Chapter 16

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Hey guys sorry for not updating in a long time. My computer was freezing nonstop it's fixed now at least I hope so. Last week was really busy for me because it was the first week back to school. I will be updating every Friday just to let you know. This chapter is longer because I'm nice like that. This past month I've been obsessed with the TV show Criminal Minds I love it. Now go read my story.

Roy's POV
Roy left Hawkeye's apartment. He was walking to his house. Roy was unsure of what to do next. While he was walking he was thinking.

The Lieutenant would not leave without saying goodbye or even leaving Black Hayate. The Lieutenant could've gotten kidnapped.

Roy didn't like thinking that but it was a possibility. Roy walks into his home. Roy walks over to the phone which was in the kitchen. The phone was black with some wooden parts. Roy picks up the cold phone. Roy dials the phone number that he knew by heart. The phone rang twice. Then there was a click telling Roy that someone picked up the phone. "Hello" was said very cheerfully. Roy also hears paper shuffling in the background.

"Hughes you're working from home". Roy said happily trying to hide his worthiness. Before Hughes spoke Roy already knew that he was did not buy the mask tone.

"What's wrong Roy"? Hughes said in a serious voice but Roy could hear a hint of concern. Roy sighed. He rubbed his hand through his hair.

"Hawkeye is missing". Roy said quietly.

"Missing"? Hughes said quickly. At that point the papers that were shuffling in the background completely stopped.

"Yeah I.... I think she got kidnapped". Roy said shakily. He was trying his best not to show how worried he was.

"How do you know"? Hughes said in a low voice.

"The Lieutenant was acting strange but today she never came into work. She never called in sick so after work I went over to her apartment. She was not there and Black Hayate was still there". Roy explained.

"This is bad. I will organize the search party in the morning. In the meantime get some sleep". Hughes said with concern.

"Okay thanks Hughes". Roy said with a little bit of relief.

Roy hanged up the phone. Roy walked up the stairs slowly. Knowing that Hughes is going to set up a search party relieves Roy a little but he was still worried sick about Hawkeye. Roy got to the top of the stairs. Roy could see light coming from the bottom of the door.

Fullmetal is awake I better not bother him. Roy thought as he walked into his bedroom. He opened up the door and walked in.

Edward's POV

Ed got up at 9 PM. He could hear Roy talking on the phone. Ed didn't care what Roy was talking about so he ignored it. Ed turns on a light and picked up a book. The book is blue with green writing. Ed sat down on the floor and began to read. An half an hour later Ed could hear heavy and tired footsteps. The footsteps grew louder and louder. Ed looked up from his book.

That must be the colonel bastard. What the hell does he have to make so much noise? I just hope that he does not come in here and ask question. I don't like it when he acts like my father. I can fight my own battles. Ed thought.

Ed could hear Roy getting closer and closer. Then Ed heard a door close. Ed let out a sigh of relief. He turned back to the book. He was a couple chapters into the book but there was nothing on how to become human again. Ed is starting to think that there is no way to become human again. He doesn't like to think that because he couldn't tell Al what he is. It would crush Ed to lie to his little brother. Ed read for the whole night. He finished two thick books before he headed to bed.

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