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Kit had set an alarm for 8am so him and Emilia could start there day of messing with Maisie and Sophie. "Em wake up time to prank Sophie and Maisie" Kit said excitingly. "Let's go Em!" Kit said he was starting to get anxious. "Fine I'm up" Emilia said sleepy. She got up and they both got dressed. When they were ready they headed down to the store near by. They bought dark green and bright yellow paint to replace with their shampoo. Water balloons to fill with water and fake blood. They go hot sauce to replace with ketchup. When they got back they hurried up stairs. They watch Sophie and Maisie leave, then went to their room and replaced the shampoo's. When they went back to their room the filled up the water balloons with water and since both of them wore white shirts they filled some balloons with fake blood. When they saw Sophie and Maisie about to walk in the hotel they got ready to launch the balloons. "In 3,...2,...1... GO!" Kit yelled and they both dropped the balloons from the balcony. Both girls shirts turned red. They looked up. "Emilia we know that came from your room, where coming up" Sophie yelled. When Sophie and Maisie arrived at Em's room they knocked. Kit and Em acted like they weren't their. "we know your both in their you dumb asses." Sophie yelled from the thother side of the door. "Fine have it your way" Maisie said.
LATER ON: Sophie and Maisie were having French fries for a. Little snack and used ketchup. "Uhm Soph.... Does this ketchup seem hot to you...  Maisie asked. "Actually yes" Sophie said then spit it out. Maisie smelt it. "Its hot sauce!  not Ketchup!." Sophie said. "Kit and Emilia did this!" Maisie said. "Check your shampoo, Joe put paint in mine when he got mad at me." Sophie told Maisie. They both checked their shampoo and immediately saw the paint. "Why would they do this." Sophie asked. "Soph, they know we know and now their getting us back." Maisie said. Later they put paint in Kit and Emilia's shower. Kit and Emilia got out the shower. "Kit your hair is yellow!" Emilia yelled. "Emilia your hair is dark green." Kit yelled.  Kits was not very noticeable because he had dark hair, but Emilia had died her hair blonde and the dark green was clearly visible....

Perfect LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora