season 8 scripts

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Emilia's alarm went off at 5am. The whole cast of GoT had to be in belfast for season eight sripts and table read. Soon shooting would begin. Her and Kit had to catch a plane at 7am. "Kit, time to wake we have to catch a plane im two hours." Emilia said as she shook him to get up. "Em, i love you" Kit said as he got up.
2 hours later: kit and emilia were boarding the plane to belfast. When they took their seats Emilia put her headphones on and listened to her music. What! Why are you staring at me? Em said to Kit with a smile. "Just looking at that beautiful face of yours" he replied. Em just snuggled up to him and fell asleep.
When they arrived in Belfast they quickly went to the their hotel to get away from the press. They didnt want their relationship public. They both knew it would start problems. When they got inside kit got in the shower. He felt soft arms slide around him. Can i join you? Emilia asked.  "always" he replied. Then gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. When they got out of the shower Emilia fell asleep on the couch. Kit lifted her up like a child and took her to his bed. "I love you clarke" he wispered to her ear the wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.
Emilia woke up to the smell of coffee. "Hello my love" emilia said to kit as the entered the kitchen. How was your sleep? Kit asked her. "Always better with you." She said then gave him a kiss. Then a knock came to the door. "Ill get it", kit told her then went to the door. It was david dropping off the scripts. "Hey Kit heres your script, and have you seen Emilia she wasnt in her hotel room so i was thinking she was here?"
"Um, no but she told she was heading out for breakfast, i can give her the script if you would like." Kit replied.
"Ok, thankyou and remember the table read is in 2 weeks we just wanted you to come here a little earlier so we can get costumes ready to fit and just other stuff for preparation. David told him.
"I understand, see you later." Kit relpied then david left.
Emilia approached him, why did you tell him i was at breakfast.? She asked. Because i didnt want him suspecting anything. He replied and handed her the script. Emilia immediately started reading.
"Kit arent you going the script?" She asked him
"No i want to wait til the table read, so it will be more surprising"
"Ok but im reading it" she told him
Whem she got to the part when Jon kills Dany her heart broke. Kit seen the sadness in her eyes.
"What is it Em" he asked worryingly
"You will have to wait till the table read to find out." She replied then snuggles up to his chest

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