One Special Week

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Y/n POV (all in y/n POV)
Who knew peeing on a piece of plastic could change your life for ever, if you haven't guessed I'm pregnant with my soon to be husband Mena (getting married next week). I'm currently sitting on the floor of our bathroom in our shared small house crying with happiness while he is out filming. I decide to wait until next week and make something to cover up hopefully making sure he isn't suspicious. Collecting my thoughts I get up off the floor and go to the local shop and buy a small box and bag and return home, getting some nice paper and pen I wrote a little not on it and put them both in the bag and hid it in my wardrobe, hopefully he won't go snooping and proceed to turn on Netflix and cook our tea

After a couple of hours I hear the door go and a tired looking Mena walk in, dropping his bag he walks straight over to me and grabs my waist and pull me towards him, without complaining I look up at him and give him a quick peck before turning back to cooking
"how's your day been then?" I ask,
"Tiring and boring, lots of filming" he replies "you?"
'Not much just the fact that I'm pregnant and can't tell you yet' I thought and just replied with "meh, not much" Mena looked at me sideways but brushed it off and went to sit by the tele, with a sigh of relief I carried on cooking and moments later sat down to eat. Mena helped me clear up and we sat the rest of the night cuddling and watching Netflix until...... Mena's hand accidentally brushed against my now pregnant stomach 😂 and I shiver and hold my belly. Looking up at him he returns it with a worried face, "y/n are you ok?"
"Ye-eah fine just Um feeling a bit um under the weather that's all" I reply shakily.
"Ok?" Mena replies cautiously and we finally get up and go to bed. Changing and getting into bed Mena automatically puts him arms around me and I snuggle up to him and fall into a deep sleep.

:Time skip, bc 1 I'm tired and it late and 2 bc cba😂:

Today was the day I was going to marry the man of my dreams, waiting for my mum and others for help me get ready I sneak my present into my bag and carry on like nothing happened, after a bit they arrived and we drove to the church where I was having my makeup and dress done. After many hours of sitting standing and being pulled around I was ready. By 12 Everyone had arrived and the wedding had begun (not going to bore you with that)

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride". Turning towards Mena he dips his head down and meets my lips, we stay like this for a couple of seconds then pull away and giggle like children, walking back down the isles many people congratulated us and I just kept blushing "so how do you feel Mrs Massoud" Mena whispers in my ear,
"Absolutely amazing you Mr Massoud" I begin to giggle. We get in to the car and drive to our reception, where everyone greets us. Walking inside the building was amazing, streamers and bows everywhere balloons on the ceilings, confetti on the tables and nice and neat little name tags on chairs the dance floor in the middle of the room and lights flashing everywhere making the whole room light up. I was amazed. Slowly walking around and mingling with others I found our gift table and snuck the little bag at the back making sure it was last and addressed to Mena and hurried back to everyone else

:another Time skip I apologise:

The night was a huge success many people dancing the food was magnificent and the cake was even better despite me stuffing it into Mena's face when he wasn't expecting it and laughing loads. It was now nearing the end of the gifts, we got so many useful things like toys for children 😉, vouchers and furniture vouchers for our house, alcohol and memory books and much more. Mena looked like he had picked up the last present when I mentioned to him the one under the table, confused he picked it up and walks back. " I wonder who this is from"
" I don't know open it and find out" I reply trying so hard not to crack. Upon opening it and pulling out the small piece of plastic I peed on a week ago everyone's faces lit up and everyone started cheering, looking over at Mena he looks me dead in the eyes and runs up to me and engulfed me in a hug spinning me around many times and frantically placing kisses all over my face, then putting me down.
" I'm going to be a dad" he shouted causing everyone to laugh
" You are indeed" I smiled back. Giving me one last kiss Mena and I enjoy the rest of the night, resulting in lots of dancing and Mena now being very protective of me.

By the end of the night and most people had gone Mena and I decided to lay down on the dance floor, weird I know. "How long have you know about this little one then?" He asked
"Well about a week" I replied holding my non existent bump. "Is that why you flinched when I touched your stomach last week?" He asks curiously.
"Yes" I giggle,
"Well I guess something of mine came into use" he smiles and looks at me, resulting in me hitting his arm playfully and just laying there enjoy each-other's company as we were stuck with each other forever, but in a good way.
Hey, sorry it's been a long time no ideas and haven't had time to write however in the space for the last time I wrote to not we hit 10k reads, and I can't believe it my books been up for what 5 months ish, can't remember when I actually started it lol and we have come this far, Thankyou so much for all the love and support you have given me and any ideas that have helped me write, I Hope is can still please you all with my semi decent writing I would say and please any ideas please message and if you liked the story vote on it love Bex

Ps. Also Thankyou for the followers I received I think we are in 27 that's so cool and crazy last time I checked I was on like 12 lol, I just wasn't expecting that.

Pss. Another book should be up soon ❤️

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