Chapter Eight

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"Doc?! What are you- how did you know where we were?" Mumbo stammered. Doc did not take his eyes off Poultry Man. "What do you take me for, Mumbo? I obviously knew that you would try to find Poultry Man again, and find him you did," he smirked. Grian grit his teeth. And just when I thought everything might turn out alright, the chicken man thought bitterly.

Mumbo looked between Doc and Poultry Man, knowing that this was definitely not going to blow over well. In a flash, he was standing in front of the masked man, blocking Doc's shot. "Mumbo?! What the heck are you doing?! He's going to get away! Move!" As Doc stepped forward, gun still aimed, Poultry Man took the opportunity to jump off the side of the building and fell out of their sight.

Doc quickly ran forward, pushing Mumbo out of his way and peered down over the edge. The villain was nowhere to be seen. He growled and slammed his hand against the ledge in anger. He then turned to Mumbo, who was holding his shoulder as he lay on the floor in pain. "Mumbo, how could you let him go? I was finally going to catch him!"

"Doc... I'm sorry. I just felt like I couldn't let you catch him!" Doc pocketed his gun and threw his hands into the air. "What do you mean 'I couldn't let you catch him?'! He's a VILLAIN, Mumbo!!! He's been disrupting the peace, damaging property, hurting people whether intentionally or not! I could go on with how many laws he is breaking and how much damage he's already done! It is my job to catch him! I am still a detective!"

Doc grabbed Mumbo by his unhurt arm and forced him to stand. The detective reached into Mumbo's pocket and forcefully took out the stolen skeleton key from it. He let Mumbo go, and walked toward the rooftop door, silently signaling for Mumbo to go down as well. Mumbo did not move. "How could you, Doc? Maybe I could've... I still think he has the chance to change. It doesn't seem like he really, truly wants to be this way!" Doc gave a harsh laugh. "And you were going to be the one who became his friend and saved the day? This is reality. I can't believe you were only meeting him to chase this fantasy rather than actual investigation like I thought. I should just arrest you under the suspicion of assisting a criminal!" Mumbo looked down at his feet, still rubbing his shoulder where Doc could see a very small spot of blood going through the sleeve.

The detective sighed. "Luckily for you, I'm not going to do that. I'm furious with you Mumbo, but you're still my friend. And besides, I don't have any concrete evidence except my word anyway. We're going. Come on." Mumbo did not look at Doc as he made his way out of the building. This trip back to Mumbo's apartment had a lot more tension than the night Doc had saved him. Mumbo let his mind wander, as he didn't want to talk to his friend.

I really was just trying to investigate at first! Poultry Man is not as bad as they all think. I just wish they could see it like I do. Doc is right, though. I am getting myself into an awful lot of trouble for a person I don't even know. I was so desparate for answers that I stole from and endangered my friend, and I even endangered Poultry Man. I'm so stupid. I didn't mean for things to escalate this quickly... Mumbo was stirred from his thoughts as he realized that he was already at the door to his apartment with Doc crossing his arms, awaiting for Mumbo to open the door.

Mumbo fumbled for the key that was in his other pocket before unlocking the door and allowing the two of them to enter. "I'm staying over again. Don't bother looking for clothes. I'm just going to sleep in what I have. How's... Is your shoulder okay?" Mumbo silently lifted it, showing just a small scratch that had bled a little onto his polo shirt. Doc stepped closer, relaxing greatly as he saw that the injury was nothing serious at all. "It doesn't look so bad. Maybe wash it a little and put a bandaid on it. You'll be fine."

Doc grabbed a blanket from the closet and headed toward the couch when Mumbo spoke up. "You wouldn't have done it, right? You would never shoot me?" Doc quickly threw the blanket on the couch and grabbed Mumbo by the shoulders, mindful of the small cut. "Of course I wouldn't, man! Are you crazy? I would never shoot you. I'm... sorry, by the way, for pushing you out of my way. That was pretty uncool of me. I guess instincts told me to move you out of my line of fire in case I did have to shoot at Poultry Man. Get some rest, Mumbo." Doc walked away, and went to lie down on the couch. Mumbo gave a small smile. "Goodnight, Doc."

Mumbo closed the door to his bedroom, putting his back against it and sliding down into a sitting position. What am I doing? I don't even have a story to write about for the paper. I hope Poultry Man is okay. Mumbo felt a smile grow on his face as he thought about what the man in the chicken costume would say about the situation. "I'm glad I was able to egg-scape just in time!" Wow, Mumbo Jumbo, you are becoming just as bad as he is.

The mustached man went to the bathroom connected to his room and began washing his cut. He didn't bother with a bandaid. As he grabbed a small rag to dry the wet area, his attention was turned to his reflection. I look absolutely awful. My hair is dreadful! Why has nobody pointed this out yet? He took out a comb and for the first time in days, actually brushed his hair for longer than ten seconds. He went over each curl with the comb again and again until it began to regain it's soft and neat look. I mean, I am going to bed which is just going to mess it up again, but it's better than nothing.

After straightening up his face, hair and injury for a few minutes, Mumbo changed into more comfortable clothing and laid on his bed. As he stared at the ceiling, his mind tried to return to the conversation he had had with the winged man. What did we even talk about? I know he was telling me that he was looking for someone? Did he ever mention who? I don't think so. I'm sure I would've remembered something major like that. What else did he say? I suppose I've forgotten. That's quite unfortunate. I am, of course, going to have to stay away from him for awhile. Mumbo turned on his side, facing away from the window in his room. I don't want to risk Doc, or anyone for that matter, following me again and trying to get Poultry Man.

Mumbo closed his eyes and yawned. He slowly sank deeper and deeper into unconsciousness until he was in a deep and peaceful sleep.

A pair of dark eyes attempted to stare through the closed blinds. He's in there. I can't see him, but I know that he is in there. That must be Mumbo Jumbo. Detective Doc must be in there as well. I'm glad I finally found them. They're going to be very important to my plan. With one jump, the figure that had stood outside the window had leapt to the roof of the medium sized building across the street from them. It remained still as it looked at Mumbo's window from afar. Grian's done a good job of hiding himself, but I'm sad to find that he hasn't learned to do the same with his friends. My partner chose a terrible city for our plan, though. The figure looked up and turned slowly to look at the other buildings in the city. It shook it's head, disappointed. 

There's not a single rustic house in sight.


[Author's note: Thanks so much for the support so far! I know it's been an EXTREMELY slow start, but hopefully we can start kicking things into gear. I am having a really fun time writing this, and I hope you all feel the same way while reading. Now that one villain has entered the scene, things are really starting to get good >:) See you all in the next chapter!]

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