Chapitre Deux

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The days I spent in the water kingdom isn't as bad as I first anticipated. Father was right, they are welcoming- or at least they try to be. I still receive dirty looks from maids and other royal ambassadors but I didn't care, well I shouldn't in the first place. Everyday I have to always put a protection spell so that the nine brothers don't sense a hybrid. A cold breeze made me shiver, it was as if it was planned or it knew what I was thinking about. I try to be less... well quieter. Most days were spent with Jisung and he would try to get me to try new things....... that involves water. I don't blame him, I too want to try it but I'm scared that I'll expose myself. Only King Louis and the queen knows about my dragon side, this meant that I have to go see them countless of times a day to get a potion to hide my dragon side. The other day Jeongin was confused as to why I kept going back and forth, it got to the point where I feel like I'm being followed. It's getting harder and harder everyday to keep this secret. I walked out of the palace to meet the Queen.
"You're going and that's final, Y/n can survive for 3 weeks without you"
"Father please"
"Jisung, think of it as one more reason to come home. ALIVE" soon the door opened revealing an angry squirrel. I pulled him into a warm hug.
"Don't worry about me, go defend your kingdom. Our kingdom" I smiled looking into his eyes. He soon gave a weak smile giving in.
"I'll be three weeks. Will you be oka-"
"Like I said, ill be fine. How will I rule if i can't handle 3 weeks without you? You better come home alive or i will bring you home myself" he rides an eyebrow breaking into a smile. He nodded and soon breaking the small embrace and walking to the opposite direction.

"Your grace, why can't I tell the princes about being a hybrid?" The Queen combed your hair. She let out a frustrated sigh. She's always been transferring energy to me ever since I got here. Its for me to use when I hide my hybrid side.
"I think it's just for the best of the boys"
"But I'm using your energy, I personally think that it would be easier for the both of us to let them know, Your grace" the queen laughed at your consideration.
"You are quite smart my dear, you would have to pass that onto the king and if he does agree then you are free to be yourself" she smiled.
After the energy transfer, I started making my way to the Kings chambers. On the way, I recognise the a blonde boy walking towards home. His aura seems familiar. He stopped walking once his eyes met my figure. He glared catching me off guard as he walked past.
"Tch what's his problem?" I turned the other cheek watching the cold prince walk away. Moments later the feeling of being followed came again. I picked up my pace and entered the Kings palace.

"What brings you here my dear?" King Louis looked confused with my sudden appearance.
"Your majesty, I came here to request something if I may"
"What is it Aiko?"
"Everyday it's getting harder and harder" his eyes averted to you from the paper he was reading. "Her majesty is giving me energy to use and I personally think that it's too much of a hassle for the both the queen and I. I was wondering if I could tell the boys about my-"
"Aiko, they aren't ready to know. Keep it a secret a little longer. I know it's a bit hard on you because you're hiding who you are, but please do it for your father and my sons. One of them will be your future husband. You'll know when the time is right" he smiled. I bowed and then leaving the palace. Every now and then I would hear foot steps behind mine.

Jisung had to go to visit a village with his soldiers. Being the way you are, you didn't bother to speak to anyone else. You were too shy to in the first place. Despite of being a phoenix I had the senses and the fire of a dragon along with its strength. My senses tingled, another creature is here- a dragon to be exact. Scales around near my eyes appeared, preparing for a transition. I stopped walking to calm down, remembering the conversation with the King. Instead of facing whoever was following me, I transformed into a phoenix and went for a fly.

Felix POV
I followed the princess around for three days straight already. This time I brought Chan with me to watch her. Nothing suspicious but why does she keep doing to mother and fathers chambers? She has some weird aura around her as if she's hiding something.
"Do you feel that weird aura?"
"It's as if she's hiding something" Chan's eyes turned slightly purple.
"Woah there mate, we can't just go at her hoping that she'll turn" I held Chan's chest stopping him from his tracks.
"What really bothers me is that we didn't recognise her as royal when she first came here" he has a point. Usually Royals has an aura that anyone could recognise. With her it's like she had no energy radiating off her.
"What do we do? She might be a demon in disguise"
"Alright how would you describe the Fire king coming here with her then?" Chan's eyes turned back to its original brown colour.
"There's something we don't know. You watch her tonight I'll talk to father" Chan nodded.

I walked into Fathers palace.
"What brings you here my son?" I gave my father a stern look. He sighed putting down the book in his hand. "You've already figured it out huh?"
"There's something about Princess Aiko. Her aura isn't much of a royal let alone no energy of a Phoenix radiating off her. Father is there something I don't know?"
"You are one smart man my son. There are a lot of things you don't know"
"Sire, I'm worried that Princess Aiko isn't who she says she is-"
"I need you to trust Princess Aiko. She's not what you think she is"
"Sire, what if she's a demon" father laughed at my statement.
"She's anything but a demon son. Go and see your brother" he shooed. I knew it. I still can't trust her although father does. I need to know what she is. For the sake of the kingdom. For the sake of Jisung.

Aiko POV
It was dinner time, the king and queen sat on either end of the table. Four princes on one side and the other four on the others but one seat remained empty. The queen seated me beside a blonde Prince at the end of the table on her side; he was quiet and didn't talk much. Once he met my eyes, he quickly averted them away. Everyone on the table was talking except me and the blonde haired boy.
"Hey Jeongin why aren't you talking? you're not usually quiet during dinner time" the queen questioned as all the attention landed on him. The younger boy shrugged and continued eating.
"Oh we should probably introduce ourselves" a brown haired boy put his cutleries down
"You haven't done that yet?" the king questioned with a hint of disbelief in his voice. I sensed and felt his emotion change to slight annoyance. The eight boys bowed their head in guilt, it seems like they fear that their father would yell at the table.
"If i may speak your majesty, Jisung and i spent my time here catching up with each other. Jisung didn't have time to introduce me to his brothers as he was also helping me get my way around the castle. He also brought me to the town to get myself familiar with the Water Kingdom. I'm sorry if we- well I have caused an unnecessary problems" I politely explained.
"Oh that's right! You and Jisung have been spending a lot of time with each other, im guessing you have missed each other since you haven't seen each other for eight years" the queen interrupted. The eight boys looked at me with thankful eyes, even Jeongin.
"Okay anyway, I'm Woojin. I have the blood of a pegasus." you smiled at him.
"Im Changbin, I have the blood of a panther"
"I'm Minho, I have the blood of the Pegasus"
"Im Seungmin, but everyone here calls me a Minnie and i am a nine tailed fox."
"I'm Chan"
"I'm Felix and we have dragon blood." My eyes locked with Felix. His eyes flashed blue, flashing of the eyes by someone who possesses dragon blood means a warning. A warning for what? What did i do to make Felix angry?
"I'm Jeongin, I have the blood of the Peryton" he looked at me with innocent eyes. They all looked at me as if they were expecting something.
"I'm Y/n, I have the blood of the Phoenix" I faked smiled feeling a little bit disappointed that I'm half lying to them. Having a someone who possess two different kinds of blood is dangerous for me and everyone else i'm close with.

It was late at night and i thought of going to a late night walk around the castle garden. It was a dark hallway, well what did i expect? The walls stood high and strong. Everyone's asleep but me, it's so quite here. I turned my hand creating a white flame on my palm providing enough light to see. Only dragons could create fire from their body. I walked quietly enjoying the darkness and the silence. I arrived at the garden, it had beautiful flowers and a fountain in the middle of it. It's trees were short and flowery, it was simple yet beautiful. When I arrived the king had given me four pots for me to ignite whenever I couldn't sleep. He knew of how it brought me comfort just sitting in the middle of the garden looking at the stars at the middle of the night. Sleep doesn't really matter to me, dragons and phoenixes barely sleep. However this night wasn't particularly comforting. I didn't feel just one but two people watching. They weren't just people but two dragons. As expected scales around my eyes appeared again, as if on cue, a dragon few in the sky. I turn around to meet the eyes of the dragon looking directly at me. It's body had sharp bone like structures sticking out of their dark and grey body or so it seems. It's scales were matte and had a blue outline . The other had purple. Although normal people would be scared, of course being a dragon, I wasn't. Having dragon blood doesn't have anything to do with it, I just simply admired the way it's scales and the way the dragon is the way that it is. The other dragon however landing towards the other. Now both of them are looking at me with hungry eyes.
"You're Beautiful" i placed a hand on the tip of the dragons nose. Both dragon's glowed a bright blue colour revealing a two blonde princes. Instead of my hand meeting with the air, it stayed in contact of Felix's check. Realising our position i quickly retrieved my hand away. He walked towards me while I took steps back as he took steps forward. I feel the hardness of the wall against my back. Felix's eyes were still blue, that itself means dominance. He slammed his hand next to my head, giving me a small fright. It triggered my dragon senses. My eyes glowed a fiery red colour. Scales around my eyes glowed gold.
"I knew there was something about you" Felix paced back and forth without taking his eyes off you with a satisfied smirk. Chan just stood there, watching his younger scare the girl. Chan's eyes however were still purple.
"You were the one that was following me" i coldly stared at him. Felix shook his head, clearly amused .
"That was me darling, I had to see it for myself of what Felix was yapping about." Chan chuckles. Felix walked towards me until an arms length away.
"A Hybrid of a phoenix and a dragon. How interesting"
"If you're trying to get me to turn transform that's not happening. Provoking wont do anything either." I coldly looked at the blue eyed prince. I didn't feel an ounce of intimidation that clearly radiated from Felix.
"It's my turn to ask questions, You're a Fairlie. He's your brother, but why does he have different coloured eyes?" you asked pointing at Chan. Chan scoffed at my boldness.
"Smart, Bold and mysterious. I like it" Chan walked closer until he was inches away from my face. He smirked walking away as his body glowed leaving me stunned at his act. Soon a dark dragon flew into the sky. Felix gave me a stern expression followed by a smirk. His eyes glowed light blue and soon following the lead of the elder.
"Don't worry princess" he turned his head without turning his body. "We will keep your secret for you" He smirked and walked away following the lead of his elder.
I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. What will I do now? I don't want the other six to find out.
How will I tell the King and Queen?

Love, Royalty and everything else in betweenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin