You can have her back!!!!

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Kit and Emilia went to see the Jonas Brothers and had a great time but cut time there early because they had to be in New York for SNL the following morning. Their plane to New York was at 4:30am. They went home and immediately fell asleep. The next morning Kit woke up to his alarm. "Em time to get up." Kit said as he shook her them kissed her shoulder. "What time is it?" She asked sleepily. "3:30am and we have a flight in an hour." Kit said. "Ugh fine" she said as she got up, she was grouchy. Kit was smiling at her. "What is it?" Emilia asked in an angry tone. "I love it when your a grouchy girl." Kit replied still smiling. "Hahaha very funny but I'm not grouchy." Emilia said sarcastically as she was getting dressed. "And by the way you need to grow your hair back ASAP because that look is not you" Emilia said, she was trying to act angry but she couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing. Kit started laughing. At 4:30am Kit and Emilia were on a plane to New York. They rehearsed all day and then it was finally show time. (SNL video below).

After SNL Kit, Emilia, John and Rose went back to the hotel. Emilia had to have a separate room so nobody suspected anything. Rose shared a room with Kit but he slept in the living room. And John had his own room. Kit and Emilia had to be back in London tomorrow morning Kit had his Play. Rose snuck into the living room and layed next to Kit on the pull out couch. The next Morning Emilia walked into Kits room and seen them both laying on the couch. Kit was laying the oposite way covered up and rose way next to him with no blanket so Emilia knew Kit had no idea she was there. Emilia grabbed rose by her arm and pulled her from the bed and slapped her. Kit woke up immediately. "Em what the fuck is going on!" Kit yelled as he grabbed Emilia. Rose started to cry so he bent down to if she was ok. "Are you okay? " Kit asked. Rose nodded  "Emilia what the fuck is wrong with you." Kit yelled as he grabbed her shoulders. "I walked in she was next to you what the fuck do you expect me to think Kit!" Emilia yelled. "I understand but you dont hit her." Kit yelled. "Oh so you take her side your a fucking asshole." Emilia yelled. "Here you can have her back!" Emilia yelled with tears in her eyes then she took off her ring and threw it at him the walked out. "Em no please I'm sorry" kit tried but she left anyway. "FUCK!" He yelled. Rose smirked a little. Kit cought her smirk. "You did this on fucking purpose! I fucking hate you!" Kit yelled he walked out to find Emilia...

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