Chapter Five

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Doc's mind was racing. What if I'm too late? What if the Eggman already got to Mumbo? Will I have to see him in some horrific state, or will he be okay? Doc could feel tears of worry and desperation playing on his eyes, yet they refused to escape. His eyes surveyed the crime scene as he ran toward it. The lack of an investigative Mumbo Jumbo made the beating of his heart in his ears even louder.

As he reached the police tape that was still up as a precaution, he heard a noise from somewhere above him. His right hand rested on top of his gun holster, prepared to draw it if necessary. He looked up and saw a figure on top of an office building, seemingly shouting. He quickly took a skeleton key from his pocket and unlocked the doors to the building, running up a flight of stairs to get to the top. He unlocked the door that led to the roof of the building, drew his gun, and prepared to open it. "This is HPD! I'm coming through!"

He opened the door, and almost felt himself collapse in relief. "Heyyyyyy, Doc. Um, I guess I'm lucky you found me! Thanks for that!" Mumbo waved nervously. Doc put his gun back into his holster and quickly pulled Mumbo into a hug. The reporter was surprised at first, but hugged back. Finally, Doc stepped back and crossed his arms angrily. "I know what you came out here to do. Did you really think it would be a good idea to come out here in the middle of the night just to meet some random guy who is dangerous?! You didn't even tell anyone where you were! What were you thinking, Mumbo?!"

Mumbo looked down at his feet. "Well I guess it might have been a little stupid." Doc was about to add on to his scolding, but decided to wait until they were in a better place than a rooftop. He sighed. "Come on. We're going back to your apartment." They headed back down through the empty building, re-locking all the doors. They walked along the streets in silence for a short while underneath Mumbo's umbrella.

"How did you even get up there?" Doc finally asked. Mumbo's eyes seemed to light up as he remembered the bizarre events that had taken place. "Well, I actually met him! He was definitely less scary looking up close. I got to ask him some things, but he didn't really tell me a lot. I actually got flown up there by him! I flew, Doc! It was super cool! Maybe Poultry Man isn't as bad as we thought." Doc tilted his head in confusion. "'Poultry Man'? Is that his name now?" Mumbo nodded.

The two continued walking until they reached the apartment building. They entered Mumbo's apartment, with Mumbo quickly heading to his room to find a safe place for his interview notes while Doc made himself comfortable on the couch. The detective sank into the cushions. "Are you good in there, Mumbo?" He asked more to reassure himself that Mumbo was safe than anything. "I'm alright! I'll be in there in a minute" Mumbo called back.

Doc closed his eye for a second; his mechanical eye also closing. He could almost feel himself start to drift off to sleep when Mumbo entered the living room with a blanket and a cup of tea. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up," he apologized. Doc took the offered items and sat up. "It's fine. Thanks for the stuff." He took a sip of the warm tea, immediately feeling calm and his body heating up. "I also have a t-shirt that I bought but was too big for me if you want it," Mumbo offered, and Doc nodded his head in response.

As Mumbo went to get him a change of clothes, Doc let out a tired sigh. He knew that Mumbo was being especially hospitable because the mustached man felt bad. I don't want him to feel guilty or anything, but I'm glad that he at least knows what he put me through tonight was wrong. I'm just grateful that he's okay. Being a detective allows you to experience a lot, but it doesn't prepare you for everything. Screw that 'Poultry Man' for sticking Mumbo on top of a freaking building with no way of getting down, though! Doc's expression grew angry as he looked into his tea cup. Mumbo says he might not be so dangerous, but he definitely is a jerk. I'm going to catch him. When I do, I might just show him how I really feel about him leaving Mumbo up there...

Mumbo returned to see Doc glaring at his tea. "Um, do you not like it, Doc? I can get you something else if you'd like." Doc looked up in surprise at Mumbo, then realized why he was asking. "Oh! Sorry! The tea is fine. I was just- Those clothes are for me right?" He gestured at the clothes in Mumbo's arms in hopes of changing the subject. "Yeah. These sweats might be a bit short on you since you are slightly taller than me, but you can adjust the waist at least to make it comfortable. I don't think I have any other bottoms that will fit you any better," Mumbo explained.

"They'll be fine. I really appreciate it, man," Doc responded, taking the clothes without hesitation and heading to the bathroom to change. Once he came out, he headed back to the couch where Mumbo was waiting for him. "Doc, I'm sorry for what happened tonight. I should've had more sense than that," Mumbo apologized, his eyes downcast. "It's okay, Mumbo."

"No it's not. I really shouldn't have made you worry or risk your safety for my poor decisions. Thanks for being a good friend and coming to help. This spoon would not have lasted half as long as I have without you." Doc sighed and smiled. "It's good, Mumbo. I guess I can't blame you for wanting to know more about Poultry Man. I'm excited to see what you write about. Maybe your information could help the police force. Next time you decide to go wandering around, though, take your phone with you." The two laughed, causing the tension in the room to dissipate.

After Doc had finished his tea, Mumbo stood and took the detective's cup to the kitchen. "I'm going to bed, now! You can help yourself to anything you need," Mumbo offered. "I'm going to go to bed, too. Goodnight, Mumbo," Doc called. "G'night, Doc!" Mumbo responded, and Doc heard the door to his friend's bedroom quietly close.

As he settled into a comfortable sleeping position, Doc thought about his statement from earlier. I really do hope that Mumbo found out something that can help us. I want to hurry up and catch Poultry Man before Mumbo gets himself into bigger trouble. Finally, Doc drifted off into a deep sleep, not hearing the flutter of wings leaving the top of the apartment building and away into the night. 

[Note!: Thanks for making it this far! I know it's a bit boring and OOC, but I plan on more adventure and such happening soon! Really appreciate ya. See you in chapter 6 hopefully]

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