chapitre dix-huit

88 7 1

~mean while in the demon realm~
"Look Felix you've got nothing. Neither of us don't want the throne so why don't we just give it to you?" Chae begged the boy.
"That's going to reflect badly for the both of us Chae. We can't do that. It's unfair for you and Anton"
"It's unfair for you too. Felix, you deserve the world." Anton fired back receiving stares from the group who gave a look of concern. "Yeah okay I know that sounds gay but he does"
"If you're going to marry Aiko, here in the demon realm you need to be a royal with ROYAL IMMORTALITY" Chae exaggerated. The demon realm was indeed different than the Water Kingdom, there You didn't need to love them to be wed. You just need to have the same immortality to even marry. In the Demon realm, feelings play a part in it and so does immortality but it's more exaggerated. A Queen must always marry a king and no rank lower.
"Look, father is fond of you and I'm pretty sure you're more likely to even rule this realm properly" Anton laid his hand on his shoulder.
Felix sighed in defeat, nodding to agree. He knew that the two will never leave him alone if he didn't agree.
Changbin walked in the room followed by Minho and Hyunjin with Aiko in his arms. Claude widened seeing her younger with a hand mark around her neck, cursing quietly feeling the anger and hatred towards Naoki.
Shock smacked everyone in the face, they knew Aiko was hurt but they didn't realise that it was THAT bad. The six panicked and moved out of the way for Changbin to put her in the nearest bed.
"Don't worry she's not dead"
"Of course she's not she's a dragon and a Phoenix for heavens sake. She doesn't die just like that!" Claude sarcastically said although she started to feel something weird about her, her body is there but her soul isn't, it was the aura of les yeux ci-dessus. Claude pieced the puzzles together.
"STEP BACK AND DONT MOVE" she yelled, she crossed her arms and soon, one arm was towards Aiko and the other horizontally higher, Claude closed her eyes. Once opened, her eyes became creme. Her energy started being absorbed by Aiko. Claude retrieved her arms and soon standing straight. Aiko's eyes shot open and sprung up off the bed, startling everyone. It seemed like Aiko was on the run for something.
"Hey hey hey calm down are you okay?" Claude slowly approached the girl. Aiko began shaking and soon tears fell from her red eyes.
Claude engulfed her small figure in a hug, looking directly to Felix and nodding. Felix slowly motioned towards girl. He cupped her face and looked into his eyes.
"I'm sorry" tears streamed her face as she looked in his eyes. He shook his head, wiping the tears off her pale face.
"No, I'm sorry for not being able to protect you" she began to shake, her eyes rolled back. She grabbed her head yelling in pain. Everyone stood there in shock wondering what's happening to her. She shot up as soon as the pain had done away, she looked in the eyes of everyone of them.
"Jisung needs me" she attempted to walk out of the room, only being pulled back by Felix.
"Yeah? What about if I need you?!" Although his voice was monotoned, the boys and everyone in the room knew exactly how he felt. Aiko's heart broke, she's on a tightrope between her best friend who's being possed by an underling and the one she loves. She knew eventually she will have to choose, but she can't choose like this. She yanked her arm away from Felix and soon storming out of the room.
"Give her time, she's torn" Chae patted Felix's shoulder.

"Are you really going back up there?" Claude walked behind the girl who's making her way to the gates of the demon realm.
"Claude I have to. Jisung needs me, you know that he needs me." Claude knew that once Aiko makes a decision, there's no way of changing it.
"Do you know who the underling is?"
"No, why?" Claude let out a sigh of defeat. She walked closer to her,
"Come here" The girl walked closer and soon the thumb of the Phoenix.
transfert de souvenirs- a transfer of memory or memory sharing. A skill that can only be performed from Phoenix to Phoenix.
Claude pressed her thumb in between Aiko's eyebrows, soon making a bright light surrounding the two.
Aiko's eyes widened, piecing the puzzle together.
"That makes so much more sense now" she looked up at Claude.
"If you're going back into heaven and try to save Jisung, please be careful. Okay?" Aiko nodded and soon disappearing in thin air.

"Felix, this is a really bad time to say this to you but..." Chae bit her lip. She had asked the broken hearted boy to talk alone, Chae never really talked much about how she felt. She didn't feel anything for Chan or for any of the others. Of course except for Felix. The demon princess couldn't help but admire him from afar, since they were all toddlers. Of course, the dragon brothers and the demon siblings spent a lot of time together so with Chae being the only girl, of course she would've developed some feelings for one of them. Chan however figured out once she's started to act differently, knowing the demon so well, she's gone quieter whenever Aiko was the topic of the cold prince's daily stories. She watched him fall in love but she didn't want to do anything in fear of ruining what they have. Although being friends with both the Dragon brothers and the Phoenix siblings, the two groups never crossed paths, surprisingly. It was always the opposite, Chae with the brothers and Anton with the cousins. Both siblings in the same situation. Felix confusingly looked at the girl who was now twirling her thumbs. He figured that she was feeling nervous about something.
"Spit it out Chae" he softly demanded making her chuckle.
"Sorry your highness" she spat back. Soon the both shared a small laugh together but soon faded as Chae remembered why she called him out for.
"Okay in all seriousness though, hear me out. I've known you since we were kids. We've spent so much time together and I so I got used to the fact that I was the only girl that you're around with. No Claude and No Aiko. This is really selfish of me to say because Aiko is also my friend but..." she trailed taking a deep breath. "I've fallen for you, Lee Felix." She paused looking into his eyes. "I know you don't feel the same way because you love Aiko and I know you know that. The way you look at her, is the way I look at you. You don't need to say anything. I just needed to get it off my che-"
"You're right. I don't feel the same way, however you were always there for me when I needed Aiko the most. You gave me everything when I had nothing. I should've known that she would choose Jisung over me, maybe I expected too much of her. Why would a Phoenix choose a dragon over her own best friend? Maybe I chose the wrong person to love." He painfully chuckled soon giving a short pause. Hope rose in Chae's chest. "I may not feel the same way right now, but I'll try to love you as I love Aiko" Felix smiles genuinely he held out his arms, allowing Chae to run into it. However, Felix felt that it wasn't the same as the flame that Aiko ignited in him. Chan stood on top of the castle, watching the two. He shook his head, losing hope that his little brother will marry who he really loves. His heart broke seeing the two finally break apart.
"So they've finally been driven apart." Claude's voice rung in his ears. He snapped his head towards her, who soon stood next to his figure. "I thought I might find you here" she looked down at the two who broke their embrace. They walked down the footpath hand in hand.
"Is this your doing?" Chan's voice was bitter.
"Not this time." She sadly remarked, letting out a sigh.
"I hope that we can fix this"
"We can only hope." The two let out a sigh of defeat, soon turning away.

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