chapitre quatorze

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Akasuki was smart enough to somehow isolate the Earth Nation about Aiko's coronation. Somehow Claude didn't know either because she didn't show up, not that they wanted her to. Aiko was busy still busy with the Water Kingdom fixing things with the marriage with Jisung. She's still broken that she has to marry Jisung instead of Felix but now that she's queen she can make bigger requests with the King. Aiko day in her throne, having the feeling that something is coming. She had a brilliant idea to be in disguise as she got more and more unsettled as the minutes passed by. She didn't have the time to transform so instead the new queen just hid behind the wall that had a small corner hidden. To her surprise, Felix was standing right there, eyes widened and his mouth was slightly opened.
"We'll talk later" Aiko whispered as she turned to see the Air Nation's crown princess teleporting in with a big smirk.
"Aihara~"she sung soon Aihara walked in, with a displeased look in her face.
"May I help you your majesty"
"Call me your grace, call in the officials, every realm and every element. From now on I'll be ruling this kingdom since Aiko isn't even here"
Aihara,go along with it. She dares to humiliate me. Let's show her what the new queen is made out of . Aiko thought directly looking into Aihara's eyes. She heard her command, the advisor rolled her eyes knowing that her queen was right there. The younger walked away doing as the Crown princess asked. Felix's hand travelled to her waist, soon feeling his body against hers from behind. The dragon buried his head on the crook of her neck.
"I miss you" he whispered. Aiko turned around, wiping the tears that travelled his face. She returned the hug, staying there for a while.
"We can get through this, I promise." Aiko looked up, smiling at him . He nodded, connecting their foreheads.

"From now on, Since there is no one ruling here I will" Claude walked up to the throne.
"I'm sorry your majesty it we already have a ruler" Akasuki informed.
"Who would that be? Aiko?" She laughed with her back towards the rest. "That girl can barely keep her crown on her head, she can barely even rule a small section. She's too busy in the water realm to even rule here" she chuckled. The officials noticed the queens quiet entrance.
"Your Grace" they all bowed towards their Queen. Claude turned around, her eyes widening seeing the gold crown on her head.
"Oh Claude, you never stop do you?" Aiko's eyes both turned half gold and half red. Claude walked down from the elevated throne.
"I see you've got my crown. Give it to me" she commanded. Aiko did what she asked.
"Good, now take her to the dungeon" not a single body moved.
"What are you doing?!" She shouted "you're all committing treason for disobeying your queen"
She whined.
" stand at attention" at once everyone in the room now stood straight, hands by their sides and chins up.
"Now turn around 180 degrees,block your eyes and close your eyes" everyone in the room did as asked.
"Let me tell you something Claude, the crown itself means nothing. Its who owns it that matters" the girl waved her hand, the crown that sat on Claude's head had now teleported onto Aiko's hand. The queen walked up to Claude.
"Hasn't anyone told you to never walk into a dragon's den?" Outline of scales around Aiko's eyes started to glow. Dragons of all sorts of sizes entered the room one by one. One particularly behind the throne, giving Claude a fright as it let a breath with a small growl out as the tip of his nose shoved Claude over.
"Remember," Aiko stepped up the steps to her throne. One she reached the seat made of metal, she sat down without breaking eye contact with Claude. "I'm always three steps ahead of you." She smirked. "Guards, escort her highness out of the Fire nation. I place an order of banishment with the act of treason and attempted rebellion." Claude's eyes widened, knowing well that if she breaks her order the position she has as crown princess would be terminated.
"I'm sorry you all had to see that, you may be dismissed" she dismissed everyone in the room. The gigantic head of a blue eyed dragon glowed, revealing a prince in a grey attire who stood next to the throne.
"You didn't have to scare her" he chuckled "I knew you were feisty but not this feisty" he held out a hand. Aiko gladly took it as she stood up chuckling at his statement.
"I can be all sorts of things Felix, I can be the ice queen if you'd like"
"Oh, I like this look better on you. Although you did look very beautiful" his smile was gentle.
"Now shall we go for a short fly?" Aiko have a small laugh, soon agreeing.
"Yes my Queen" he teleported at her command.
"Do your job as hand of the queen, I wanna go for a fly. I'll be back in a bit"
"Stay safe your grace" he waved. The pair ran out of the castle doors, transforming into their respective forms.
Jisung, who stood there witnessing the pair's departure. He knew that there's no way to reverse a dragon's heart, he teleported back into heaven where he met with his father.
"Father as much as I love Aiko, I don't want to marry her" King Louis looked up to the tiger, confused by his sudden outburst. "She doesn't love me, she may not have given Felix her un coeur de dragon yet but she will at some point."
"You will marry her, don't let felix get in the way"
"Father you and I Both know that there's no way of reversing un coeur de dragon"
"You're right, but she is the first born of the Earth Nation"
"Father please, hold a royal meeting with the Royals of the elements."

Everyone had their respective seats in the royal planning room of The Water Nation.
"Were gathered today to make changes with the Marriage between the Fire, water, Air and Earth Nations." King Louis announced.
"Before that I have an announcement" Claude interrupted. "Has anyone thought of why Aiko is suddenly queen?" She questioned. Aiko received looks from everyone. Looks of confusion and disgust, especially from the officials of the Water Kingdom who opposed the marriage with the Fire nation.
"Let me tell you why our queen here is queen" she chuckled. "Aiko has been secretly ruling for the past two months now before her coronation. King Henry is actually dead, killed by the eternal flame" she blurted out. The princes exchanged glances.
"How would you know that my father isn't alive and well?" Aiko asked the Princess.
"Because he's not here right now" she smirked.
"Or you're the one that killed him." Aiko paused, seeing Claude widened her eyes gave her the answer she's been looking for. "Indeed my father was hurt by the eternal flame, but only three of my officials knew about the matter." Claude knew that she just exposed herself.
"Aihara, Akasuki, Irie" the queen called out. "Cancel the meetings, we've found the one. She's been under our noses the whole time." She commanded. Claude was dumbfounded.
"Why would I kill the Fire nation king?" Claude whined.
"You're right, why would you?" A deep voice was heard from the shadows. A silver haired male who looked quite young and similar to Naoki. His eyes were light blue, and his figure was lean. Aiko turned her head, closing her eyes, allowing herself to change into her other form. The ice King and the Ice princess, standing side by side.
"Did you really think that you could kill me?" King Henry looked at the girl. "Aiko, would you do the pleasure of what the Eternal flame does to a hybrid?"
"The eternal flame only suspends a hybrids current form, letting the hybrid stay on its other form as the other heals"
"Hybrids are impossible to kill my dear" King Henry.
"How would you know that I was the one? Someone else could've been pretending to be me" Claude pleaded, trying to play the victim.
"I didn't, I guessed. You exposed yourself" Aiko coldly stared at the her, soon shifting her gaze onto King Louis who had a shocked expression on his face.
"From the way you reacted when I assumed it was you gave it away. Just a reminder, Claude, I'm always three steps ahead of you"
Aiko smirked.
"Claude, you committed treason." King henry looked at the girl. "There Fire I sentence your crown to be terminated"
"Guards, escort her to the mortal realm." The guards soon took a hold of Claude's arms and dragged out out of the room as she whined.
"Now about the marriage-"
"There will be no change." Queen Irene butted in.
"May I ask why?"
"Know your place girl" She shot back.
"With respect your majesty I'm on the same royal rank as you, age does not matter on the throne Irene" Aiko transformed back into her fiery self. "Now that I'm queen of my own nation, I cannot be under the Earth Nation. I'm afraid I cannot marry Prince Han." She explained. A part of Aiko felt bad because she was basically breaking marriage off with her best friend. She took a glance at the squirrel who looked down at his feet.
"She has a point" King Henry pointed out.
"As Queen of the Fire nation, I'd like to choose who I'd marry"
"And as Queen of the Earth Nation and as your Mother, I want you to Marry Prince Han" she argued. Aiko sighed, knowing that this will be a long argument.
"Let's just stop this, Her majesty needs someone to take over the Earth Nation throne. I can just take over" Naoki came out of the shadows. "I am indeed the first born by three minutes" he explained "it's nice to see you again, mother" he smiled. Irene just stood there, in amazement that he survived the war.
"Great! Now that's settled, the marriage would be like in the beginning, Aiko can choose who she'd like to marry as promised to you, Henry" King Louis looked at the ice king who approved giving him a nod.

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