chapitre onze

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The night realm is exactly how everyone described. It was darker than the demon realm and much colder than the Water Nation. Everyone wore white and blue, I would be lying if I said I didn't like it here.

"This way" Chae held my arm taking me to the short cut. We came across a hidden tunnel guarded by two guards.

"Princess Chae of the Demon realm and Prince Chan of the Water Nation. We've been expecting you." The guess stopped aside letting us through. Soon we entered a large room, which I presume would be their ball room. Its walls were tall, Roman-like and had a shade of deep purple. There were no windows but paintings in replacements of them. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, beautifully lighting up the room. Chae chuckled at my amazement of the Night Realm.

"Chae it's been awhile" A lean figure came out of the shadows.
"Yes, Naoki it has" She walked towards him giving Naoki a small curtesy and giving a small embrace.
"I see you've brought a friend" his eyes averted to me. Naoki doesn't look much different from Aiko, she's short where as he's tall. His hair was dark as the night and his skin as pale as snow. His eyes were, however, gold as hay.
"I'm Prince Chan, firstborn of the Water Nation" I bowed.
"No need for formalities Chan, if you're an ally of Chae then you shall be mine as well." He smiled "now what's the matter in heaven that you came here in the Night realm" he turned to Chae. "Is it my sister again?" He asked.
"Well yes, but it's also your mother." Naoki's eyes widened. "She's alive?" He asked clearly shocked.
"Queen of the Earth Nation" Chan butted in, Naoki scoffed as if he knew that his mother would pull something like that.
"Let me guess, she went to the water nation claiming Aiko and now something changed with the marriage?" Naoki's eyes started to turn orange. He took a deep breath, his eyes returning to his initial gold colour.
"Who is he going to marry if not my sister?"

"How are you holding up?" Jisung walked into the chambers of the quiet dragon. Aiko looked into Jisung's eyes, although she doesn't know how to feel about the situation, her heart still remains undecided.
"Will you be okay when we're married to me? A bastard like me will never get the throne, nor get the privileges that others initially have" he looked down. "Although I am older than Felix, he still gets the throne before me" Aiko slid her hand against his hand.
"Things will be okay, I've never cared about what you have and what you don't have Sungie" She weakly smiled. Jisung knew when his best friend was upset, at this state he too can't read the emotion that her eyes are telling. A loud calling was heard, alerting everyone in the heavenly realm. All royals returned to the main palace.

The eyes of the brothers widened at the sight of Aiko. More specifically the hairpin in Aiko's hair.
"un coeur de dragons" Woojin breathes out looking at how beautiful it is.
"A dragon's heart." Changbin almost shed a tear because he felt so proud of his younger.
"Felix finally gave her his heart" Minho smiled. Hyunjin was happy that his brothers felt proud of Felix but he couldn't help but frown feeling the emotions that Aiko is feeling. Regret. Anger. Fear. Heartbreak
"As Aiko is marrying Jisung, he will get the crown next making Aiko Queen as promised to the fire nation" all eyes widened.
"Father, is this necessary?"
"Yes it is, your coronation, as well as your banquet for your marriage, will take place on the 3rd day of the next month" the Queen announced. Every royal was there, but Felix and Chan. Aiko scanned the room looking for the blue-eyed dragon but only failing to realise that his aura was completely gone, that could only mean that both brothers are out of the realm.
"Father what about Felix and Chan? Chan is the eldest from your blood line, so why doesn't he get the crown" Woojin asked. Aiko thought for a second, receiving the crown was compulsory, you cannot avoid it no matter how many times you try. The only way that the throne will skip a generation is that the heir must have an imperfection.
"Chan's generation will be skipped to Felix, however, as Jisung is still my son and is older than Felix he will get the crown instead"
Or he hasn't gone through his ascension of royalty. Aiko was in deep thought, now that I think about it, Chan never really had an imperfection, his face and figure seemed to be carved by the angels themselves, so what has altered his fate and what has prevented him from ascending? Chan never speaks much but why does he have no royalty aura whatsoever? It's impossible to avoid the ascension of royalty when coming of age. So how did he avo- "Aiko" she felt a nudge. Breaking her trail of thoughts, she turned to the boy who had nudged her. "Are you alright?" Jisung questioned.
"un coeur de dragons," King Louis called out looking directly at Aiko. "Why is it in your hair?" He questioned.
"I gave it to her Father" a different aura walked in. Aiko turned to meet a silver-haired prince, eyes as blue as the sea who was soon followed by a purpled eyed prince. Aiko removed it from her hair returning it to the rightful owner.
"If you're going to return something, give everything back" he growled. 'memories. my heart for yours' Felix thought. Felix's eyes grew dark as his eyes landed on Jisung, however lighting up again seeing a flash of Aiko's pink eyes.
"I can't give back something I don't have." Aiko's voice hitched, knowing exactly what he wanted.
"Then don't give anything back at all" Felix took the pin and placed it in her hair.


After the long meeting, I walked out trailing behind Felix.
"Lix" I called out. His eyes never returned to his dark usual brown colour. He turned around, his aura was so cold. His expression was stern and signs of anger were shown. He didn't say anything, only a cold stare was received. He turned his cheek, leaving me standing there.
"Don't mind him, he's not particularly handling all this that well" Chan walked up next to me, watching Felix fly away.
"Come, there's someone I want you to meet." He smiled taking my hand In his.
He leads me near the entrance of the Forrest and soon he teleported us into a dark palace.
"Aiko" an unknown voice called out. A male figure came out of the shadows, his eyes as gold as hay. His hair was titanium silver. I would say he looks just like me. I walked up to him and walked into a circular motion. The figure just did the same, as if we have the same brain. After staring into his eyes for a bit, memories flashed, as if they were being returned. I held my head in pain and yelled. A tear left my eye as the lost memories returned.
"" I questioned. His smile formed and he held his arms open.
"Come here Aiko, I've missed you" he smiled. In an instant, I ran towards my long lost twin giving him a tight embrace.

Naoki and I are some what similar, Chan however just stood there watching in awe. He soon left us saying that he has some errands to run.
"Aiko, if heaven gets too much come stay here in the Night realm" he begged, clinging onto my arm.
"Naoki, of course! Can I stay here for a while? Heaven is too much right now" he grinned and took me to a tall dark castle.
"Why does this look like a castle that Chan would live?"
"Chan or Felix?" He wriggled his eyebrows. My heart ached at the mention of his name. Tears collected in my eyes, threatening to fall.
"Hey hey hey, everything will be okay. I can promise that" Naoki stopped, noticing my eyes and gave me a quick cuddle.
"Would you like to tell me?"
"I'm marrying my best friend instead of the one I love." I paused. "What's worse is that Claude is marrying him instead" I groaned. I yelped in surprise feeling something pointy against my bum.
"Oh don't mind him" Naoki pointed at the deer behind who was now in front of me.
"" I walked up to it, directly looking into its eyes.
"No honey, he is indeed a peryton but he's just an ordinary one. He collects dreams and memories as food though" he explained.
"If you do want to go back to heaven after some time, you can him with you. His name is is Pea" I look at the creature, its eyes seemed to have the constellation of stars present. His figure was small, smaller than Jeongin.
Meanwhile in Heaven~
"Hyunjin~" Claude sang out. The poor boy rolled his eyes at the girl.
"What do you want Claude" He coldly replied.
"tell me who Aiko chose~" she clung onto his arm.
"That, I won't tell you. It's not for you to know" He snatches his arm away from the girl. Anger grew in Claude, she hated the fact that the royal family themselves are hiding something regarding Aiko. She wants everything she has, her best friend, her husband and her life. Soon she stormed out of the Prince's meeting room, slamming the door on the way.
"She never learns" Hyunjin breathed out feeling the anger shes feels. However, his eyebrows connected, feeling the unusual emotion. He followed the Claude, his eyes widened realizing the feeling. Revenge and anger are never a good combination.
I teleported to the Fire Nation. The time i spent with the queen is finally going to pay off. Only a pureblood and a pureblood shall possess a power of creating the eternal green flame. The only flame that can kill an immortal in an instant.
"Hello, Claude, How May i he-e" he chocked. My hand in the air as if I was chocking him. I released. Turning my hand over, feeling the heat forming. His eyes grew wide, knowing what's happening. Without hesitation, I threw the flame. His screams were music to my ears. His figure burned and burned until his figure had turned into ash.


Hello everyone~ i hope everyone is doing well <3 but i hope you're liking the story~


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