12 - HEADWAY (Part II)

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After she finished her phone call, she was shocked to not see her boss anymore.

"Where did that guy go?" she thought.

She went looking at the bathroom and at the hallway but there was no Chanyeol. She thought of looking for him but she thought he may just have gone out to enjoy the view or get some food...

"But he said we need to finish the work..." but she decided to shrug it off.

It's been more than an hour and Chanyeol isn't back yet. If she were to be honest, she's bothered. But more than being bothered, she was more worried about her boss. Chanyeol just said that he had a few office problems on the plane and now he's gone when he was so focused on working an hour ago.

His missing presence is definitely affecting her.

"I'd rather bicker with him than be in a foreign country alone in my room." she thought.

After a deep sigh, she heard the voice she's been missing... although he was only gone for more than an hour.

"What's with the deep sigh? Are you tired of your job?" Chanyeol asked without even looking at her.

"I was just uhm... where did you go?" Chaeyoung asked. Of course she won't tell him she's worried. Although what's wrong with that? She's her boss. But still... the man was only gone for an hour and she's acting like the man was missing for a day.

"I moved the meeting later for tomorrow." Chanyeol said which made Chayeoung feel like a bomb dropped straight to her head.

"What do you mean sir? Why?" She was so ready to wander around tomorrow. 

"This was a business trip after all."

"They asked for a few adjustments. What they're asking is pretty demanding so I asked the meeting be moved tomorrow. Why is there a problem?" Chanyeol said with a cold voice.

"Oh... nothing sir. Can I wander around for just a few hours?" Chaeyoung said hoping to atleast enjoy thailand for a little while.

"Didn't you hear what I said? They asked for adjustments! We need to work more!" Chanyeol said with a raised voice which made Chaeyoung scared.

"I'm sorry sir. I should get back to work." 

And so the two worked all night. They did not even talk. It's like two strangers were put in one room... or like enemies who were left in a classroom. The room was filled with a weird feeling. A mix of jealousy and anger? Well, they talked a few times, but just asking about details and stuff. And even when they do, they don't even look at each other. That's not even talking. That's just like saying something... or talking to the wind. That's how weird the feeling was. Anyone inside the room would've run out the moment they enter. 

The feeling got way more heavier when Chaeyoung talked to that Daniel again. The moment Chanyeol heard the name, he immediately left the room not caring about what they were talking about.

The next day, Chanyeol continued his cold treatment and this time, it got way worse. Chaeyoung wanted to confront him but she knew they had a meeting so she tried to hold it in until the meeting is over.

The moment they stepped inside the room after the meeting, Chaeyoung did not hold back anymore.

"What the heck is your problem with me?" 

"What did you just say?" Chanyeol was bewildered.

"I asked you what your problem is! You were fine at first and then suddenly your mood swing attacked again and now you're disrespecting me again like what you did before. You know what's worse? I don't even know if I did something wrong!" Chaeyoung said shouting. She held back all the shitty treatment her boss is giving and now she doesn't care anymore.

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