chapitre sept

121 8 1

2 pairs of consecutive footsteps reached the door. Aiko looked so pale. The brother's looked at each other sensing her unusual aura. As soon as she entered, her eyes shut down as if it had a mind of its own. She collapses, Caught by Jisung who was close behind.  They panicked at the sight of the princess, her body was glowing white.

"It might be because of the powder"

"Take her to her chambers" Woojin commanded. Jisung nodded carrying the unconscious princess in his arms.


I woke up in a rush. A strong part of me pulled myself off the bed. Its not something new, it was more like a reflex when something is about to happen. I felt the adrenalin to transform into a dragon. I ran out of the room to the direction of the entrance of the castle. Instead of running through the gates, I was thrown back. A barrier.


"Father she's getting worse every day!" Jisung cried to his father.

"I knew letting her go alone wasn't a good idea. Thank you Chan and Felix for going after her" All eyes averted the two blonde princes who leaned against the wall feeling nothing but anger. Jeongin ran towards the royal family.

"Father I've figured it out!" He cried. "After observing her for a few days, I've noticed how her senses were affected one by one. This time it was her dragon sense, the sense of danger. She ran towards the barrier and tried to break it. The powder she has alters the senses. Like a love potion. It's blinding her. Now the thing is, why isn't Channie hyung affected with it? I've also observed him and nothing was wrong with him. Maybe the fact that Princess Aiko is a hybrid is the reason why it works so well, the powder was meant to work against hybrids making them spazz out" He explained in a fast-paced, sort of rapping.

"Now to think of it, it didn't really do anything to me. It just made it hard to stay in my dragon form"

"Is there a way to reverse this?" King Louis asked.

"I don't kno-"

"Father, it wore off me when i fought against it."

"So you're saying that the only way is to work against it?" Seungmin asked the elder. Chan nodded. Jeongin and Chan went back to observe you just to see you in your dragon form flying around the dome hitting the barrier here and there. Jeongin's eyes sparkled in amazement seeing Aiko in her dragon form. It wasn't everyday where he will see a fire princess as a white dragon.

Chan, however, did not like the sight, he could hear her cries although all that could be heard was silence. Jeongin walked in the barrier transforming into his Peryton form. He caught the white dragon's attention and soon his tiny form was now opposite the massive head of the dragon. He transformed back into a human. He placed a hand on the dragon's nose as gentle as he possibly could trying not to startle the princess with the sudden skinship.

"You're so beautiful" his eyes glimmered seeing her beauty. The body of the princess glowed revealing a confused looking princess.

"Aiko,  listen to me" Jeongin grabbed her shoulders. His eyes locking onto hers. "You can do this! You can fight it! Fight the urge to fight" He witnessed the poor princess' eye colour alternating between red, brown and gold. "Yes keep fighting! I believe in you! Keep going!" soon Aiko lost consciousness.


"How is she?" Jisung walked quietly to find Jeongin in the room.

"She's still sleeping. All that fighting must've used up a lot of energy"

"Huh? But she's a phoenix? She has unlimited energy"

"Not after she heals someone" he eye'd his elder. Jisung's expression softens knowing that he's the one that you've healed.

"Phoenixes can't heal themselves. Another Phoenix must do it for her after she heals someone else. Or she can her herself in her dragon form but it's not happening" Jisung sighed. Jeongin sat there watching her as her body glowed from red to white but soon the glowing stopped alarming the two, herr figure started to elevate and began to move out of the room. Once she was outside, it flew higher into the sky. Her usual dark hair faded to a titanium silver. Soon Lightning strikes were seen and heard. The royal family rushed into the dome. Jeongin and Jisung ran after her floating body. Jeongin's mind was clouded. When this occurs, usually the immortal would be going through the transition from immortality to death or the immortal being is ascending to a higher position making them more powerful than they ever are.

"The powder wasn't the problem. It's her ascension. " Chan breathed out in amazement. A red transparent Phoenix flew out of your chest followed by a white dragon circling around her body. A lightning bolt struck Aiko, it was part of the ascension to endure whatever nature hits you with. But how could you endure it when you're weak? She was literally relying on her Phoenix powers to stay alive. The roar of the dragon was heard, it flew to the top of the dome and dives into her chest followed by the Phoenix. Instead of Aiko's body glowing just red, it glowed a pink colour. She slowly brought down to the ground standing her upright. She stood there, still as a statue. She opened her eyes. Gasps from the royal family was heard. Her eyes were no longer just red, but now both half red and half gold. Her eyes then turned back to her normal colour and soon collapsing again.

It's been a week since you collapsed, royals around the realm felt the great increase of energy. Claude took this as an opportunity to steal the heart of the boys. As soon as they felt her energy, groans and complains circled the room.
"There's something we don't know about Claude and Aiko" Seungmin told the group.
"What do we do? We can't just kick her out, Father will get mad"
"How about we make plan. You heard Aiko in the hall way a week ago. "Take what's mine again"" Hyunjin quoted.
"Should we trick her then?" Chan asked. All eyes averted to him. "If we pretend and give what she's trying to get then maybe we could get a better insight of this"
"we need to be careful though. Claude isn't as naive and clueless like Aiko." Jisung stepped in. "She's nothing like Aiko, so be prepared for the worst" He paused. "By the way, if you're wondering who's on who's side, Our Queen sided with Claude. I heard her conversation with the Queen. Apparently she too thinks that Water and Fire don't mix"

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