Chapter 2

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Yes, I got the second chapter up. I'm so happy. Tell me what you think about it, FYI the words that are like this is a flashback. This chapter is mostly a flashback and now you know why Roy is upset with himself. I hope that you will vote and comment on this story. I don't know when this book will be updated next so bare with me. I'm hoping that I can update this book every week, but that might change. Now, go read my book.

Roy sat there for more than an hour then he got up and walked over to the window. The window was small, but not too small. The window had a view of Central. Outside was cloudy and it looked like it was about to rain. There were people outside, walking, shopping or hanging out with people, all of them going about their everyday lives.


Roy turned around and saw Hawkeye standing there. She was wearing her blue military outfit with her hair up.

"Sir." She said, again.

"Yes Lieutenant, what is it?"

Her face had shown no emotion, but Roy knew that she cared about him and Edward.

"How is Edward? Is he going to be okay?"

"They are going to take him into surgery a-and... he almost died."

"That's terrible sir."

Hawkeye had moved closer to Mustang.

"And how are you doing?" Hawkeye asked, her voice held a hint of concern.

The question took Roy back, he didn't know how to answer that, but he didn't want her sympathy. Edward was lying on a hospital bed and there was still the possibility that he could die and if he did then it would be Roy's entire fault.

If only he was there when Edward needed him the most.

Roy thought that this was a harmless mission. Roy looked into Hawkeyes eyes.

"I'm fine. Besides, we have to be more worried about Fullmetal."

"You can't help him if you don't get some sleep and food."

Roy knew he couldn't argue with her and he knew that she was right; he can't help Fullmetal if he was sick too.

"I know Lieutenant, I will get something to eat then I'll come right back. You stay here."

"Yes, sir."

Hawkeye sat down and Roy was off trying to find the cafeteria. Roy sat down with his food and he started to eat. The food tasted bitter and for the first time, he could recall the memories of when this all started.

Outside sunny and warm and Roy just got the order to accompany Hughes on this case.

The case had to do with people from the military and citizens going missing and then found dead. All of the victims had the same wounds, a cut wrist, two small holes in their neck, and they all had been drained of blood.

The murders had been going on for two weeks and there were at least more than 20 victims. The higher ups wanted this murderer to be caught. They have ordered everyone in the investigator's branch to have at least one state alchemist with them when they're out investigating.

So now, Roy was standing by a car, when Hughes was looking for clues. Roy had better things to do than stand and watch. He had a stack of paper on his desk that needed to get done.

By the time Roy got back to his office and had started the day's paperwork, the sun had already gone down. He had to stay and do his paperwork, but that wasn't all. He had to wait for Fullmetal so that he can talk to him.


Roy looked up and saw that the door had been kicked open, again.

"You know, you can break the door by doing that."

Ed was now in the middle of the room.

"Shut up, I can do whatever I want and I'm pissed that you called me in, we were supposed to be on a train."

"Well, let me get to the point, so we can both leave. I want you to accompany Hughes when he is out investigating."

Roy got up and handed Ed ward a piece of paper.

"That piece of paper has everything that you need to know about this mission. Once you're done with Hughes come and report what you found to me. Got that."

Ed nodded while reading the paper.

"Ok, you can leave."

With that Ed walked towards the door, gripped the door handle, and slammed it shut on his way out.

Roy sighed. Was that kid ever going to learn how to open and close a door properly?

Roy gave Ed the mission so that Roy wasn't wasting his time doing nothing. This way he could kill two birds with one stone.

It had been five days since Edward had started to accompany Hughes and they had found nothing. The murderer hadn't left any evidence that could point the authorities to who was committing the crimes or how they were doing it.

It seemed like the case was turning into more than what they could handle.

Roy was at his desk when the door opened and Hughes step in. Roy was surprised when he saw Hughes.

"I found a clue," Hughes said as he walked further into the room.

Roy hastily looked up and said, "what clue?"

"The clue is a bullet with some blood on it. I think it was from one of the victims that were killed a day ago. If the killer was shot they couldn't have gone far? I sent Ed ward to go look."

"That's good news Hughes, if you have nothing else, you can go find Fullmetal and help him look."

Hughes nodded and walked out of the room. Roy turned and looked out of the window. Grey clouds gathered in the sky and Roy guessed that it was about to rain.

Once Roy finished remembering what happened, he thought back to what the nurse said about Fullmetal having two puncture wounds on his neck, then he thought back to what all the victims had in common.

They all had two puncture wounds on their neck.

Roy's eyes widened; Fullmetal was attacked by the killer. Roy stood up so quickly that if he had food on his tray the food would have spilled all over the floor. Roy walked quickly down the hallway to where Hawkeye was sitting. He saw Hawkeye talking to the doctor. Roy feared that something bad had happened to Edward. No, he couldn't think like that. He knew that Fullmetal would survive this. Roy walked up to Hawkeye and the doctor.

"Oh, Mustang, there you are." The doctor said, "I was just telling the Lieutenant that we will be taking Elric into surgery now. I will come out when the surgery is done." The doctor turned and walked down the hallway to Ed's room.

Roy looked at the Lieutenant; her eyes told him everything that he needed to know. He knew that Hawkeye was going nowhere, even if he begs her to. Roy sat down without saying a word. All they could do was sit and wait. Ed's life was now in the doctor's hands.

How was that? Can you tell me if this book is good so far? I would like to know, so that I can make it better. Anyway, I hope that you like this book so far ~ bye.

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