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After the talk with Hyunjin, everything seemed clearer. I sat inside the the Crystal Palace, crossing my legs, back straight and gently shutting my eyes. I feel my figure started to float. I decided to meditate to make sense of the situation. Every hybrid is blessed with a power called "les yeux ci-dessus", it's something that every hybrid could master at a young age. It's meaning is "the eyes above" which means that we could see everything that happen/happened or is happening in a spectator's point of view. As time flew by, watching everything unfold, a tear ran down my face.

Authors POV
"Ugh Claude why are you always around me?!?" He yanked her arm off his arm. The two was near the Crystal Palace.
"Felix please just let me be!" She pleaded. The poor boy just wanted to left alone to see his crush. Claude ran infront of him and snaked her arms around the prince. Aiko walked around the corner, witnessing Claude's arms around Felix's waist.
"Felix I like you more than Aiko ever will." Aiko stopped at her words. Staring directly at Felix's eyes. Felix looked up, soon his eyes widening at the sight of the princess. Before Felix could give his answer, Claude Tippy toed kissing Felix's lips. Aiko stood there, but soon continued her path to her best friends palace as if nothing happened. Felix pushed the princess off.
"Don't touch me every again." His hand glowed blue, he placed it on his lips, slightly burning his skin to sanitising where Claude had kissed. He touched Claude's forehead casting a spell that soon threw her away from the prince. He scoffed seeing the pain in her eyes and turned his heel almost sprinting after the princess. No one knew that Prince Hyunjin and the others were watching the three.

"I can't believe we just let that happen." Jisung complained.
"We needed to know who she actually feels for." Woojin commented.
"Isn't she supposed to meet you?"
"OH" within a second, Jisung was gone just like that.
"Okay now that he's gone, I've noticed that she feels the most when she's with Felix and Jisung. Possibly Chan" all eyes averted to Chan. He just stood there not knowing what to do.
"Who do we want her with?"
"We can't just decide that. Let's let faith choose because it's Aiko's choice in the end" Seungmin defended.
"I'm with Seungmin" Chan stood behind his younger.
"With Claude around its too hard. You saw the damage that Claude did earlier with Felix"
"That's Felix part to fight now"

"AIKO" Felix sprinted after the princess who continued walking. He grabbed her arm swinging her right around facing Felix. Her eyes filled with tears, Felix's eyes turned light blue and widened at the sight of Aiko's eyes. Mimicking the same colour, Aiko angrily turned away. Felix pulled the girl back giving her a back hug.
"Prince Felix, with all due respect please get off me" Aiko's coldness broke Felix's heart.
"No." He hugged her tighter.
"Why?" She asked. "Why did you let her?"
"I pushed her off" Felix's arms grew tighter. The princess wriggled around looking at Felix.
"Be honest with me" she paused making Felix nervous. "Do you like Claude?"

Aiko POV
Felix didn't answer. I scoffed, I turned into the nearest room, letting the tears run upon entering. I placed my hand on my mouth to prevent being heard. The other, on my chest feeling how my heart break.
"You've decided huh?" You turned around seeing a pair of purple eyes behind you. Chan came out with Sympathy in his eyes. He cupped my face wiping my tears.
"Come here" he pulled the girl into a warm hug. He lightly sung her a melody calming her down.
"Let him have another chance."

"I'm sorry Claude but I cannot let you marry into the Water Kingdom." The Queen sat down.
"Why not your majesty?"
"You're immature. You don't know anything about the throne"
"I do Your grace!"
"Fine, if you can get Felix or Chan to fall in love with you then I'll consider it."
"Thank you your grace"

Aiko POV
It's been three days after the incident. I haven't seen Claude or The dragon brothers around. But when I do see Felix he acts as if I wasn't there. It's weird, why aren't they here? Even the others don't know. I walked into the forest, it was beautiful there. The trees were greener and it wasn't a creepy forest that you would see in the movies.
"Aiko" an awfully familiar voice said behind me.
"What do you want Anton?"
"Look I've got to tell you the truth"
"About what?"
"About Claude, Aiko you know that I wouldn't hurt you like that" he walked closer.
"Don't come closer." He took out a small silver chain with a dull looking charm. He slid it over his neck. My eyes eyebrows connected. "You kept it?" He nodded giving me a genuine smile.
"So that you know I'm not lying" that pendant was one half of a whole. The other half of the Yin and yang circle. I pulled out the other half from my pocket.
"You kept it?"
"Don't ask"
I made this pendant to make sure that this demon isn't lying. What ever lie he tells the pendant will burn his skin. I connected the two still holding the chain. Soon the complete circle began glowing.
"I wasn't the one you were fighting that day. It was Claude. She's trying to marry into the Water kingdom so once Felix or whoever is next on the throne takes over she's going to take your immortality and everything away from you. I need you to be careful." He stated.
"Come with me to the Demon realm. We can be allies, Aiko. I have no intention of marrying you. I have someone else in mind" he smiled to himself. After some thinking I decided I would go.
"Are you going to kill me?"
"Of course not I want us to be Allies Aiko. For all I care I want Claude gone too" he paused "I didn't kill your mother."
"Claude did. She's more powerful than you think. She's learned black magic while you were gone" I let out a sigh. It made sense after his explanation. "Aiko I care about you please do trust me"  he held out his hand.

The demon realm isn't as bad as I thought. Although it was more darker than I thought but it was still beautiful. People there could be mistaken as heaven citizens, their clothes were proper and their faces carved my angles with small horns coming out. Everyone had dark hair and dark eyes.
"If you're going to blend in, wear this" Anton places a cloak on top of my head. He smiled taking my hand. Soon we entered a jade-like palace however instead of its green walls it was black. The doors were as tall as the ceiling and it's aura was somewhat warm.
"Aiko meet my sister" Anton introduced the figure walking towards us. She dismissed her servants and soon walked towards us. Her figure was y'all and skinny. Her hair was straight and long, no crown sat on top of her head. Instead of horns a small black diamond appeared in her forehead. Her eyes were as purple as iodide in solution. Her skin was clear, quite pale for a demon princess. Her dress was simple, no jewels but you could still manage to recognise her as a royal.
"You must beAiko?" Her voice was angelic, her smile was bright. I nodded giving her a small smile. She led us in the castle. "I'm Princess Chae "

After staying with the siblings for a while, we got to know each other more.  Chae was more or less similar to me, Anton found it creepy. We spent the time laughing and joking about the future.
"I hear Claude is in heaven" she brought up making Anton choke. I nodded after taking a sip of the tea.
"She's trying to take her throne and her potential lover" Chae's eyes widened.
"Don't worry girl, she can't do anything . The water brothers are cold as ice! When I first met them they didn't even lay a glance on me" Chae complained making Anton and I chuckle.
"Especially Felix and Chan, they're as cold as anything!"
"Not really, I saw Claude kissing him the other day and Felix didn't move" my eyes dropped. Chae held my hand.
"I've known Felix from birth, there's nothing more he hates than annoying princesses. If he didn't move the poor boy must've been stunned"
"Yeah! Not gonna lie, I've watched you and Felix for a while and he acts like he does have something for you" Anton butted in. Soon a white light was seen.
Authors POV-
"Quick hide!!" Anton jumped up and quickly running towards  Aiko turning her into a rabbit and putting her in his lap. He patted her gently knowing that it might be the last time he lives.
A blonde haired prince appeared with a worried expression.
"Chae I'm going crazy! Do you know where Aiko is? She's not in the Crystal Palace and I've barely seen her at all lately!!" Felix panicked.
"Okay Felix come down"
"Is she here?"
"Felix I don't even know who you're talking about."
"It seems like you're worried about he-"
"You didn't answer the question, Anton is she here?" He eyed the rabbit.
"Nope, I don't think she would want to see me after I nearly killed her.... thanks to Claude" he whispered the last part. Soon the prince gave up and poof! He's gone.

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