just left you there Mena I just felt a bit ill" i said,

"It's ok as long as you are ok now" he replied. I smiled and waited until my next schedule. I couldn't stop thinking about that petal and wondering where it came from. At lunchtime I sat with the others and ate my lunch. There was me, some other makeup artists and some cast members. The rest of the day went really fast and I was able to go home and find out what this was all about. I went straight to the library and went to look around at all the books around flowers. After a while I found a book with the same flower petal on it and took it home.

I got home and began to read the book to see if I could make any sense of the weird flower I found, turns out it's a disease called the Hanahaki Disease, you see this is when there is one sided love. Then it all clicked, I have feeling for Mena but he sees you only as a friend. I start to panic and continue reading.

It reads 'a flower will begin to grow in your body and will slowly get bigger, over time you will cough up flowers and your throat will begin to hurt, after a while the flower will grow to its full capacity and slowly kill you'. I sit there in silence, this little crush on Mena could kill me, I desperately try to see if there is any way of getting rid of this but there is only two ways either, get the flower removed and never have feelings like love, happiness and sadness again, or live with it until it slowly kills you, by this time I'm crying I don't know what to do, I'm definitely not getting it removed so I guess I have to live with it. So I'm currently sitting at home on my sofa crying my eyes out with a book to the left of me not knowing what to do. I stay there and sleep on the sofa for the night.

The next morning
I wake up on the sofa and see the condition has worsened over night, flower petals are all over my floor and sofa around me and my throats killing me, I get some water to try and ease the pain but nothings working, cleaning up the petals I run upstairs get ready and drive to work praying nothing happens, I arrive on time at work and begin getting ready, this time Naomi is first.

She comes to my trailer and I begin to do her hair and makeup yet again I begin to feel bad but carry on, bot without Naomi noticing.
"You ok there y/n?" She questions
"Oh um well yeah I'm good didn't sleep well" I lied
"Stop lying to me ok and tell me what troubling you" she says softly. I then proceed to tell her everything from me falling in love with Mena to the Hanahaki Disease. She sits there and listens the whole time and at the end gives me a big hug. I felt kinda good telling someone and not letting it build up, continuing to work on Naomi we laughed and talked for a while until I was finished and then proceeded to leave to the next trailer. Looking at my schedule I see the Mena is next, bracing myself I wait for him to arrive but still feel uneasy. After he finally arrives I begin to work on his hair and makeup making small talk. In the back of my head I could tell the flower growing was growing and it was getting increasingly worse. Suddenly I fall to the floor and begin to cough up blood and flowers, "this can't be good" I thought.

Mena POV
The last couple of weeks y/n hasn't been themselves maybe a bit off, so for example when I was having my makeup don't a week or two back they ran off and came back 15 minute later saying that they felt ill, I don't know if it's something I've done but I need to talk to y/n to make sure everything is ok.

I'm back again at their trailer and everything seem to be going ok, I began to make small talk and y/n was talking back, then they went quiet and dropped to the floor coughing up blood and flowers?, In a state of shock I ran to the next trailer to see Naomi and tell her that y/n has collapsed. She quickly got up and ran past me to see y/n with be close behind, she ran straight to her side and began talk to her saying she will be ok, after 5 minutes or so y/n coughed up a whole flower. Naomi began to panic also and called me over. "Right Mena stay here and make sure y/n doesn't loose conscious ok" she said sternly
"What's going on?" I question
" I will explain soon" she said and then ran off. So I'm stuck here with y/n coughing up flowers and petals.
I keep a good eye on them to make sure they don't loose conscious but Y/n begins to slowly close their eyes.
"Y/n, please try and keep yourself awake I can't loose you to whatever's going on" Mena exclaims.
"I'm trying my best but I don't know how long I can last, Meens" y/n says in a raspy voice
"What the hell is going on" he asks
"Well to put it bluntly I have Hanahaki Disease" y/n coughs out still slowly dropping in and out of conscious. I freeze for a second processing what y/n has just said. I know what that is. Omg. Why didn't she tell me I could of helped her.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier," Mena said as he begins to cry
" Because it's you Mena, I fell in love with you and now it's too late" y/n says in almost a whisper as they take their final breath in my arms . I scream as Naomi runs back in seeing the scene in-front of her.
"Y/n's gone" is all I say.
Sorry it's quite a long one just took a bit of time to get into it, I hope you enjoy and if you want please message me for any requests and I will try to for fill them to my best ability. Until next time ❤️

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