Chapter One:

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Author's Note: I have not explicitly included ships, but instances of bromance and friend activity can be taken as such if you desire. Thanks for reading! It's my first fanfic! (ALSO: I kind of refer to Poultry Man as "the Eggman" for a long while. Sorry if it annoys you! This might be OOC... oopsie)

There was a scream from the streets below. A blonde, thin woman shielded her head with her arms, running from the figure flying in the sky. Her screams and cries for help echoed around the city, but the streets were dark and empty, for it seemed that every citizen was aware that it was not a safe time to be out at night.

Objects were flying past her, hitting the ground with great force that seemed to match how hard her heart was beating. Her hair that was previously in a bun was becoming undone and blowing in the cold wind. She was starting to sweat, but she just had to make it to the apartment only a few miles away and she would be safe.

Not too far above her, she could hear the flutter of wings. She willed her legs to go faster, but she feared that she would fall if they went any quicker. The apartment was so close! Just as she was about to reach the entrance, she felt something hard hit her in the center of her back. She lost her balance, and fell forward. The road scraped her arms, but the only thing she could feel in that moment was her heart drop. She heard the sound of feet landing on the ground and tried to pick herself up from where she has fallen. Again and again, objects were hitting her with enough force to leave bruises, and some sort of liquid was burning the cuts she just received from falling on the asphalt.

She made one last desperate attempt to run, but she found that she no longer had the strength to. She looked at the figure, who was slowing walking toward her. She screamed, and a haunting cackle from the figure was heard before the streets were silent once again.

Mumbo stood behind the police line, surveying the scene before him. Police were cleaning something up from off the streets, and a blonde woman sat on the edge of an ambulance, an officer seeming to question her. It seems that our villain has struck again, Mumbo thought to himself. He began to furiously scribble down observations on his notepad, intending to use them for his article in the paper late on. He looked up just in time to see Doc talking to other policemen. "Detective Doc!" Mumbo called to his friend. Doc looked away from the officers for a moment at Mumbo, then finished giving them an order before making his way to where the reporter stood. 

"Hey, man! I was wondering if there's anything you can tell me about what happened for my article. Is that woman okay?" Mumbo asked. Doc gave him a tired smile. "She's okay, just a little scraped up from falling down. As for what happened, it's the usual. Some person walking alone on the streets being pelted by freaking eggs and a flying figure getting a kick out of it. I swear, it's annoying having to be waken up by news of an idiot throwing eggs at people," Doc explained as he rubbed his temple. Mumbo raised his eyebrow. "I'm sure if he were an idiot, he would have been caught by you guys by now," he said. Doc frowned. "Come on, man. Give us a break! It is much harder than it looks," he said defensively. Mumbo patted the detective's shoulder. "Sorry, I didn't mean it that way! I just feel like this guy might be smarter than everyone is giving him credit for!"

"Smart people don't just go throwing eggs around at people, Mumbo."

"Yeah, but dumb people don't normally get away with it for this long. All I'm saying is that underestimating him might make him a bit harder to catch. You'll get him though," Mumbo reassured. Doc scoffed. "We'd better! I won't be able to even transfer to another city and be a police officer if word gets out that I can't solve something like this!" A police officer called to Doc, so the two had to depart. Mumbo walked away from the scene, still thinking about the city's villain and the stress his friend must have been going through. There's just something about this whole thing that seems off. What would throwing eggs at people do to benefit someone? Is it because he is crazy? Wouldn't a person that crazy have made a mistake by now, or snapped in the daytime? The villain only does his deeds at night, but its impossible to tell where he will strike during that time.

Suddenly, Mumbo had an idea. It was an incredibly stupid idea. If any of his friends learned of what he was thinking, they would surely call him a 'spoon'. However, it seemed that there was only one way to find out more about what was happening in his city. Mumbo had made up his mind in a split second that he was going to go through with his idea.
Mumbo was going to see this flying eggman for himself. 

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