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Kit went to rehearse for his play. Emilia went to her house. When she walked in Molly jumped on her. "Hey molly, how are you girl" Emilia said as she picked up the puppy. Emilia put food and water in Mollys food bowl. Then made her own food. After she ate she went of Netflix and put on stranger things. Soon after she fell asleep.
Kit was rehearsing for his play but when he got a break he texted Emilia.
K: Hey babe, I'm on a lunch break just wanted, to say I love you.
Emilia didn't reply.
K: Em, you there.
She didn't reply. Kit started to worry. After play rehearsals it was 8:00pm. Kit went to Emilia's house. He knew to check there first because she had told him before he left his house she was going home. When he walked in Molly jumped on his leg. He went to the living room,  he was still worried. His worry went away when he seen Emilia on the sofa sleeping. Kit picked up her legs and sat down and layed them on his lap. Emilia woke at his touch. "Sorry babe I didn't mean to wake you." Kit said when he realized she woke. Emilia just got up sat on Kits lap in a little ball and wrapped a blanket around them with Molly. "Em, are you okay?" Kit asked. Emilia shook her head no. "I don't feel good."  Emilia asked, she snuggled as close as she could to his chest which warmed her up a little. She put her head in his neck. Kit put his hand on her forehead. "Em, your burning up!" Kit said. Kit got up and got the thermometer. He took her temperature. "Babe you have a 104° fever, you need a doctor." Kit said. "No Kit I just want rest." Emilia said calmly. "Alright let's take you to bed." Kit said. He picked her up, Emilia wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her up stairs and layed her in bed and covered her up. Molly jumped up with her. Kit put sweat pants on and took of his shirt. He layed down next to her. She snuggled up to his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and they both fell asleep with Molly at Emilia's feet.

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