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"Chanyeol, there's one thing you should know. I love you more than anything in this world but I can't be with you. Maybe you won't understand now but you'll do eventually." Chaeyoung said, sad just imagining how hard it'll be.

"Unnie... do you think this is better?" Chaeyoung asked referring to the line she just said.

Jisoo just smiled and said... "Chaeng, however you say it, it's not gonna make what you will do any better. The man loves you... and you have to let him go. No need to practice okay? Just say what you think he needs to hear."

She's right. I whatever way she says it, she'll leave the man she ever loved and saying it properly does not make it any less painful. It's not like she'll be able to say what she practiced anyway.

Since she found out about Kyungsoo listening to everything she says, she closes the phone when she needs to say something in private and opens it when she thinks it's okay. This time, she let him listen to her. She wants him to know she's gonna do it. It's been 4 days since she found out about Kyungsoo's threat and day by day, the company problem worsens. She's not gonna wait for more days. It's not like someone's gonna stop her from saving the love of her life. She just came home from work and everything is hard for the past few days. She gets mad at Chanyeol for nothing, ignores him, and does everything she can to put him to be mad and make it look like that's the reason she's gonna leave him. What's hard is that no matter how unreasonable she is, the man always tries to understand her.

Just as she was anxious about talking to Chanyeol tomorrow, the guy she wants to talk to the least called her.

"Babe... so I've been hearing you and your shitty boyfriend are fighting. Perhaps you should thank me because I helped you escape that man." Kyungsoo said feeling triumphant.

"Shut up Kyungsoo. I am fighting with him to make me leaving less suspicious. I'm doing this for him not for you."

"Of course you're doing this for him. The only thing is, you're doing this for him... but you'll end up being with me." Kyungsoo said then laughed.

"Just shut up okay. I'm doing you a favor by covering your plan to prevent him from killing you."

"You really are smart Chae... but not enough to outsmart me."

"You were just one step ahead Kyungsoo. That doesn't make you any smarter. I need to sleep now." Chaeyoung said then dropped the call.

"Aish that asshole!" Chae cursed with Jisoo beside her.

"sorry unnie." she added seeing Jisoo's reaction.

The next day came and Chae's initial plan was to talk to Chanyeol first thing in the morning. Sadly, she saw how busy the man was and she didn't wanna ruin his day. After work, she asked Chanyeol to go the rooftop to talk. Of course, she brought her phone with her because she knew Kyungsoo needed to hear this.

"So... this is our new romantic place? I was kinda getting bored eating at my office anyway. Atleast we have a new hideout." Chanyeol said sounding excited.

"Chanyeol... I... I don't think we have to hide anymore." Chaeyoung said which gave Chanyeol a shocking look.

"Does this mean... you and I... we... we can tell-" Chanyeol was just happy with the thought but Chaeyougn cut her off.

"No. What I mean is.... there 's no reason to hide everything when there's nothing to hide."

"Love... what do you mean?" Chanyeol was getting nervous.

"Let's just end this." Chaeyoung said which validated the weird feeling Chanyeol felt with this conversation.

"Love... I know we've been fighting these past few days but I want you to know I'm willing to understand you just as long as I keep you." this time, Chanyeol did not hold back his tears and his sobs echoed through out as Chae became dead silent.

"I'm sorry Yeol. Maybe we just weren't fit." Chaeyoung said but Chanyeol wasn't having any of it.

"Oh enough with that bullshit! I get it. You used me. You think I don't know why no one accepted you to work when you have good credentials? because you seduced your old boss' son! And I accepted you because I knew I won't fall for you. Or atleast I thought. But I knew you and I believed what you felt for me was real. Then you're gonna be like this? After days you're gonna leave me behind? Perhaps everything was a joke to you. You're a fucking fraud! You're a liar!" This time, Chaeyoung has had enough of it.

"Stop! okay? Enough! I can't believe you just thought I lied about what happened to my family. You doubted my love for you."

"So you can doubt my feelings for you but I can't doubt yours? wow."

"Shut it! This is exactly why we can't be together! Your whiny-ass, childish mind!"

"Really? All right then. My whiny-ass, childish mind says let's really end this. And you're fired!" Chanyeol said and went storming off, leaving Chaeyoung alone in that rooftop.

"I'm sorry love..." Chaeyoung said as she sat and cried in that cold cement thinking this could be the end. She needed to end this but this is the worst way to. She hated this but she knows she needs to do this.

She was crying her eyes out when suddenly, she received a call from the man who is the reason of all of this.

"You did great babe. If you need anyone, my house is free." Kyungsoo said, sounding teasing.

"I have a house Kyungsoo. I did what you wanted me to do. Can you atleast give me time to get over him?" this isn't probably the good time to tease Chaeyoung as she just made a decision she could be thankful she did, or regret the rest of her life.

"Of course babe... good night." Kyungsoo said then ended the call.

"This is the best decision I can do. I hope you trust me on this one Yeol. I hope I can make things right." Chaeyoung thought as she closed her eyes, feeling the cold breeze around her and inside her heart.

An Angel's Lullaby  ~ 𝓅𝒸𝓎 𝓍 𝓅𝒸𝓎Where stories live. Discover now