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-       FLASHBACK     - 


One day down... you still have 6 days to say goodbye. I have a surprise for you today.

The moment she read the text, she did not hesitate and immediately went to Chanyeol's house. She decided not to leave her phone since she noticed someone has been following her after their Thailand trip but also brought Jisoo's old phone. To her surprise, Chanyeol was at the veranda at six in the morning but is in obvious distraught.

"Chaeyoung?! What are you doing here? It's still so early." Chanyeol asked, shocked that her girlfriend was there at six in the morning.

"I just... I really missed you. Are you okay? You seem... stressed." Chaeyoung asked worriedly. Looking at his man, it's obvious the guy did not have much sleep nor is at peace.

"Everything is fine. Don't worry." He was not a good actor. Chaeyoung gave her an 'I don't believe you' type of look so he had no choice but to tell the truth.

"It's just that... the company is in shambles right now." Chanyeol replied not knowing what to do.

"So... this is what you meant Do Kyungsoo. " Chaeyoung thought.

Chaeyoung then brought out Jisoo's phone, typed something and showed Chanyeol.

My phone is tapped. We need to talk somewhere far and private.
I need to leave my phone in the living room.

Chanyeol replied with a nod and they decided to talk in the basement.

"Love... you're making me nervous. What is this about?" Chanyeol asked just as Chaeyoung closed the door.

"First of all, this will be a lot of talking so let me finish first before asking anything okay?"

"Uhm... okay?" Now he's scared.

"You're company. It started to be like this after Thailand right? There's a reason for it... My ex."


"Okay... When I was studying business, I had a classmate... his name was Do Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo and I hated each other at first. He was a douche and I'm not gonna tolerate any of it. Then by bickering and stuff, we grew close to each other. He then, changed. We became friends and after we graduated, I got accepted in his father's company and he asked me to be his girlfriend. We had a good relationship at first... then his old habits came back. He drank everyday, went to clubs, was always late at work. Even many of our friends told me he was flirting with other girls, but I never believed any of it. I mean, I saw him change. I denied reality until I faced it myself. I caught him flirting here and there but he always said sorry and I always forgave him. Not until... I saw him playing with another woman. He thought I wasn't gonna be at work, then when I entered his office, I saw him doing it with his secretary. That moment, I decided to leave him."

"That's... he's bullshit."

"He is. After I left, he threatened me. If I don't get back with him, he'll give me a hard time to find other jobs. I did not believe his capacity but he was able to do it. He told ceo's of companies that I seduced him for him to help me get a job, and I can be a bad image to a company. So no one accepted me. Until, I left my old city, moved here, and you accepted me. And now he wants me again..."


"He said he's gonna ruin you if I don't leave you for him... and what's happening in your company, I think this is what he meant but I'm not that stupid okay? I'm never gonna leave you... but I guess I have to."

"Wait... what? what do you mean?"

"We just have to make him believe we broke up."


"I have to go with him"

"Okay. I don't like this plan."

"Let me finish first. I don't know how long... but you have to trust me. If we don't do this then he'll ruin your company and he'll never let us live. We need to do this. I need to do this." Chaeyoung said which is starting to convince Chanyeol.

"What's your plan?"

"Kyungsoo thinks he's smart... which makes him dumb. He's over complaisant because he thinks he can easily cover things. One thing you should know about Kyungsoo is he's dirty. If he wants things, he would get it the easiest way... no matter how messy it is. I just have to get every evidence I can get. If I remember correctly, he has one password for everything. Our anniversary. Now, after we break up, I'm pretty sure he'll stop bugging you. I want you to talk to his old employees and investors... see what you can get. The last thing we need is a venue where he can't cover up all his dirt. Somewhere everyone will see who he really is." Chaeyoung was thinking hard when Chanyeol thought of something.

"Next month... there will be this annual conference or party of some sort where all the CEOs of this country come together to talk, share insights, business related."

"That's perfect! but... can we wait that long?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I think. Can you?"

"If I keep myself occupied, maybe I can."

"But no one has to know... not even Suho or Jisoo unnie"

"Okay. I understand. Just so you know love, I hate this plan. If this does not work out, I will kidnap you from him and we'll go to Paris and live there."

"Okay... that's Plan B" both of them laughed at joke but the reality started to hit them again and they hugged each other.

"This will be over love" Chaeyoung said and gave him a quick kiss which Chanyeol reciprocated with a smile.

"Now about the break-up... It has to be... painful?"

"What are you thinking?"

"If I had to actually do it? I would be mad at you for nothing just to make you think it's the reason why I'll break up with you." Chaeyoung said and Chanyeol though of an idea.

"Hey... you said something about him telling ceo's you seduced him. What if I bring that up? to make him believe more that I hated you for braking up with me? that way, he won't think we are conspiring about something."

"I love you." Chaeyoung suddenly muttered.

"I love you too." Chanyeol answered.

"Now we need to get going before he starts to get suspicious that he's not hearing anything." Chaeyoung said and they went back to the living room. 

They then spent the whole day with each other because the following days and weeks will be torture.


An Angel's Lullaby  ~ 𝓅𝒸𝓎 𝓍 𝓅𝒸𝓎Where stories live. Discover now