Episode 3

117 15 1

Its been a week since I confessed to Minji. Everything went normal but its just I haven't done anything with her. We only have a short conversation about three times a day. I need to do something new.

As usual I come to school with Taehyun. Should I ask him what should I do today? What if he says that I'm not ready to be in relationship due to lack of experiance? I'm really clueless.

Taehyun: What are you thinking about? It seems like your mind is a mess

Beomgyu: You've meet a lot of girls right? What do you do with them?

Taehyun: I didn't do anything to them... They're the one who asked me to lunch with them, give me presents, lunch box and so on

Beomgyu: Lunch? I never see you at lunch hall with girls

Taehyun: They just ask me to join them but I say no

If I ask Minji to have a lunch with me, will she accept or reject just like how Taehyun reject all of the girl's invitation to join the lunch.

We don't say anything after as we have to go on seperate ways to get in our class. When I came in, Mrs Ju already sitting on her desk eventho its not registration time yet.

After all 24 of us get in class, Mrs Ju stands up with serious face and we all know the reason of it; she's leaving.

Mrs Ju: Guys... As everyone knows sadly today is my last day here because I will be transferred to other school which is now have not enough teachers

Yeonjun: Mrs, who will replace you then? Please don't say it was Mr Yoo

Mrs Ju: Yes Yeonjun, Mr Yoo will replace me.. I'm sorry to tell you that

All: Whaaat noooooo

Everyone acknowledge that Mr Yoo is the worse in this college. He teaches something that we already learn during high school.

Mrs Ju: Alright guys calm down, so I guess you could set the table as you want now. I think its better if everyone is in pair

Yeonjun: Any gender?

Mrs Ju: Yes any gender... Boys with girl, girl with girl, boy with boy... Whatever as long as in pair or groups, so how should we arrange the table?

She claps her hand and everybody stands up, picking their own seat mate.

Yeonjun: Okay! Ryujin, pair up with me... make life easier, I sat beside you so come on!

Hearing that, I look at Minji who was clearing her table and put her stationaries in her case. I should take Minji before others take her as their seat mate. I grab the side of her table and pull it to me.

Beomgyu: Sit with me, okay?

Minji: Okay

She move her chair beside me and calmly sits as all 24 of us done pairing.

Mrs Ju: I never knew our class can be this 'colourful' just by pairing you guys

She highlighted the word colourful, giving us the exact feeling that she felt. Suddenly I feel a sudden tap on my arm.

Beomgyu: Hm?

Minji: Lets play with me

Beomgyu: Play what?

She just smiled, showing her cute teeth. She then point at her journal, I can see the lines that she make. Oh, okay.

Minji: Tic Tac Toe...

Beomgyu: Sure, if I win? if I lose? What will I get?

Minji: If you win, walk with me to my house, if you lose, try again until you win

Beomgyu: What's the point then?

Minji: I juat want to walk with you and eventually spend more time with you

I smiled and wrote X in one of the box, followed by Minji who wrote O beside mine. We just spend our time playing around until it was lunch time.

Ryujin: Lets lunch together! Four of us

I agree and we walk to the lunch hall together.


I'm glad I bring my lunch box with me, today's food was bread and I don't enjoy then or eat them either. I just ate the grapes calmly, that's when Beomgyu look at me and asks.

Beomgyu: You dont wanna eat the bread?

Minji: I dont eat breads

Beomgyu: But-

Ryujin: Gyu..

The table shakes, maybe Ryujin kicks Beomgyu from below the table. That's her habit. Beomgyu kinda get the warn and put his head down a bit.

Beomgyu: Okay, but eat your food well okay?

Minji: Of course I will

He smiles and stand up to put his tray to the counter and left.

Minji: You don't have to go harsh on him.. he dont know yet

Ryujin: At least he would be more careful

I just shove another grape in my mouth and munch on it. She should just take it slow,not everyone knows.

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