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It's been two days after Aiko's eighteenth birthday, advisors had already been torturing her as the Crown Princess to marry as soon as possible. She doesn't want anything to do with the marriage, she personally thinks that she's not even ready to take over the throne just yet but her father thinks otherwise. Her father, on the other hand, wants Aiko to take over the throne as soon as possible for stability. More specifically he wants her to marry one of the princes from the Water Kingdom to make their bond stronger for the heaven realm.
"Your Highness, His Majesty wants to speak with you" the maid informed the princess who sat on her desk reading about politics. Her table had nothing but books, pens and a picture of her with a small figure of a boy. The princess slowly closed her book and let out a sigh. She immediately knew that the 'talk' thats shes receiving was about the marriage with the water Kingdom.

Aiko POV
I knock softly on the door, almost startling my father who sat on his desk reading who knows what. His eyes met mine and a small smile formed.
"My princess, how are you dear?" his eyes filled with excitement. I couldn't help but feel uneasy, Father never really gets this excited at all.
"I'm alright father, you seem to be excited. is there something happening?"
"We're going to the water kingdom today" his smile grew wider. I couldn't help but feel a little bit happier seeing his smile. Maybe getting married this early isn't that bad? or maybe it could go completely the opposite way and ruin everything? what if they find out I'm a hybrid and decide to take my crown?
"Stop overthinking, Aiko. The water realm is more welcoming than you think" He laid a hand on my shoulder, it's like he read my mind.
"Father, I'm a hybrid. That itself screams danger and let alone that I'm from the fire kingdom. Of course, it would be scary for me to enter a kingdom just like that with people that I don't know " Father chuckled seeing your panicked expression.
"Relax would you? Prince Han is there remember?"
"Father that was eight years ago! what happens if he doesn't recognise me?"
"He will, you just need to relax" He smiled.
Author Pov
Aiko and her father along with some soldiers are on the way to the water kingdom, of course having the blood of a fire immortal, Aiko's hair is black hair with red ends. Her eyes were redder than a pure vampire who had just been born. Her gown wasn't like poofy like every other princesses, instead, it was quite simple. A red cape connected by a gold chain on your chest hid the beauty of the simplicity your gown displayed. The fabric of red lace and sequence hugs her torso, the dress starts off at her shoulders. Lace sequin overlay three-quarters of her arms. From waist below, a thin fabric of lace flows down to the ground on top of the red silky fabric that had gold silhouettes of phoenixes. On the left side was a slit, high enough to show the dragon on her leg. On top of that, her hair was straight and a gold simple crown sat there with simple jewels. Aiko herself isn't much different from her father. She is quiet and smart. She is more observant and liked to notice the small details of her surroundings. She doesn't mind spending time with people but she prefers to be alone. She likes the laughter and the warmth of people but she does like the silence more. Although being ladylike was a necessity, she also knew how to fight. How to point a sword when it's necessary. Unlike other immortals, she could transform into a phoenix and a dragon most just could transform into one type. A dragon outline circled her left thigh and the outline of a phoenix lived on her left shoulder.
Aiko POV
Father and I entered the kingdom. Unlike the fire kingdom, it's walls were whiter than the whitest pearl in the sea. Banners drew two swords, crossing over one another and on top two dragons. The room was spacious and empty, beautiful chandeliers hung high from the ceiling. The room itself was filled with light. I looked ahead as I walked. 11 thrones for 11 Royals. I didn't expect 11 of them however only the King and Queen were present. There were four on the either side and in the middle, three thrones; two of them is a little bit more elevated. I bowed with my father greeting the presence of the King and Queen.
"Please, we are friends you don't need to bow" the water king happily stood up and patted my father on the back.
"Now let's settle this pact, come." father and i followed the lean king, he looked young for his age. The queen had long silver hair, her eyes were purple and her skin is as clear as ice. I was too occupied by the amazement of the architecture of the castle. I twirled around looking at the ceiling above, appreciating the carvings and marks it has. It was the complete opposite of the fire kingdom where it's dark and red and full of fire. Here it's light and full of water, the ceiling was decorated with beautiful figures and paintings of heaven and the mortal world.
"I have nine sons, your daughter could choose so that they can rule the kingdoms together"
"Alright, when will she meet them?"
"Today if you want, you're staying for a while aren't you?"
I didn't pay attention to their conversation much with politics, sometimes I get sick of all this political talk. Curiosity played its part this time, the carvings on the wall tells a story. After a while, I realised that silence had taken over the loudness of the atmosphere. I'm completely lost in this room full of water ,in this massive castle full of water, that itself is dangerous for a fire immortal. You hear footsteps around you. someone's here. A noise was heard,  turning to the noise a small dagger flew towards my heart. Before coming into the Water kingdom, I cast a protection spell. A pair of fire wings shielded me from the dagger revealing the invisible protection spell. Soon my body started glowing and my arms were replaced by wings. My body glowed being replaced by a fiery feather-like body. My appearance was no longer a human body, but a Firebird. A Phoenix to be exact. I flew around the spacious room trying to find a place to hide. I didn't want to create a mess or even a war for disturbing the peace between the two kingdoms but being welcomed by getting a dagger thrown at you isn't the best impression that they give. Soon soldiers came in the room surrounding nine males with their swords and arrows all pointed at me.

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