chapitre quinze

109 8 2

A/n :
Long chapter❤️
The order of the marriage was given, however who gets the throne didn't change. Jisung, who was getting the crown alone felt emotionally drained. As much as he loved Aiko, he couldn't do much for her. She's a dragon and he knew well that once a dragon falls, they're loyal till death. Word got out that Claude somehow escaped the mortal world. Aiko didn't really care about her cousin escaping. It was the least of her worries. As the coronation of Jisung came closer, the marriage contract was changed again due to the lack of Royal females in their timeline. Aiko has already lost track of who she's supposed to marry and Felix however had gotten sick of it all and has decided to let fate choose who Aiko ends up with, but of course he does want the Fire nation Queen, his queen, all to himself. It's been a few weeks after the last meeting with every high Royal in the heaven realm, some opposed and some approved of the changes with the marriage. Jisung was as happy to know that he's still marrying his best friend, but the amount of time that she spends with Felix always sparked a fire in him that he didn't know existed, a fire of jealousy.

It's time of Jisungs Coronation, as his bride Aiko walked along side of him on the aisle. This coronation was bigger than Aiko's one, more of the realm knew about his coronation and his marriage with Aiko. Some gasped at the sight of the soon to be wedded couple, amazed at how beautiful they are as one. They both elegantly walked down the aisle, of course, Jisung slightly ahead of her. Once reaching the very front of the palace, Aiko split off to the right side of the aisle, sitting herself down next to Felix. The two exchanged glances, with sadness in their eyes, knowing that the chances of them being together are slim. Before the coronation, Aiko confessed her feelings to Felix and soon returned the honour of giving him her own un coeur de dragons in a form of a necklace, which Felix visibly wore. His brothers noticed and no longer questioned, knowing that their love is now unforbidden.
Jisung kneeled on his right, soon a gold crown met his head, perfectly fitting. He stood up, walking towards the throne, and soon gracefully sitting.
"Long live the King" everyone chanted. Jisung smiled but soon slowly fading noticing the slight stare that Felix and Aiko shared. Jealousy burned in his eyes, Jisung was one to hide his feelings and he ultimately hid them well. He coated his anger and Jealousy with a charming smile, trying to remember that he is the one that she'll marry.

I walked towards the gates of the heaven realm but being stopped by Jisung.
"Aiko where are you off to?" He asked sweetly.
"The Demon realm with the others" I smiled at him, his expression changed from a smile to a small pout.
"Ai, you never spend time with me anymore you're always with Felix or Anton" His head hung low. Seeing Jisung sad breaks my heart, I couldn't help it but wrap my hands around him.
"I'm sorry Sungie" burying my head into his chest, he hugged tighter.
"How about we hang out for the next week? Just us two?" I forced a smile, although it's not bad to spend time with him. I nodded giving the squirrel an answer, he dragged me by my hand to our favourite place in the palace. The very top of the highest tower that over viewed the whole of the kingdom.
"I missed going up here with you" he giggled, intertwining our hands. Silence grew,
"You know, I didn't want to make you marry me if you're not willing." I snapped my head to his. His face showed nothing but sadness.
"Jisung I-"
"I know Aiko, I know how you feel about Felix" he sighed. "We both know that there's nothing we can do to change this marriage, even though I'm already King." He has a point. It's his fathers last order, we can't change that unless he agrees.
"That's true..." I trailed,realising that Felix and I have been fighting against the impossible.
"Also, I might change our name"
"To what?" I chuckled.
"I don't like the name 'Water Kingdom' I prefer the 'Water Empire' so that would make me an emperor"
"Not gonna lie, that suits the kingdom better" he gave a soft laugh.
"I may not be Felix-"
"I'll try to love you, but you know well that once a dragon falls-"
"They're loyal to death" he finished. "I know that very well Aiko" he smiled, soon placing a gentle kiss on my cheek making me giggle.

It's been a few days since the talk with Jisung, Aiko promised him that she will try to love him as she loves Felix. The squirrel emperor was overjoyed after feeling the change in Aiko's affection towards him. This change particularly made Felix confused, during the few days he'd had not seen Aiko at all or when he does she would turn the other cheek walking away from him. Felix knew that he's the one she loves, so why was she avoiding him? He questioned. He went to his elder for advice, explaining to Chan on what's happening between him and the Fire Queen.
"Hyung I don't understand why she's avoiding me" Chan observed his younger. Seeing how Aiko impacted him amused Chan. It was nice seeing Felix feel emotion again, unlike before Aiko came.
"I can't tell you what to do but if you think of the whole situation, it seems that there's a possibility that Aiko is just busy with Jisung"
"But why would she ignore me?"
"Who knows mate, just talk to her"

"Father please cancel this marriage" the squirrel pleaded.
"I already told you, no" Felix over heard the Emperor begging his father. He made his way to the Crystal Palace, where he thinks Aiko would most likely be. He entered, there she sat. Peacefully reading documents with her seal on the right hand side of the corner on her table. She looked up, her eyes widening seeing Felix. Like a wave in the beach,every bit of love and devotion for Felix came flooding back. She got up, in attempt to leave. Felix grabbed her hand harshly and spinning her around.
"Why are you avoiding me?" He bluntly asked.
"I'm not!" Her voice slightly rose.
"You are! When I enter the room,you leave. I try to talk to you, you walk away. You stopped coming to our place and you stopped coming to the Demon realm!" He too, raised his voice.
He glanced at the girl, "what? Are you finally giving up?"
"Then what is it?! It's like you don't want to fight anymore!!" At this point the two were shouting at each other.
"What choice do I have?! You say that like you're fighting when you're not!" Aiko threw her hands in the air as tears streamed down her face.
"Me! I'm your choice!! I fight for you everyday!! So why aren't you?!?" He argued. "It's like you don't want to fight anymore! Do you even want to be with me?!"
"Felix! You know of all people that I do!! You know that I can't do anything"
"You can!! You're a queen for heavens sake"
The couple began glowing, their scales around their eyes started to fade in.
" A Queen of the Fire Nation Felix! I may be a Queen there but I'm nothing but a consort here what don't you understand?!! You can do something! You're the Crown Prince!!" Aiko yelled, nearly sobbing. "You're right!" Felix tilted his head slightly shaking it,confused as to why he's right.
"I am giving up! You and I both know were powerless against the emperor." That was enough to anger Felix completely.
"Aiko! We're both the most powerful beings in heaven-!!"
"Yet we can't even get our marriage!!" Aiko shot back. Taking a step back almost walking away. Felix caught the girls arm and once again spun her around. This time, closing off the space between them. Crashing his lips onto hers. Her tears mixed with the taste of her saliva as he passionately kissed her. His hand traveled to the side of her neck and the other behind her waist. Aiko however cried more as she returned the kiss. Both the hairpin and the necklace of their un coeur de dragons glowed showing that their feelings for each other are as strong as metal. The two broke their kiss, looking into each other's eyes.
"I know that we're both powerless against Jisung, but please don't stop fighting for me. For us. And i won't stop fighting for you and our future." his voice was shaky and rough. He wiped Aiko's tears with his thumb, she could only nod. He wrapped his arms around her small figure, he himself couldn't hold the tears back anymore. He too sobbed in the arms of his love.
Jealousy. Anger. Pain.
The three feelings that are the most dangerous combined. Jisung watched the two from afar. He teleported back to his throne and sat there in thought.

"I want you to surrender your crown" Jisung commanded the blue eyed dragon. All eyes widened as they averted to Jisung. The brothers and Aiko were surprised by his sudden call out.
"Sungie why?" Aiko asked with fear in her eyes. Her head snapped to Felix who stood there, speechless. It wasn't the worst he could get, at least he still has his dragon powers and his immortality. He took the crown off his head.
"He kissed the bride of the emperor." His eyes turned yellow, a sign that he will turn into his natural form.
Felix however kneeled in front of his brother, Aiko caught up with his act and soon rushed to his side kneeling along with him. Felix widened his eyes, and scrunched his face.
"What are you doing?!?" He whispered
"Fighting" she looked directly into his eyes and soon averted to Jisung who was fuming with anger.
"Your majesty the kiss was mutual, punish Felix and you shall punish me too" Jisung looked towards Changbin and Woojin, who were the strongest out of the nine. Immediately they walked towards Aiko and took her by her sides, picking her off the ground.
Soon a lightning strike hit Felix, making him yell in pain. Aiko watched with tears in her eyes, trying to fight the two pairs of hands holding her down. With a blink of an eye, Felix was laying face down in a pool of his own blue blood. Unconscious. Aiko finally broke free, running towards him. Her arm immediately turned into a Phoenix wing, plucking a feather and almost placing it on Felix. Jisung waved his hand, making Aiko lose consciousness. The brothers were shocked and now feared Jisung.
"Take her to the Crystal Palace. I'll be there in a second." He exited the room. At once the brothers did everything they could to keep Felix from bleeding any further. Chan's eyes became a waterfall as soon as he reached Felix. He picked him up, Bridal style and soon teleporting to the Demon realm.
"I'm sorry." Woojin and Changbin held the girl in their arms.
"We're so sorry" they sobbed. Four stood there in shock of what has happened. Hyunjin by far was overwhelmed. He knew how jealous Jisung had become knowing his feelings are unrequited. He felt every broken heart in the room as if his heart wasn't broken itself.

"Chae!!! Anton!!" Chan busted through the Demon realm. Soon the siblings appeared, soon panicking at the sight of the blood covered prince.
"What happened?!?!!"
"Jisung shot him with a lightning bolt, he was angry and jealous cause he saw Felix and Aiko kiss" the siblings exchanged glances.
"Okay but why did he bleed so easily? He's so strong?" Anton questioned.
"His immortality decreased when he got his crown surrendered before he got hit" worry washed over Chae.
"Channie I can't heal him. Only a Phoenix could do that" she apologetically said. "What about Aiko?"
"She was about to heal him but then she lost consciousness and now she's locked away in the Crystal Palace."
"Is there any other Phoenix similar to Aiko?" The three knew exactly who.
"What choice do we have?!" Soon Chae opened small trinket that contained a small amount powder. She sprinkled it to the small flame of the candle that burned on the table.
A bright light appeared.
"I have this so I could summon her anytime wherever she is" she explained. The light became a human like figure. Claude looked confused as to why she's in the demon realm.
She soon figured out once her eyes landed on the unconscious prince. Chan lay him on the nearest table. Claude plucked out own feather and tried to plant it on his head. Her attempt threw her back.
"I can't do it, he recognises that I'm not Aiko" Chan remembered the loose feather that Aiko dropped, he fished it out of his pocket.
"How about this?" He showed Claude, she took it , placing it on his forehead.
"His immortality has gone down, when I do this it will go back up and decrease Aiko's by a little bit"
"Then that mea-"
"She can't be queen of both until it recharges"
"That can't happen! Jisung would only get more mad-"
"I'll deal with it. This is the chance for them to be together" Chan furrowed his eyebrows at the girl, in suspicion of her sudden kindness. She pressed the feather on his forehead, his blood suddenly began fading, his pale skin became more tanner as if he was gaining his energy back. His hair that became frail gained back its colour. Although the signs of Felix healing was a good sign, everyone in the room was relieved. All but Claude who let out a sigh.
"I knew this was gonna happen" Claude breathed out.
"Why are you being so kind?" Chan questioned.
"I'll explain from the beginning shall I?" The three nodded.
"When I heard that Aiko was right of age to take over the throne I was happy for her. But I knew that her mother wouldn't be so pleased. I went to see her and I found out that she has a deal with King Louis at that time, for her to marry Jisung. When I went to see for myself i already saw that Aiko had already fallen for Felix, knowing how Jisung is, he would get extremely jealous and bottle it in until he explodes like today. I had to act like I'm all over Felix to drive a wedge between him and Aiko in attempt to prevent this." She pointed at the sleeping prince. "When I attempted treason, I knew that the eternal flame would only hurt King Henry"
"But why was the flame green"
"That's the thing, the eternal flame itself is colourless, it changes to the colour of the royal who uses it."
"Then that means- wait. Queen Irene was using you?!" Anton facepalmed.
"Precisely. But the thing is is that I couldn't resist. She said she would claim Aiko and kidnapped her to the Earth Nation and I couldn't let that happen" She took a breath. "Honestly I never loved Felix, I already have someone in mind. I only did it for Aiko's sake. I knew she didn't love Jisung. I couldn't do anything to break the marriage so I chose to break their love instead but that didn't work either."
"You're not that bad" Chan walked up to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. Claude smiled, "Aiko's my cousin, I'm not as greedy as Naoki." The three furrowed their eye brows.
"You didn't know?"

Hi sorry long chapter to compensate the three days I was away~
I hope you're enjoying this book❤️

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