chapitre dix-neuf

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It's been a few weeks since Aiko and Felix last saw each other. However, weeks in heaven were years in the demon realm. Chae's father passed away during the time that Aiko was trying to fix Jisung. Of course Anton didn't want the throne so he passed it onto Chae who then passed it onto Felix. It's now the day of Felix's coronation, everyone in the demon realm was happy that they've gotten a new ruler, but they had mixed feelings that it was a royal of the Water Empire. Felix had become more powerful than he ever was, he had gotten stronger, maybe even stronger than Jisung.
"My king, apologies for my boldness, but you need to marry someone" an advisor protested, Felix sighed. He nodded and soon stood up.
"Make an announcement that I'll be marrying Princess Chae. Make sure Heaven is invited to the wedding, especially the Water empire and the Fire nation" Felix's voice sounded bitter at the mention of the two powerful parts of heaven. He walked down to the most beautiful garden in the realm. One thing about the un coeur de dragon's is that it can be used to make any space beautiful, not to mention triggering a slight summoning of the owner. He yanked the necklace off his neck, he ignited a fire on the palm of his hand. He placed the pendant and watched it burn. The most beautiful flowers and the warmest and beautiful colours of Fire that belonged to the Fire nation appeared in place of petals of each flower. The area suddenly began to snow. It seemed similar to the dome after Aiko became Queen. Chae appeared, amazed by the sight around her. She twirled in amusement and giggling at the small snowflakes that fell on her small figure. Feeling the small summoning, Aiko's heart began to race. He still wants to be with me? She smiled to herself, teleporting to the location. Aiko wasn't in her red form, when she came back to heaven Jisung specifically asked her to be in her Ice form just because he thought she looked more beautiful in it- But also it's easier for him to contain himself from attacking her. Her dress is as white as snow and her hair is silver as metal. Her crown is no longer a simple one but one that a queen would wear. It's jewels were blue, no longer red. A first sign that she belongs to the emperor. Her eyes were no longer red either, but an icy blue colour. It's like the girl had switched her nature completely after a few weeks in heaven. She teleported and soon arriving behind a rock. She peaked, her smile grew seeing Felix stand there with a smile on his face. She stepped out of the rock but her smile vanished as fast as the snow fell in a blizzard. Chae ran up to Felix, connecting their lips and Felix gladly returning the kiss.
"I can't believe you just asked me to marry you! Of course I will!" Chae excitedly cheered after pulling away. Felix smiled, soon looking at the direction of the Ice Queen who's smile was replaced by her signature cold stare. A stare that showed more than just a blank expression.
"I'd have to thank someone for providing the beautiful flowers of the Fire nation" Felix mocked. Aiko felt her heart break, her body freezing in the process of her trying to make out what's happening in front of her.
Her body became colder, instead of a fire igniting and growing, a blizzard in her- more specifically, in her heart took place, freezing every thought and every feeling she has. She felt her blood freeze, her organs stopping and lastly, her heart becoming as hard as titanium. Her eyes no longer showed emotions like she used to, only turning to its icy blue colour. A sign of the cold and the cold only. Aiko turned her heel, leaving Felix staring directly at her back and Chae snuggling into his chest. A tear left Aiko's eye that soon turned into ice that broke into small crystals as small as snow. Every step she took and everything she touched became covered with ice, almost freezing any living creatures that she came across.

"This is ridiculous!!" Hyunjin slammed the invitation on the table. The eight were back in heaven as soon as they found out that Aiko had gone back. Everyone, but Felix returned. Chan looked at the invitation that Hyunjin had thrown on the table.
"You're right, it is ridiculous" Chan said with a coat of sadness.
"What's even more ridiculous is that we're not doing anything about it!!" Changbin argued.
"What can we do?! Both marriages are set! We can't do anything!" Minho yelled, joining their little argument.
"Does Aiko know?" Chan asked the group. No one answered, his eyes averted to Hyunjin knowing that he would feel a change in the feelings of the soon to be queen. Hyunjin shook his head. "It's like I can't feel her feelings anymore. It's weird it's been like that since she came to heaven, or maybe after she transformed into her ice form." He scratched the name of his neck. Soon ice covered the windows, and ice crept in the small gaps of the door frame. Startled, the boys shivered at the sudden change of the temperature. The room became silent, all that was heard were footsteps. Slow and steady. Loud and clear.
"Aihara, get me the book of le livre des sorts de dragon"
"Yes your majesty"
Chan's head snapped towards the door. He knew exactly why she needed the le livre des sorts de dragon. The book of dragon spells. He quickly bolted up off his seat and opening the door without a second thought. He ran through the door but soon his feet swung up. His body met the ice on the floor, he groaned in pain hearing his brothers snicker at his fall. His eyes widened, looking at the trail of ice on the floor. There she stood at the end of the ice track. She slowly turned her head, meeting Chan's gaze. Her skin was pale, her eyes bluer than Felix's- only lighter, her expression was blank but it was too blank for it to be just 'blank'. She turned her gaze back and continued her in her tracks. The brothers walked and help the elder up. Their eyes widened at the sight of the long trail of ice in the hall way, leading to the Crystal Palace.
"She knows" Chan huffed out, catching his brothers attention.

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