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finale voting is officially closed, meaning the debut line up is locked into place! i am going to include a little epilogue with what happened to the eliminated trainees in the final chapter. i know you don't know if you've been eliminated or not, but if you have a request for what happens to your trainee please pm me! this could include, debuting solo, joining another company, going to college, becoming a youtuber... go wild! but if it's crazy then i might not do it (ex: your trainee starts dating jungkook... maybe they collab but they shouldn't be dating 😂). also now would be the time to tell me if your trainee will compete on chatoyer!

it's been quite the journey~ i'm sad it's ending... but i'm looking forward to what the future will bring 💕💕

so the finale mission is technically over now, so i've started to write the final episode. i'm actually traveling overseas starting tomorrow, and i may or may not have wifi to publish the episodes/the voting. but, i will publish it as soon as i can despite this :)
QUESTION on the finale voting, would you rather have the spam/google vote mixture again, or the top 6 ranking that we did from the second voting?


less than 24 hours until the group voting closes! remember that voting is considered an active check for trainees and that the ultimate goal is to get the most votes possible, meaning that even if you don't think you'll win, the more people that vote for a group will earn more votes in general than those where less people voted. for example if one team has 10 people vote, and the other has 20 people vote, it's likely that all of the people on the twenty vote team will place higher, just because of the sheer numbers. also i've decided that trainees will have the votes they earn for this mission added to their votes for the next elimination (but multiples x100) so once again, even if you don't win, if you get higher votes you'll have a better chance at survival!

surprise active check! wattpad took away the activity feature so i can't tell who is active or not! so surprise active check time!


that's it lol. also if you aren't active in the next 24+ hours i may or may not bring back some eliminated trainees to replace inactive ones just so it's fair!


ugh i'm so upset with myself because i have so many edits that i made for the ranking but you can only post 20 per chapter so the ranking will have to be at least two parts... i am going to try to post them all today though so the next mission can begin tomorrow, but they'll probably be posted late tonight.

also if you haven't please fill out the survey for the next mission (even if you think you'll be eliminated) because the mission can't start until group's are chosen.

finally~ i'm going to post this message at the end of the episode but i'll put it here as well: eliminations are so hard because i feel like everyone has worked so hard and put in a lot of time. but, the whole premise of the show is to go from 20 to 6, so it has to happen. I spend a lot of time writing this, and it would be really nice if even if you are eliminated, you still read and vote on the episodes. it's selfish, but it's nice to see that people appreciate what i write and motivates me to continue writing 2000 words per day for you all.

anyway, got to get back to writing :3

~arden (aka author-nim or whatever you guys like to call me 😂)

There's just about nine hours remaining until the voting for episode three ends and soon it will be time for the last part of episode three to be released. There is still plenty of time for spam voting though, so don't give up just yet! Also if you planned on writing something for your trainee to say and haven't done so yet, please complete that before the deadline too. If you're feeling confident, you can fill out the form for the position evaluation early


Note that i will be organizing groups based on the final ranking coming out tomorrow so the time when you submit the form is not really important, but sooner is better than later.

Good luck and keep voting!

It's currently 10 PM PST, meaning we're starting the two hour count down until the end of episode zero voting and the release of the first episode. There's still two groups that need to submit their missions~ please do what you can to submit it on time. If I don't get the missions I have to push everything back. I'm probably going to sleep for a little bit and come back around midnight to do the final calculations for the votes.

a side note: it's been discovered that at about 2100 comments, the inline starts to glitch out and sometimes the votes just disappear at any point. if this happens do not hesitate to message me. i've been keeping pretty good track of the votes though, so if stuff starts disappearing i should have a record of it.

these past 46 hours have been a bit of a whirlwind of notifications (i got about 11,000 over the two days) and while it was fun, i think i'm going to be using google voting from now on so that my account is still functional beyond counting spam votes~

and if i haven't said it yet~ good luck everyone, because it's finally starting for real :3

Épanoui is finally full and ready to begin! Batch four was just published giving us a total of 20 trainees :) I have the first mission all ready to go with all the trainee system and everything, but i know this is also a really inconvenient time for everyone. SO... i can either publish now or I can delay until 5 PM PST (9 AM KST, 12 AM GMT, and about 7 AM in Indonesia area). Thoughts?


greetings trainees! how would everyone feel if i did adopt a trainee to get the last five? unless anyone is silent reading this book and has yet to join or just doesn't want to fill out the whole form. anyway, i've got the first mission almost ready to go (because i have no life rip) and i was surprised but also not surprised at what the top three choices were. BONUS POINTS if you PM what you think were the top three, i'll give you 100 votes for each one you guess correctly. i've decided i'm just going to throw random active checks out there because i have a feeling the voting is going to get pretty close.

hi everyone! i just wanted to let you all know that i'll be starting summer break next week, meaning i'll have lots of time to work on my books. i was thinking i might change the trainee batch system to give each trainee their own chapter, but i haven't decided for sure what i want to do yet. anyway, you all probably know by now there's six slots left to reach twenty trainees! i am tempted; however, to add five more slots so we could have 25 trainees to begin with, but that just depends on how many appliers there are.

special thank you to everyone who has tagged and applied! if you're interested, you can also apply more than once as each person may have up to three trainees!

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