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"Chanyeollie!" Mrs. Kim shouted for the third time but he still wasn't responding. To think that the room where Chanyeol went and the living room was just fifteen steps away.

"Haist! This kid. What is he even doing?" Mrs. Kim was getting impatient because she was talking to Suho. She wanted to ask Chanyeol if Suho should bring some of the furniture so they can move in immediately like what he wanted. She was about to shout a Chanyeol when she opened the door but was shocked at what she saw.

"Oh? He's sleeping?" Mrs. Kim then decided herself and told Suho to move the furnitures already and left. She did not want to disturb Chanyeol. 

Since he was a kid, Chanyeol had trouble sleeping because of the traumatic even that happened in his past. And honestly, he never wanted to sleep in any other place than his home because he almost startled everyone when their company went to a camping and he got haunted by his nightmare. Since then... he decided to sleep nowhere but his room. Shockingly, he was able to sleep here easily. Maybe because he already thinks place of this as his home. 

Mrs. Kim then decided to listen to all the tapes that she found and kept repeating it. 

"Mother! Park Chanyeol! I'm here!" Suho said at the door as soon as he came with the moving company.

"Shhhh! Don't be so loud." Mrs. Kim said whispering.

"Is he still sleeping? Really?" Suho asked shockingly and came rushing to Chanyeol's room.

Suho was enthusiastic when he entered the house but seeing Chanyeol like this gave him calmness. Chanyeol was laying sideways, his left hand used as a pillow and a calm look on his face. The room was dark but the moonlight hits his face so beautifully it made Suho suddenly feel calm.

"I haven't seen him sleep this peacefully ever." Suho said as he was still looking at the sleeping Chanyeol.

"Because he has never slept that peacefully." Mrs. Kim replied with a smile. The two then decided to leave the room and let Chanyeol sleep.

"Perhaps this place isn't that bad." Suho said as they sat in the living room.

"This place is beautiful." Mrs Kim said.

"Mother... How long has he been sleeping?" Suho suddenly asked.

"About 6 hours now." Mrs Kim answered.

"Well, this place isn't just beautiful. It's magical." Suho said  which made his mother laugh.

It's true though. Never have Chanyeol slept more than five hours because his nightmares always woke him up in the middle of his sleep. He also never chose to sleep again after being woken up by his nightmare because when he tries, he just dreams of it again. Although Suho was skeptical about the house... he can't lie that this house already is different from every house Chanyeol has moved to all these years. 

They did not wanna wake up Chanyeol nor they wanted to leave him alone so they decided to spend the night there.

It was eleven in the evening and Suho had difficulty sleeping with the music so he decided to turn off the cassette player. He then was able to sleep peacefully but was woken up with a loud noise and he went straight to where his mom was sleeping.

"Forget what I said earlier... I told you this place is dangerous!" Suho said as he entered his mother's room.

"Wait... that's Chanyeol!" His mother said as they realized it was Chanyeol who shouted. They then immediately ran to his room and saw a dumbfounded, devastated and an all sweaty Chanyeol, different from the peace he radiated earlier.

"Nightmare?" Suho asked as he sat beside Chanyeol.

"Obviously" Chanyeol relplied, still distressed. 

"You've been asleep for eight hours. I was close to believing this place is magical." Suho said jokingly which earned a smile from Chanyeol. On the other hand, Mrs. Kim still looked worried which Chanyeol noticed.

"I'm fine now. I'll just probably do some work. I'm not planning on sleeping tonight so you can all go back to sleep." Chanyeol said and the two eventually left. Mrs Kim wanted to let Chanyeol rest but she knows she can't stop him anyway. 

The next morning, Mrs Kim was shocked to Chanyeol asleep again. Suho then followed Mrs Kim.

"Okay... i'm scared right now." Suho said as he again saw Chanyeol asleep. Chanyeol then was woken up by the sunlight.

"You slept again" Mrs. Kim said.

"Maybe he's just dead tired." Suho said not being able to explain how he was able to sleep but he still had a nightmare last night.

"Really? I don't know. I was just working last night and decided to play some music while working... and I don't remember anything next." Chanyeol said also figuring out what was happening to him.

"Music? Did you play the cassette?" Mrs Kim asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Chanyeol asked back.

"Maybe it's the cassette." Mrs Kim suggested which Chanyeol immediately blocked.

"Maybe... but... you were playing it last night right? And still-" Chanyeol was talking when Suho stopped him.

"Wait. I turned it off last night... And after a while you had a nightmare." Suho said which left them thinking...

"Could it be the cassette tape?" Chanyeol wondered...

An Angel's Lullaby  ~ 𝓅𝒸𝓎 𝓍 𝓅𝒸𝓎Where stories live. Discover now