chapitre seize

93 8 3

Long chapter again~
"Didn't know what?" Chan's eyebrows connected.
"Naoki isn't really who he claims to be, I mean they're not really the twins you're thinking about even though they look very similar. Hybrids have a different definition for Twins" she explained, Chae sat there thinking about the possibilities of what it could lead up to.
"Twins in general are from the same womb of the same mother, right? But for hybrids, they don't have to be in the same womb, if they're born around the same time and in the same day then that makes them twins but they have to have some type of connection with each other. The only difference is that their immortality are linked."
"Okay so since Aiko is queen, then that would make Naoki have the immortality and power of a king without being one?"
"So why is that a bad thing?" Chae smacked the back of her brother's head for his stupidity.
"He's born in the underworld, that itself was a dangerous thing because that would make him a proper demon" she paused, seeing Chan's confused expression.
"This realm, the demon realm are the nice ones, we aren't evil at all. We live like the people of heaven but just the dark version of it. Then underworld is where the scary demons live, we call them the underlings" Chae explained, finally understanding the situation.
"Oh shi-" this time Chan was the one who stopped Anton by covering his mouth and nodding for Claude to continue.
"How do we know you're telling the truth? You literally nearly killed Aiko" Claude sighed, he's right. Who would trust a girl who nearly killed her cousin?
"Look, you trust Aiko's words more than mine, Anton do you still have the necklace Aiko made when we began our friendship?"
"Of course, I'll never let it out of my sight" he smiled taking the small bent, oval like shape.
"Okay so this necklace here" she said holding her piece up, connecting the pieces together. "This is something Aiko and I made when we first met Chae and Anton to make sure they're telling the truth. It has a drop of each of our bloods so it only works between the four of us. It's used to detect a lie and if we were lying then the completed necklace would make a bright light, burning the hand of the one who's being tested. Aiko has these for everyone, even her close ones. Phoenixes aren't very trusting when it comes to their life" she smiled.
"But Aiko doesn't have one for Felix and I?" Chan furrowed his eyebrows as he studied the object. It's surface was smooth, the small boundary line connecting the two had a unique shape, something that's impossible to recreate. One side was dark and the other was white. The pendant worked like Yin and yang, between the four were two whites and two navy blues. It only needed two to make a whole, both fitting each other's shape. As the two connected the unique shaped halves, it began to glow.
"That itself means she trusts you enough not to have one which is a big thing for Phoenixes. Since she's a dragon as well, that side of her argued hence why she doesn't have one for you." Claude held it upon her hand and took a breath.
"I wasn't the one that tried to killed Aiko, it was Naoki." The pendant didn't do anything, indicating that the girl was telling the truth.
"Aiko believed it was me because Naoki had altered her memories from the beginning, if Aiko knew she wouldnt have taken over the Fire Nation but then that would lead up to the Nation flopping and Aiko would've tried to solve it herself"
But why? Was all Chan could think. Why would Night immortal would do such a thing?
"The reason he tried to Kill her is because he wanted the throne, when her mother found out that he was a demon after being sent to the Fire nation, he attempted to kill Aiko once he found out that she would get the throne although he's older by a few minutes."
"That's why when he set foot in the land of the Fire Nation after he carried Aiko he just disappeared" Anton pieces together a puzzle that they didn't know they had.
"Exactly even though I wasn't there, anyway, that's because of the late King Henry's spell. Once he steps in he would get teleported back to the Night realm in an instant" she took a breathe. "Anyway, this is a bad thing because the more powerful Aiko becomes, the more powerful he gets and then there would be a time where he becomes more powerful and that would be the chance for him to eliminate her. Completely. He's not doing anything right now is because he has enough power to ruin heaven without even trying so i guess hes satisfied with it for now. The only thing that's stopping him from going to the underworld is... you're not going to like it" she looked at the three who had wide eyes. "Is Aiko. The other reason why he's tried to kill her is be-"
"She's the seal to his-"
"Imprisonment in heaven" the three widened their eye, knowing Naoki's next move on Aiko.
"We shouldn't leave them alone together"

"No one is allowed in or out of the Crystal Palace for the next few days, do you all understand?" Jisung commanded his brothers.
"Jisung...why?" Minho looked at the emperor with sadness in his eyes.
"Do you want to end up like Felix?" He rose an eyebrow. Minho broke eye contact, meeting the plain floor instead.
"Dismissed" Jisung dismissed his brothers, all filing to a single line into their meeting room.
"Man what happened to him?"
"Jealousy happened" Hyunjin answered the dark Pegasus. "But something isn't right. His eyes looked.....different?"
"What he's doing isn't right" Jeongin's eyes filled with tears. "Aiko doesn't deserve this"
"Felix and Aiko deserve to be together, but I feel like if Jisung was less..... jealous I think they would've fallen in love. Hows Felix?" Woojins attention flew to Chan who stood by the wall, too distracted by his thoughts.
"Chaannn??" Changbin called, still not getting a response.
It's too dangerous for them to know here
"Huh?" His trail of thoughts broke at a ball of paper meeting the side of his face.
"I asked how Felix is"
"Oh Felix is healed"
"But how? There's no other Phoenixes that's as powerful as Aiko?" Hyunjin questioned.
"I'll explain everything soon"
Demon realm at midnight.
The brothers nodded, hearing the elders command and soon changing the topic.

My head throbbed, I pulled myself off the bed. Strange. Why is it so quiet?
I walked out of the Crystal Palace, it was insanely quiet. My throbbing head played the memories of what had happened last. I dropped to my knees seeing the memory of Felix on the floor, face down in a puddle of his own blood. I got up, quickly transforming into a Phoenix in attempt to fly out of my quarters. My head hits a thick gel like surface, I rubbed my head.
What the?
I flew down,standing in front of the gate. My hand meets the boundary again, realizing that under a dome. I banged and screamed until my lungs ached.
"I'm sorry", soon a figure appeared. Changbin came out of the shadows, teary eyed.
"Binnie can you let me out?" I pleaded.
"i cant- i- im sorry. i cant do anything" again disappeared in the shadows once again.
"CHANGBIN" I called out on the top of my lungs. All I can think about is Felix, is he doing okay? Is he still alive? Please I need to know. Hot tears ran down my cheeks at the thought of Felix.
I have to do something. I got up once again, flying towards the top of the boundary.
Hitting it once
Again and again.
Falling to the floor again and again. No matter how much it aches, I must keep going.
"That's not going to do anything love," a voice inside my head sang.
Felix? Chan? Who are you?
I turn to see where the voice came from.
"Look up to the hill" I snapped my head towards the hill. There he stood, Hyunjin gave me a sad smile. He gave a small wave.
"Everything will be fine. I promise. You just need to hold on okay? Felix is okay, Chan is okay."
What's happening? Why am I stuck here?
"Jisung happened, I've got to go" within a second, Hyunjin vanished.
"Aiko" another voice was heard, this time coming from the entrance.
"Sungie" I turn to him with hope, hope that he would let me out. I ran towards him, soon stopping noticing the anger in his eyes.
"Wh-whats going on Jisung?" Jisung widened his eyes, his eyes seemed to have softened. His stare suddenly flicked back to the ones I saw when he came in. Eyes of anger, jealousy and control.
"Let me out of here Jisung" I yelled. "As the Queen of the Fire nation I order you to let me leave" I stood up straight.
"If we were in the Fire Nation, I would've done what you said. When you're here, you're nothing but a royal consort" he smiled. It wasn't genuine, it was a smile where you knew you're right but you're plotting something evil. The smile of revenge and the smile of evil.
"You're banned from leaving heaven" his eyes were dark almost dead looking, killed with anger and jealousy.

Felix's eyes fluttered.
Where am I? Why do I suddenly have no energy? He sat up, rubbing his head and soon feeling the pain where the lightning hit. He groaned, soon Chan and Chae rushed to the room of the boy.
"Oh you're awake" Chae relaxed.
"Wha- why am i here? what happened?" His expression was full of curiosity.
"What do you remember?" Chan observed his little brother.
"the last thing i remember is that I was kneeling in front of Jisung and i took my crown off."
"Then you were hit with lightning without your immortality."
"Oh... Aiko? Where is she? Why didn't she heal me?" Anger built up in Felix. "I should've known that she would pick Jisung over me. I've been so blind" he paced back and forth with anger building up.
"Woah there mate, settle down. It's not like that. Aiko tried to heal you but Jisung got in the way." Chan held Felix's shoulder.
"He's right. You wouldn't have accepted my feather even if I tried to heal you" Claude leaned against the wall, witnessing Felix's outburst of emotions.
"I had to use Aiko'a feather to heal you" She continued, giving the boy a smirk.
"You still healed me." He looked at the girl with sympathetic eyes. He knew that once a phoenix heals another, it takes decades for their energy to recharge.
"Felix, that's irrelevant" Anton walked in, anger and sadness are shown in his eyes.
"Chan, I saw what you mean. Aiko is literally stuck in the Crystal Palace. I heard there's a new order that she's forbidden to leave Heaven."
"What?!" Felix's head shot up, looking at the taller demon.
"That's not the biggest problem we have. The others are coming here to see you in a-" a series of footsteps were heard from the main hall of the quarters. "That would be them". Soon the four walked out, being greeted by the six others.
"FELIX" they all yelled in unison, running towards their younger.
"You have no idea how much chaos Heaven is right now" Changbin clung onto him.
"Are you okay?!"
"Where does it hurt?"
"Do you need energy?" The boys bombarded the poor boy with questions.
"Okay back off maties" A female voice was heard. Upon seeing Claude, the boys circled Felix and drew their swords towards her.
"Woah woah woah there" Chae jumped in front of the white Phoenix. "She's innocent. She helped heal Lix"
"It's true" Felix squeezes through the wall of brothers. Soon the room was filled with gasps and shrieks.
"Okay settle down everyone"
"today you're going to see a les yeux ci-dessus of a dragon" Chan sat down on the ground with a slight smile. Chan always liked educating the boys with something. That's the reason why the brothers have an enormous amount of books in their quarters.
"Hyung do you have enough energy?" Felix looked in the eyes of his purple eyed brother. Chan nodded, realising what he meant. It takes two dragons to show a les yeux ci-dessus to more than four people, for less than four it takes a lot of energy just for one dragon to perform it.
"I can help" Anton's hand shot up. "I maybe a Stirling but I have les yeux ci-dessus too" Chan nodded in agreement.
The two sat opposite each other, in a meditating position. The rest sat around the two in a circle, copying their position. They all closed their eyes, all bodies glowed a colour of purple, indicating that Chan is leading the sight.
A flash of light was seen through the minds of the boys.
One by one the boys appeared, once all of them were present, Chan noticed the different aura in heaven.
"Okay how this works is that nobody can see or hear us. We see everything that goes on but there's a twist in mine. Not all dragon's can see the true forms of others. This is the present but let's go back in time" Chan closed his eyes, everything around the boys moved in a backwards manner. Going faster and faster until all that was seen was white. They appeared in the meeting room, witnessing what's happening before the incident. Chae shrieked watching Felix getting hit by the lightning bolt, falling to his face in a pool of his own blood. Her eyes watered seeing Aiko cry out for Felix and her attempt to heal him was heart breaking as Aiko's body met the ground. Felix saw the Fire queen transforming her arm to heal him, he knew that once she heals him, her dragon side would become dominant. Anger grew as Fire would but how can a fire ignite on the surface of the water? He saw how helpless she looked and he wished he protected her. His un coeur de dragon couldn't protect her at that time, not when he's unconscious. Tears rolled down his cheek, feeling his heart break into a million pieces. Claude however took notice of her surroundings, strange. Why isn't Naoki here? She thought looking for the certain demon. She looked upon the ceiling.
"Guys" she whispered. They all followed her gaze to the ceiling. There he stood, in his true form. His horns were larger, making his appearance look more terrifying than it actually is. Green eyes and a furry body. His claws were large and sharp as well as his tail; long and pointy. He stood there with a satisfied smirk watching the meeting below. His smile grew seeing Aiko on the ground.
"Hyung I don't think he has good intentions" Jeongin squeaked.

Love, Royalty and everything else in betweenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora