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Chanhee: As long as you are not his wife, I still have the chance to be with you...

Beomgyu step up and stand in front of Minji; slightly shaking his head. That's when Chanhee grab his shoulder and turn him around to face him.

Chanhee: What do you know about her? You don't even know her past life!

Beomgyu: I may have no idea about certain part of her life, but it's not that necessary to know everything about your partner... I'm in relationship with current Minji, not with her past because she's healing from it

Chanhee: What a shallow mindset you have there, that goes to you as well Minji... If you still decided to choose him then your mind is just as shallow as his

A powerful punch landed on Chanhee's flawless face.

Beomgyu: Do not... Do not downgrade Minji like that

Chanhee look at Beomgyu right into his eyes. That's when Minji slip through between them and bopped Beomgyu's nose.

Minji: You passed the test!

Beomgyu: Test?

Minji: Chanhee is the one who suggest this

Beomgyu sighed in relief. On the other hand, Yeonjun was still furious.

Yeonjun: You are telling me that everything that just happened is fake? Then why Soobin have to pressure me so much that I end up being here?

Minji walk over to him and wipe the sweats from Yeonjun's face. His hand hold onto Minji's wrist; stopping her so she could answer his questions.

Minji: It was to show that Beomgyu are mature and smart enough to be with me and he will stay no matter what... It was to gain your trust for him

The tense air were loosen by Chanhee's high pitched voice.

Chanhee: That... was a strong one Gyu! I might lost my wisdom tooth even before my appointment

Beomgyu: Are you okay? It didn't matter though, please apologize to Minji

Chanhee blinked and laughed.

Chanhee: Bro it was on the script

Beomgyu: Should I balance it so your face will be swollen on both side?

He says as he playfully raise a fist in the air.

Chanhee: I apologize for everything, including having the thought of getting Minji before

He give me a gentle and friendly hug right after.

Beomgyu: Okay since everyone is here why don't we just enjoy the coffee and bread, I'm mentally unprepared for the scene earlier and now I'm hungry

Jiwon: What a scene to watch, I tried my best to not laugh because Minji's acting is so cute... You're so brave Beomgyu, I believe you will protect Minji well

The day ended with everyone having a full stomach.


Seeing all those hats on the air makes me feel free, finally I'm graduating. Warm feelings flood in my heart when I see mom waving at me.

Jiwon: Sweetie! I brought you flowers

I stare at her eyes while smiling brightly, but she started to cry instead.

Minji: Mom, why are you crying? You should be happy that I'm graduating

Jiwon: No its just, I'm glad that I was be able to see you graduate... I'm proud of you

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