vingt trois

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So I'm at a cafe rn, feel free to send me some questions for character Q&A! I'll make an edit of my trip soon~
"What do you mean Aiko is missing?!?" Jisung shouted at his servant who kneeled in fear. They didn't know what was going on nor they didn't know what got into Jisung. His personality was far from what he is now, even in anger. Jisung threw his cup that was on his hand at the servant and soon stood up.
"Find her! If you don't find her by sundown then you can kiss your life goodbye" he glared at the young male, who nodded and ran out of the palace as soon as possible.
"Your majesty" another advisor stepped in.
"What is it?" He angrily spoke, causing the him to shake in fear.
"I found where Her Grace is" he softly spoke.
"Where?" Jisung turned around.
"In the demon realm" Jisung well Naoki knew exactly why she's there. Anger grew more in the underlings heart.
"Tell the Demon realm that if they do not bring my bride back by dawn a war shall take place. Inform our troops and get the soldiers ready" he commanded.

My eyes fluttered open. I feel a grip on my hand. He lay there, as peaceful as the calmest sea that exists. His cheeks were stained with tears. What could he have been crying about? I took notice of my clothes, Black beautiful mesh sleeves and a beautiful simple dress. He however was in a gorgeous black suit, his hair was fixed; almost looking like a dark vampire. His eyes fluttered and all I could do was shut mine.
"I guess you're not awake yet" His voice was raspy. "I'm really sorry with how I treated you. I'm not going to make excuses about your heart, it was my intention to break your heart. I was so jealous that Jisung was going to marry you and that you chose him over me." He sniffled. "I was so mad that I didn't think straight and I ended up hurting you." He paused. "Aiko, I know you're awake" he gripped onto my hand. I fluttered my eyes open, widening them seeing the waterfalls on his cheeks. He brought my hand up to his eyes. "I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry" he sobbed.
"Where am I?" I asked in a cold voice. I can't help but break at his words, I value honesty in a relationship and he gave it to me. He didn't answer as if he was too afraid to. I pulled my sleeve up, ripping my arm off his grip.
There was a small white marking. A drawing that all dragons had once mates or married, a drawing with one stroke creating a portrait of two hearts connected. He caressed my arms on top of the permanent tattoo on my forearm and his soft lips soon met it. The connections clicked. I married the one I love.
"Are you going to be okay?" He whispered. I tilted my head in confusion.
"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"After this, Jisung would've already figured out you're missing. So he's probably gonna march down here to claim you back" he sat at the side of the bed as I sat up.
"Except Jisung isn't Jisung" I whispered loud enough for Felix to hear.
"What do you mean?"
"The reason why I chose to go to him instead of staying here is because he's possessed by Naoki" he widened his eyes. "I know surprising right?" I inhaled, getting up from the bed walking to the direction of the door. "I wouldn't choose him or anyone over you. Not now, not ever" I turned my head towards him. He gave me a faint smile, I raised an eyebrow.
"Wait you were supposed to marry Chae. What happens with her now that you've married me?" Felix stood up, soon wrapping his arms around my waist, connecting our foreheads.
"I don't know how I ended up marrying you but I'm not complaining" his voice was husky and deep."but since you're asking, technically I didn't marry into the Demon royal family. So I'm not a proper king here. Maybe after all of this mess, we could take back the Water Empire or even go back to the Fire nation. I don't mind just as long as we're together" he closed his eyes and took a breath.
"I missed you, my wife" dragons flew around my stomach, causing a ruckus. I gave in to the smile that was itching to shine.
"I missed you too, my husband" Felix widened his eyes at my nickname and soon his smile widened from ear to ear. My head met his chest, as if I was the missing piece to his puzzle.

"The Demon realm said nothing? Not even any acknowledgement?" Jisung paced back and forth, his inner self was relieved that Aiko wasn't going to get hurt anymore but another part of him was hurt the fact that she's chosen Felix over him. Naoki however grew inside the more that Jisung felt envious.
"Ready the troops. We march to their realm in three hours"

"Sire, My Queen!! I bring terrible news!" Akasuki bursted into the chambers of the two who sat in their own desks managing their nations. Felix stood up in confusion as to why the hand of his queen bursted in.
"What's wrong Akasuki?" Aiko asked,not looking up from the written letter from the Fire nation.
"The Water Empire armies will be marching here in twelve hours! They will arrive here before it hits dusk" Felix released a sigh. He nodded looking at his queen.
"Prepare our armies. Only bring out the strongest, hide the rest. Although we're not planning on fighting today we might need to. Before that, summon my-"
"Way ahead of you Pixie Lixie" Chan appeared on the room with a cheeky smirk on his face. Aiko chuckled at the nickname while Felix gagged. He gave an awkward smile to Akasuki who held his laugh in.
"Dismissed, be ready by sundown"
"Yes Sire" Akasuki disappeared without a second glance.
"THANKS A LOT HYUNG NOW HE PROBABLY THINKS IM A PIXIE OR SOMETHING" Felix scolded his brother who only laughed at his cuteness.
"Please, you used to love that nickname when we were children"
"Maybe I'm not, but you still are a baby in my eyes" Chan mocked, Felix tackled his elder to the ground. Aiko stood there in amusement of the two brothers bickering.

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