Episode 13

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He grab my hand and walk away from the field to get to the hall. In our way, I ciuld see Yeonjun is slowing down and get back to the field; running.

Soobin: You shouldn't throw a fist, you know?

San: I'm just mad, he just kissed Minji!

His index finger were pointing right infront of my face like it wasn't rude to do at all.

Chanhee: Why are you mad as if she was your crush?

San: Sorry

Chanhee hold his arm and push it down before facing me and look directly in my eyes.

Chanhee: Are you okay?

His hand were still holding onto my arm gently. His eyes are full of worry. It really shows that it was him, Choi Chanhee.

Minji: So it was you, the secret admirer

He smiled softly and let go of my hand to hold the sude of his neck; nervous.

Chanhee: Yes, I've been falling for you for few months now

It lowkey hurt me that I can see his pure self. Yet I had to turn him down. I'm staying with Beomgyu no matter what.

Minji: I am okay with that... but why would you punch Beomgyu?

I look at Chanhee then at San who was flustered and try to look away from me.

San: He harrassed you-

Minji: He is my boyfriend

A high pitched gasp make me flinch a little. Chanhe hold both of my shoulders to face him. His frown could tell me that he is furious but got everything under control.

Chanhee: I thought you didn't have any intention to date until you graduate

Minji: Chanhee, I'm 15 when I said that

Slowly I raise my hands up to reach and put his hands down from my shoulders. He remain silence for few second before raising his hands and both San and Soobin nods; walking away.

Chanhee: Does the ring fit you? I'm actually worried if it dont

His eyes are already watery and I hold onto my pocket tissue behind me incase his tears would fall. At the edge of my eyes, I could see Yeonjun walking with Beomgyu but stops when they caught my eyes.

Chanhee hummed as a signal for me to respond to his question.

Minji: I do appreciate your effort but, I am with Beomgyu and I don't think I would choose other guy over him... I'm sorry if I ever give you a slight hope either when I am here or when we are in high school

I hold onto my uniform to get the pocket closer to me, making it easier for me to take the ring that Chanhee once gave.

Minji: Here's the ring, about that chocolate... Its already in my stomach, I can pay you back though

He chuckles and hold my hand, closing it and putting it down.

Chanhee: Its okay, keep it...

I could hear steps coming towards us and it was Beomgyu, following by Yeonjun right behind him. Chanhee look at him and his expression changes right away.

Chanhee: I'm sorry behalf of my friend for punching you, we got the wrong idea about the scene earlier...

Beomgyu just nods and I could feel his hand on my arms. Gently pulling it and both of us leave Chanhee to Yeonjun who volunteers himself to do so.

Beomgyu: Was it him?

I look at him and the first thing that cought my eyes were the pinkish bruise that start to show up on his left cheek.

Minji: Aww look at you, the bruise will get darker as time pass by... I hope Mr Yoo won't see it! Here, wear your jacket

I take the jacket off and in the middle of it he hold my arm; freezing my next movements.


I wonder why she had to act so different after she met Chanhee. I hold her arm to make her respond to my hanging question.

Beomgyu: It was Chanhee... What did you say to him?

Minji: I told him what's our relationship

Beomgyu: Does that turn him off completely?

My heart glooms by worry. Minji take a deep breath before rising her chin up; looking at me.

Minji: Chanhee isn't that strong-willed... He know where to stop

Beomgyu: As long as what you say us true, then I'm fine... Should we get in our class?

Minji: We have physical education after recess, we had to get back to the field

She said as she pass my jacket back to me.

Beomgyu: Wear it, we live together anyway...


We were on our way back home after school. We live in the same neighbourhood so we took our time to have a short chat.

San: But Soobin... Did you saw that coming? This is our first ever record to get rejected

I scoffed and pat his back.

Soobin: As if we ever get a girlfriend

A moment of realization comes to San's mind. Despite our fame in school, we actually never get into a relationship.

We just couldn't find the one. One of us was pretty lucky to find his before us but yet;

Chanhee: I was a step late

Three of us froze on the soot hearing Chanhee's word. He was so cheerful but after he finally able to talk with Minji he didn't look like himself.

Chanhee: Should we get him?

San: I'm always ready to throw a fist

Chanhee: No, should we make him as one of us?

I look at San, San look at me. We blinks as if that's our communication.

Soobin: We have Yeonjun already, none of us were classmates

He sigh and turn around to face me and San.

Chanhee: I don't know why does you guys sounds like you hate him more than I do

San: Wait, you hate him? But you want him to join us?

Soobin: Will he accept it? After San punch him right in the face?

He frowns and sigh for the countless time today.

Chanhee: The problem now is, where is Yeonjun?

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