chapitre huit

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Hello everyone I just want you to prepare yourselves for the next few chapters❤️ I hope you guys are doing okay~

It's been three weeks after the ascension. They say that a hybrid's ascension is by far the hardest of all, rumours are that most hybrids don't even survive the last ascension. Aiko's father felt the ascension himself from the fire nation. He came here as soon as possible.

"This is her last ascension" He breathed out. Our eyes widened hearing his statement. There's a chance that she may not even wake up. Chan looked at me with apologetic eyes. He was the only one who knew about my feelings for Aiko. My brothers never really talked about Aiko and the Elixir or anything about her in general when I'm in the room. During those three weeks, Claude came back again. This time we created a barrier. A barrier who lets the ones who willingly smeared a drop of blood onto it. It was only done in the first 3 minutes of activation. We would get a tingly feeling if someone tried to go in to see the princess.

Claude was more annoying now than ever. She stayed by our side. Hyunjin, Chan, Seungmin and I in particular. Everyone else had just rejected her or had found a way to get away. We have too but she doesn't take no for an answer.

She had been flirting with Hyunjin alot lately as if she's trying to get him to fall in love with her, but typical Hyunjin just kicked her out of his palace. She entered Chan and I's palace. We share one palace because it's easier and its more nicer to spend time with my brother. I reached for a book on the top shelf in the library. An annoying strong presence is behind me. I know it.

"Didn't anyone tell you to never go inside a dragon's den?" I coldly said without turning my head.

"why are you so cold to me?" She whined.
God Get the fuck out.
Who's here Felix? Chan thought. A great thing about being a pure blood dragon is that Chan and I can hear each other's thoughts. Something that Aiko didn't acquire.
Mate don't come down. Claude is here
Oh hell naw. Imma go for a fly
YAH you can't leave me here with her
Too bad, have fun
I stayed quite pretending to read a book.
"Aren't you going to leave?" I turn to her, she stood there, staring at me.
"I really don't understand why you're so cold to me. You and your brother, Ive done nothing to you." She bitterly spat out.
" you clearly haven't done your research about dragons and you're really an idiot for coming back while Aiko is recovering."
"She's a pureblood Phoenix. She doesn't take long to recover" so she doesn't know that she's a hybrid. Either that or she's pretending.
"oh?" my gut is telling me that i shouldn't trust her. "Hate to break it to you Claude, it takes a lot to get a dragon's trust. Get out before i burn you alive" my allowed my eyes to turn blue. Something told me to follow her. As soon as she left our palace quietly trailed behind.
She turned into a corridor near the forrest, by the south gates. She screamed in frustration.
"Why cant they just trust me?!?!" she ranted. "This is going to be a lot harder than i thought."
"Then just kill her." a familiar voice spoke. My eyes widened at the figure. His hair as gold as hay, a pruple mark on his left cheek. Only a mark that a purple flame could create.
"Anton she's in a dome, i cant even get through it. I tried to get samples of all the princes blood but i cant even get close to one of them" She complained.
"You're smart. Think Claude. Remember, if you could do it once you can do it again. This time do It properly"
He patted her in the back. What?! she tried to kill Aiko?!?!

"If you had killed her in the first place, then we wouldn't having this problem right now. It would've been you marrying into the Water Kingdom." He remarked turning his back to her and returning to the forrest. I stood there feeling nothing but shock and anger. How could she try to kill her own cousin?! I turned away from the gate, quietly sprinting away.

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