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Chaeyoung dropped the call, still shocked of what she just heard.

"Is that Hyunsuk who called? And he said something about your mother..." Chanyeol wanted to know what made Chaeyoung that shocked. 

"Yeah. He said my mom's coming with him to Korea. He said my mother wants to see me." Chaeyoung eyes was looking nowhere and there is still a sense of stun on her face.

"How long have you not seen her?" Chanyeol asked.

"The last time I saw her was when she left. It was like... seven, eight years ago."

"Wow... that's pretty long."

"Yeah." Chaeyoung realized they drifted away from what they were talking about because of her brother's call.

"Where were we again before Hyunsuk called?"

"I was asking you out on a date." Chanyeol said calmly.

Yep. Double Shocker.

"I thought I misheard you or something. Are you sure? I mean, Why? When? How?"

"Easy on the questions." Chanyeol said to calm Chaeyoung down which is obviously bewildered again.

"First, Am I sure? Yes. I really want to take you out on a date. Why? to get to know you better because you intrigue me so much. When? Probably when we go back to Korea. How? Well-"  Chanyeol was cut off.

"I wasn't asking about the date. I was asking why you suddenly have interest in me. What made you ask me out? Why? When did you realize you want to take me out? How did you come with the decision?"

"Well... about that... I'll be honest Chaeyoung. You left an impression in me when I first saw you. I didn't really see it up until the first week but you were really attractive and-" he wasn't even finished but Chaeyoung cut him off again.

"So you find me hot that's why you want to take me out? Okay. You sound like my ex-boyfriend."

"No! Could you let me finish first?" Chanyeol said which made Chaeyoung silent before letting him continue.

"Yes you were attractive and that made me interested in you. I'm a man. I won't deny that but knowing you and your story made me want to get to know you more. There's something about you that makes me giddy yet calm. It's weird but it feels good."

"But we only met only a month ago." Chaeyoung said.

"I know. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend already. I just want to get to know you more but I want to be clear that I'm not getting to know you as an employee but as a person. As a woman."

"I just... I..." She doesn't know what to say.

"What's so wrong about discovering a person right? The only woman I have opened up with is my aunt. You are the first person I was actually interested in."

"Gosh I hate how great of a business man he is."

"How do I know your not sweet-talking me with those flowery words?"

"I am sweet-talking you. If that is the only way to get you to say yes."

Old Chaeyoung would've probably kicked him and ran away the moment he asked but she's 24 and it's been a while since she had someone with her and she admits her bestfriend having a boyfriend while she's alone makes it worse.

"Fine. But no romance yet. Just knowing each other more. Okay?"

"Okay. It's a deal." Chanyeol said with a smile on his face.

At 1 pm, they already went to the airport for their flight back to Korea. Nothing really changed much. They still acted like they were before. Mature, Professional, but still a lot of bickering. They did not really go out and about because Chaeyoung did not want anyone in the office to see them on restaurants or places dating that's why their first date was literally in his office with some chicken and beer. 

Hyunsuk and Chaeyoung's mother came to Korea earlier than expected. They arrived on a Saturday which means no work for Chaeng. They decided to go to Jisoo's restaurant to eat lunch. Jisoo greeted them as soon as they entered.

"Chaeng-ah! Hyunsuk-ah! Auntie! Welcome to my restaurant." Jisoo said then she hugged the three. Hyunsuk went to sit with his mother while Jisoo and Chae continued to talk.

"Chaeyoung-ah, I already put the your cassettes in your room since I might not need it anymore. Have you gotten your mother's cassettes?" Jisoo asked.

"I'll go tomorrow unnie. Don't worry." Chaeyoung reassured. Jisoo then went to the topic she really wanted to ask.

"How about you and Chanyeol..." 

"Same old story. Work, few foods and talks, that's it for now. You gotta go back managing your restaurant. We need to eat." Chaeyoung said then went to their table.

"Hyunsuk-ah! Have you prepared for you audition?" Chaeyoung asked as soon as they sat.

"Of course noona! You did not tell me the guy you said was gonna help me was iKon's B.I.!" Hyunsuk said which made Chaeyoung laugh.

"How did you know him?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Well, he was my classmate back in high school. I actually made him audition to YG and look where he is now." Chaeyoung said proudly.

"You know what Hyunsuk... your sister is really talented. She sings, plays all types of instruments, writes songs... she also raps a little." her mother said.

"Really?" Hyunsuk was shocked about what he just heard. He knew Chaeyoung was an A+ type of student but he knew little to none about her sister's talent.

"That was before I lived alone and entered college." Chaeyoung said which earned a long silence.

"How's your work Chaeyoung?" her mother asked.

"Tiring. Good thing I have someone like Jisoo who energizes me." Chaeyoung answered.

Another long silence.

The food came and they three ate silently. Just before they left, her mother went to the comfort room and Chaeyoung also went a few seconds later.

On the other hand, Suho and Chanyeol just entered Jisoo's restaurant also to eat lunch.

"Go grab your girlfriend I just need to pee." Chanyeol said and went rushing to the comfort room.

Just as he went outside, he heard a very familiar voice and saw the back of what seems to be an older looking lady.

"That's the voice in the..."

"Suho! She's here! I heard the voice in the cassette." Chanyeol said grabbing Suho's arms.

"What? Are you sure? Maybe she just sounded the same. Korea is big, man." Suho said but Chanyeol seems really sure.

"I. am. sure. I literally listen to that voice every night." Chanyeol said still shocked of what he just heard.

He is sure that's the voice of his guardian angel. His savior. He wanted to meet the old lady to say thank you to her but when he came back to the comfort room, it was already empty.

"Oh! Chaeyoung! What are you doing here? And who is with you?" Suho asked which made Chanyeol turn around.

"I'm with my family. We just ate and we're about to leave now. I'm gonna introduce you to each other some other time."

"Take care then." Chanyeol said which Chaeyoung answered with a smile.

An Angel's Lullaby  ~ 𝓅𝒸𝓎 𝓍 𝓅𝒸𝓎Where stories live. Discover now