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Emilia picked up her phone immediately. She tried to ring Kit but he wouldnt answer. "Hey Em what's wrong?" Lola asked. "Kits not answering his phone and I'm worried." Emilia answered. "Let's go to his place" Lola said. "Rose just said he wasn't there or the pub". Em answered. "Let's just go." Lola said then dragged Emilia out the door. When they arrived to Kits, Emilia noticed the lights were off. She took out the spare key Kit had given her and unlocked the door Lola following behind her. "Suprise!!!" Everyone yelled as the lights came on. Kit approached Emilia. "Happy birthday Emilia Harington" Kit said the kissed her passionately. "Kit I was so worried about you" Emilia said as they finished their kiss. She then looked at Lola. "You had part in this didn't you?!!" Emilia said. Lola shook her head yes. "So did I" a voice came from behind her. Emilia turned around and saw the red head. "Rose thank you so much" Emilia said. "Em I'm sorry about how I treated you can we maybe be friends again." Rose asked. "I would love that" Emilia answered and gave her a hug. Rose and Emilia talked and caught up on things. Lola was talking to Jack, Kits brother, all the other guest were having a good time. Maisie, Sophie, Alfie, and some other cast members were there. Kit and Emilia had officially come out about their relationship with the people ONLY at the part. David and Dan were their also. Em's mum and brother was there. Kits parents were there. Kit approached Emilia and Rose." "Can I have my wife now" Kit asked sarcastically. "All yours" Rose answered then went to talk to Maisie. "Thank you Kit." Em said as they started to dance. "For what?" Kit asked. "Everything" Em answered. "I love you" Emilia said. "I love you most" Kit said. He leaned in for a Kiss. Their lips met. When they broke for air Kit started to sing the lyrics while dancing with Emilia.

" I just wanna tell the world that your mine girl" Kit sang. Then Emilia joined. " oh" They don't know about the things we do" they both sang. "They don't know about the I Love you's" Kit sang. He leaned his forehead on hers and closed the gap between them.

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